Evaluating the connectivity of shale gas wells by new rare element tracers
摘要: 选取了3种在地层和压裂液中含量低、环保、稳定的稀土元素Pr、Yb、Sm与乙二胺四乙酸和吡啶二羧酸形成络合物,然后将其作为示踪剂应用于页岩气井连通性评价。在中国石化涪陵页岩气田焦页66号扩平台井组的中部气层两口井(焦页66-Z1HF和焦页66-Z2HF)中注入微量元素示踪剂,通过监测注入示踪剂井及其邻井返排液中是否有微量元素示踪剂来评估焦页66号扩平台压后连通性,进而探讨涪陵页岩气田下部、中部、上部气层立体开发的可行性。返排液监测结果显示,焦页66-Z1HF井偶见高含量Sm元素示踪剂(焦页66-Z2HF井注入剂),表明两口中部气层井间可能存在连通;下部气层监测井未见Pr,Yb,Sm浓度异常,说明其与中部气层未发生连通;上部气层监测井焦页5-S2井和焦页5-S3井返排液混样中监测到了高浓度Sm元素示踪剂,表明其与中部气层存在连通。研究初步验证了微量元素示踪技术是一项简单、有效的页岩气井连通性评价的示踪技术,可以方便、高效地判断页岩气井的井间连通情况,具有广阔的应用前景。Abstract: Three types of rare earth elements, Pr, Yb and Sm, in shale gas well and fracturing fluid, which showed a low content and are environmentally friendly and chemically stable, formed complexes with ethylenediamine tetra-acetic acid and di-picolinic acid, both of which were applied as tracers in the determination of the connectivity of shale gas wells. A case study was made in two shale gas wells (Jiaoye 66-Z1HF and Jiaoye 66-Z2HF) of the middle gas reservoir in the Jiaoye No. 66 extended platform well group in the Fuling shale gas field of SINOPEC. We first injected rare element tracer into the wells, and then evaluated the connectivity of the Jiaoye No. 66 extended platform after fracuring by monitoring whether there was rare element tracer in the tracer-injected wells and the flow-back fluid from adjacent wells, and finally discussed the feasibility of three-dimensional development of the lower, middle and upper gas layers of the Fuling shale gas field. The results of flow-back fluid monitoring showed that a high content of Sm tracer, which had been injected into well Jiaoye 66-Z2HF, was occasionally found in well Jiaoye 66-Z1HF, indicating that there might be a connection between the middle gas layers of the two wells. There is no abnormal Pr, Yb or Sm concentrations in the monitoring wells of the lower gas layers, indicating that they were not connected with the central gas layers. A high concentration of Sm tracer was detected in the mixed back-flow fluid samples of wells Jiaoye 5-S2 and Jiaoye 5-S3 in the upper gas layer, indicating that they were connected to the central gas layers. The present investigation has verified that rare element tracer technology is a facile and effective method for the connection determination between shale gas wells and has broad application prospects.
Key words:
- rare elements /
- tracer /
- shale gas well /
- connectivity
表 1 重庆涪陵页岩气田焦页66-Z1HF井和焦页66-Z2HF井与邻井空间距离
Table 1. Distance between wells Jiaoye 66-Z1HF and Jiaoye 66-Z2HF and their neighboring wells, Fuling shale gas field, Chongqing
注入井 空间位置 取样监测井 井距/m 焦页
66-Z1HF上部气层 焦页5-S3HF 443 焦页5-S2HF 722 中部气层 焦页66-Z2HF 304 下部气层 焦页66-3HF 153 焦页66-4HF 501 焦页12-4HF 170 焦页5-2HF 775 焦页6-1HF 781 焦页
66-Z2HF上部气层 焦页5-S3HF 119 焦页5-S2HF 471 中部气层 焦页66-Z1HF 304 下部气层 焦页66-3HF 151 焦页66-4HF 201 焦页12-4HF 474 焦页5-2HF 471 焦页6-1HF 477 表 2 重庆涪陵页岩气田焦页66-Z1HF井和焦页66-Z2HF井微量示踪剂注入段号及用量
Table 2. Rare element tracers used in wells Jiaoye 66-Z1HF and Jiaoye 66-Z2HF, Fuling shale gas field, Chongqing
井号 焦页66-Z1HF 焦页66-Z2HF 注入段号 2 9 17 24 2 7 12 18 25 起始井深/m 4 481 3 969 3 463 3 022 4 321 4 021 3 661 3 301 2 885 终止井深/m 4 523 4 033 3 526 3 085 4 354 4 081 3 721 3 361 2 945 穿行层位 ⑤下 ④上 ⑤下 ⑤下 ⑤下 ⑤下 ④上 ⑤下 ⑤上 示踪剂类型 AL AL BL BL CL CL CL CL CL 用量/m3 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.3 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 实际浓度/(mg·L-1) 9.31 11.66 17.64 21.70 28.46 26.16 28.66 29.54 31.14 注:A,B,C分别代表Pr,Yb,Sm;L代表乙二胺四乙酸+吡啶二羧酸。 -
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