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夏东领 伍岳 夏冬冬 郭秀娟 邹敏

夏东领, 伍岳, 夏冬冬, 郭秀娟, 邹敏. 鄂尔多斯盆地南缘红河油田长8致密油藏非均质性表征方法[J]. 石油实验地质, 2021, 43(4): 704-712. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202104704
引用本文: 夏东领, 伍岳, 夏冬冬, 郭秀娟, 邹敏. 鄂尔多斯盆地南缘红河油田长8致密油藏非均质性表征方法[J]. 石油实验地质, 2021, 43(4): 704-712. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202104704
XIA Dongling, WU Yue, XIA Dongdong, GUO Xiujuan, ZOU Min. Characterization method of heterogeneity for Chang 8 tight reservoir in Honghe oil field, southern margin of Ordos Basin[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2021, 43(4): 704-712. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202104704
Citation: XIA Dongling, WU Yue, XIA Dongdong, GUO Xiujuan, ZOU Min. Characterization method of heterogeneity for Chang 8 tight reservoir in Honghe oil field, southern margin of Ordos Basin[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2021, 43(4): 704-712. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202104704


doi: 10.11781/sysydz202104704

中国石化科技部项目 P17005-1


    夏东领(1973-), 男, 高级工程师, 从事致密油开发地质研究。E-mail: xiadl.syky@sinopec.com

  • 中图分类号: TE122.3

Characterization method of heterogeneity for Chang 8 tight reservoir in Honghe oil field, southern margin of Ordos Basin

  • 摘要: 鄂尔多斯盆地南缘红河油田长8致密油成藏条件异常复杂,地质“甜点”小而分散,油藏非均质性极强。以红河36井区为例,从影响油藏富集高产的主控因素出发,重点开展“储层质量、裂缝、含油性”三大强非均质性表征,再结合产能评价建立油藏非均质性综合表征模型,更客观地呈现油藏地质特征。从微观和宏观角度建立基质储层分类标准,探索沉积成岩共控储层发育机理,形成“沉积要素控制成岩相,成岩相控制储层质量”的储层非均质性表征方法,从而明确分类储层平面分布;基于不同级别断缝带对油气富集的控制作用,建立多尺度裂缝带分级方案,井震结合开展分级预测,定量表征米级到千米级裂缝带分布;以井点含油性分析为基础,结合油水分布模式,建立含油饱和度场,定量表征含油非均质性;在此基础上,叠加三大强非均质性表征结果,建立致密油藏非均质性综合评价模型,明确分类储量及开发目标分布。


  • 图  1  鄂尔多斯盆地南缘红河油田红河36井区构造特征

    Figure  1.  Structural characteristics of Honghe 36 well block in Honghe oil field, southern margin of Ordos Basin

    图  2  鄂尔多斯盆地南缘红河油田红河36井区孔隙类型和喉道相对占比

    Figure  2.  Pore types and relative proportion of throats in Honghe 36 well block, Honghe oil field, southern margin of Ordos Basin

    图  3  鄂尔多斯盆地南缘红河油田上三叠统延长组长8致密砂岩不同孔隙结构孔隙度—渗透率关系

    Figure  3.  Correlation between porosity and permeability of different pore structures of Chang 8 tight sandstone reservoir in Honghe oil field, southern margin of Ordos Basin

    图  4  鄂尔多斯盆地南缘红河油田红河36井区长8致密油藏成岩相及储层质量分类表征结果

    Figure  4.  Classification and characterization of diagenetic facies and reservoir quality of Chang 8 tight reservoir in Honghe 36 well block, Honghe oil field, southern margin of Ordos Basin

    图  5  鄂尔多斯盆地南缘红河油田红河36井区单井裂缝强度与累产液(a)和预测可采储量(b)关系

    Figure  5.  Correlation between fracture strength and cumulative liquid production (a) and predicted recoverable reserves (b) in Honghe 36 well block, Honghe oil field, southern margin of Ordos Basin

    图  6  鄂尔多斯盆地南缘红河油田长8致密储层裂缝密度与距离断层距离函数模型

    Figure  6.  Function model of fracture density and distance to fault of Chang 8 tight reservoir in Honghe oil field, southern margin of Ordos Basin

    图  7  鄂尔多斯盆地南缘红河油田红河36井区长8致密油藏多尺度裂缝带表征结果

    Figure  7.  Characterization results of multi-scale fracture zone in Chang 8 tight reservoir in Honghe 36 well block, Honghe oil field, southern margin of Ordos Basin

    图  8  鄂尔多斯盆地南缘红河油田长8致密油藏含油性差异成因模式

    Figure  8.  Genetic model of oil-bearing difference of Chang 8 tight reservoir in Honghe oil field, southern margin of Ordos Basin

    图  9  鄂尔多斯盆地南缘红河油田红河36井区长8致密油藏含油饱和度平面预测

    Figure  9.  Prediction of oil saturation of Chang 8 tight reservoir in Honghe 36 well block, Honghe oil field, southern margin of Ordos Basin

    图  10  鄂尔多斯盆地南缘红河油田红河36井区长8油藏分类评价

    Figure  10.  Classification of Chang 8 reservoir in Honghe 36 well block, Honghe oil field, southern margin of Ordos Basin

    表  1  鄂尔多斯盆地南缘红河油田长8致密砂岩基质储层质量分级标准

    Table  1.   Quality classification standard of Chang 8 tight sandstone reservoir in Honghe oil field, southern margin of Ordos Basin

    项目 Ⅰ类 Ⅱ类 Ⅲ类 Ⅳ类
    1 2
    孔隙结构类型 粒间孔—宽片状喉道 粒间孔—粒内孔—宽片状喉道;粒间孔—微孔隙群—宽片状喉道 粒间孔—窄片状喉道 粒内孔—微孔隙群—窄—极窄喉道 微孔隙群—极窄喉道
    储集参数 可动流体孔隙度/% > 7 3.5~7 3.5~7 3~5 < 3.5
    孔隙度/% >15 10~15 10~15 7~10 < 7
    渗流参数 主流喉道半径/μm > 1 0.5~1 0.5~1 < 0.5 < 0.5
    渗透率/10-3 μm2 > 1 0.5~1 0.3~0.5 0.1~0.3 < 0.1
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    表  2  鄂尔多斯盆地南缘红河油田长8致密储层多尺度裂缝分级方案

    Table  2.   Multi-scale fracture classification scheme of Chang 8 tight reservoir in Honghe oil field, southern margin of Ordos Basin

    裂缝带级别 与断层关系 基本特征 地震响应 钻录井响应
    大尺度裂缝带 3级以上断层(断距大于20 m)及伴(派)生裂缝带 平面延伸长度为千米级,延展宽度为数十米至百米级,纵向切割断层 杂乱空白反射带、弱振幅带 井漏、溢流、垮塌、气测异常
    中尺度裂缝带 亚断层(断距10~20 m)及伴(派)生裂缝带 平面延伸长度为数十米至百米级,延展宽度为米级至十米级,纵向受隔层控制 杂乱空白反射带、弱振幅带 井漏、溢流、垮塌、气测异常
    小尺度裂缝带 裂缝密集带(断距小于10 m) 平面上延伸长度为米级至十米级,延展宽度为米级 无明显响应 气测异常,无明显井漏
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    表  3  鄂尔多斯盆地南缘红河油田长8致密油藏分类评价方案

    Table  3.   Classification scheme of Chang 8 tight reservoir in Honghe oil field, southern margin of Ordos Basin

    类别 油藏综合评价 产能评价
    基质储层参数 裂缝参数 含油性参数 初期产油/(t·d-1) 稳定含水/% 单井可采储量/104 t
    储层质量 砂厚/m 分选系数 孔隙度/% 渗透率/10-3 μm2 主流喉道半径/μm 级别 裂缝带长度/km 断层断距/m 含油饱和度/%
    一类 Ⅰ或Ⅱ类 > 10 2~3 > 9 > 0.3 > 0.5 < 2.5 10~20 > 50 > 10 < 40 > 0.6
    二类 Ⅰ或Ⅱ类 > 10 2~3 > 9 > 0.3 > 0.5 < 2.5 < 10 40~50 3~10 40~75 0.2~0.6
    三类 Ⅲ类 7~10 1.5~4 7~9 0.1~0.3 < 0.5 裂缝不发育 < 40 < 3 > 75 < 0.2
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