Characteristics of oil and gas generation, expelling and retention of coaly source rock
摘要: 针对煤系地层烃源岩的油气生成、排出与滞留能力的有效性问题,选取不同沉积环境、不同时代煤岩及其夹层中的碳质泥岩和泥岩,开展了在成岩作用下的高温高压半开放—半封闭体系模拟实验,建立了相应的演化模式。结果表明,不同沉积环境下,Ⅱ2型煤系烃源岩在生油窗内具有一定的排油能力,也具备较强的烃气生成能力,既可以作为油源岩,也是高效气源岩;而Ⅲ型煤系烃源岩在生油窗内主要以滞留油为主,基本不具备排油能力,主要以排出烃气为主,仅能作为气源岩。生烃转化率主要受控于有机质类型,排烃能力还受控于岩性与丰度,按单位质量岩石而论,煤岩远高于其夹层中的碳质泥岩与泥岩。煤岩在全演化阶段,无论是低阶煤还是高阶煤均具有较强的生成烃气能力和较高的滞留油气能力,都具有煤层气开发潜力。Abstract: To understand the effectiveness of hydrocarbon generation, expelling and retention capacities of coaly source rocks, carbonaceous mudstones and mudstones in coal layers and interlayers of different sedimentary environments and ages were selected to carry out the simulation experiments with a semi-open system operated at high tempera-ture and high pressure, and a corresponding model of evolution was established. With different depositional environments, the type Ⅱ2 coaly source rocks expelled oil in the oil generation window with gas generated. Therefore, they worked as source rocks for both of oil and gas. However, for the coaly source rocks of type Ⅲ kerogen, the generated oil was mainly retained during the oil generation window and basically did not expel. As a result, this type of source rock was regarded as source rocks of gas only. The conversion rate of hydrocarbon generation was mainly controlled by the type of organic matter, while the ability to expel hydrocarbons was controlled by lithology and organic matter abundance. For each unit mass of rock, coal rocks has much higher conversion rates than the carbonaceous mudstones and mudstones in their interlayers. In the full evolution stage of coal rock, both low-rank and high-rank coals had strong ability for hydrocarbon gas generation and oil-and-gas retention, which showed a good potential for coal bearing methane development.
表 1 样品基本地球化学参数
Table 1. Basic geochemical parameters of samples
样品号 岩性 层位 剖面 ω(TOC)/% 沥青“A”/% (S1+S2)/(mg·g-1) IH/(mg·g-1) 干酪根类型 Ro/% H煤 煤 C-P 黑岱沟煤矿 59.77 0.86 78.79 114 Ⅲ 0.56 W煤 煤 E 五图煤矿 50.76 0.67 131.75 259 Ⅱ2 0.47 Z碳泥 碳质泥岩 C-P 黑岱沟煤矿 23.29 0.12 18.39 79 Ⅲ 0.63 Z粉泥 黑色粉砂质泥岩 T 五图煤矿 2.22 0.17 6.89 254 Ⅱ2 0.52 表 2 煤系烃源岩生排烃模拟实验边界条件
Table 2. Boundary conditions of simulation experiment for hydrocarbon generation and expelling of coaly source rocks
模拟埋深/m 模拟温度/℃ 上覆静岩压力/MPa 流体压力/MPa 排烃压差/MPa H煤 W煤 Z碳泥 Z粉泥 H煤 W煤 Z碳泥 Z粉泥 H煤 W煤 Z碳泥 Z粉泥 1 100 200 26 13 2 1 350 225 32 16 3 1 650 250 40 40 40 20 20 20 3 3 3 1 800 265 43 22 4 1 900 275 46 46 23 23 4 4 2 150 300 52 52 52 52 26 26 26 26 4 4 4 4 2 350 315 56 28 5 2 400 320 58 58 29 29 5 5 2 500 330 60 30 5 2 600 340 62 62 31 31 5 5 2 700 350 65 65 32 32 5 5 2 850 360 68 34 6 2 950 370 71 35 6 3 000 375 72 36 6 3 050 380 73 73 37 37 6 6 3 150 390 76 38 6 3 250 400 78 78 78 39 39 39 7 7 7 3 400 415 82 41 7 3 450 420 83 83 41 41 7 7 3 600 430 86 43 7 3 800 450 91 91 46 46 8 8 3 900 460 94 47 8 4 350 500 104 104 104 52 52 52 9 9 9 -
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