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姚红生 昝灵 高玉巧 花彩霞 余文端 骆卫峰 马晓东

姚红生, 昝灵, 高玉巧, 花彩霞, 余文端, 骆卫峰, 马晓东. 苏北盆地溱潼凹陷古近系阜宁组二段页岩油富集高产主控因素与勘探重大突破[J]. 石油实验地质, 2021, 43(5): 776-783. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202105776
引用本文: 姚红生, 昝灵, 高玉巧, 花彩霞, 余文端, 骆卫峰, 马晓东. 苏北盆地溱潼凹陷古近系阜宁组二段页岩油富集高产主控因素与勘探重大突破[J]. 石油实验地质, 2021, 43(5): 776-783. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202105776
YAO Hongsheng, ZAN Ling, GAO Yuqiao, HUA Caixia, YU Wenduan, LUO Weifeng, MA Xiaodong. Main controlling factors for the enrichment of shale oil and significant discovery in second member of Paleogene Funing Formation, Qintong Sag, Subei Basin[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2021, 43(5): 776-783. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202105776
Citation: YAO Hongsheng, ZAN Ling, GAO Yuqiao, HUA Caixia, YU Wenduan, LUO Weifeng, MA Xiaodong. Main controlling factors for the enrichment of shale oil and significant discovery in second member of Paleogene Funing Formation, Qintong Sag, Subei Basin[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2021, 43(5): 776-783. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202105776


doi: 10.11781/sysydz202105776

中国石化科技部项目“东部断陷盆地页岩油目标评价与先导试验” P20049-3


    姚红生(1968-), 男, 教授级高级工程师, 从事油气田开发、企业管理。E-mail: yaohs.hdsj@sinopec.com

  • 中图分类号: TE132.8

Main controlling factors for the enrichment of shale oil and significant discovery in second member of Paleogene Funing Formation, Qintong Sag, Subei Basin

  • 摘要: 在对苏北盆地溱潼凹陷古近系阜宁组二段泥页岩生烃特征、含油性、储集性研究的基础上,剖析页岩油富集的主控因素。溱潼凹陷阜二段泥页岩厚度大、有机碳含量(TOC)中等,具备页岩油富集的物质基础。深凹带阜二段泥页岩镜质体反射率(Ro)为0.9%~1.0%,热演化程度适中,页岩油具有轻烃和气测全烃值高、流动性好的特点;断层不发育,保存条件好,地层压力高,有利于富集高产;脆性矿物含量较高,纹层和天然裂缝发育,可压性好。连续性大面积分布的优质泥页岩是油气富集的基础,保存条件是成藏的关键,热演化程度是含油性的决定因素,异常高压、纹层发育和较高脆性矿物是高产的重要因素。沙垛地区SD1井阜二段页岩油具有低TOC(1%)、低气油比(40~80 m3/t)、高异常压力(1.25 MPa)的特征,该井的成功开发,降低了陆相页岩油评价标准的门限,拓展了页岩油的发展空间。


  • 图  1  苏北盆地溱潼凹陷阜宁组二段页岩油综合评价

    Figure  1.  Comprehensive evaluation of shale oil in second member of Paleogene Funing Formation, Qintong Sag, Subei Basin

    图  2  苏北盆地溱潼凹陷阜宁组二段综合柱状图

    Figure  2.  Comprehensive bar chart of second member of Paleogene Funing Formation, Qintong Sag, Subei Basin

    图  3  苏北盆地溱潼凹陷阜二段有机质类型分布

    Figure  3.  Organic matter type distribution of second member of Paleogene Funing Formation, Qintong Sag, Subei Basin

    图  4  苏北盆地溱潼凹陷阜宁组二段泥页岩储集空间特征(扫描电镜及薄片)

    Figure  4.  Pore structure of mud shale in second member of Paleogene Funing Formation, Qintong Sag, Subei Basin

    图  5  苏北盆地溱潼凹陷阜宁组泥页岩含油饱和度指数(OSI)随深度变化趋势

    Figure  5.  Variation trend of oil saturation index with depth of shale in Paleogene Funing Formation, Qintong Sag, Subei Basin

    图  6  苏北盆地溱潼凹陷过SD1井地震剖面

    Figure  6.  Seismic profile through well SD1, Qintong Sag, Subei Basin

    图  7  苏北盆地溱潼凹陷深凹带阜宁组二段烃源岩热演化史

    Figure  7.  Thermal evolution history of source rocks in second member of Paleogene Funing Formation in deep subsag of Qintong Sag, Subei Basin

    图  8  苏北盆地溱潼凹陷富有机质纹层状泥岩测井图

    Figure  8.  Imaging log of organic-rich laminated mudstone in Qintong Sag, Subei Basin

    图  9  苏北盆地溱潼凹陷阜宁组二段不同岩相泥页岩岩心特征

    Figure  9.  Core characteristics of shale with different lithofacies in second member of Paleogene Funing Formation, Qintong Sag, Subei Basin

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