Reconstruction of tectonic-burial evolution history of Sinian Dengying Formation in Sichuan Basin based on the constraints of in-situ laser ablation U-Pb date and clumped isotopic thermometer(Δ47)
摘要: 目的层系构造-埋藏史曲线对成烃、成储和成藏史的研究有着非常重要的作用。前人基于区域地质背景、地层剥蚀厚度、构造运动幕次等地质认识恢复的构造-埋藏史,因构造运动幕次认识的不同,地层剥蚀厚度难以恢复,存在不确定性,尤其是经历多旋回构造运动改造的中国海相碳酸盐岩构造-埋藏史的重建。通过四川盆地震旦系灯影组镜下多期次碳酸盐胶结物的识别和成岩序列的建立、碳酸盐矿物U-Pb同位素测年和团簇同位素(Δ47)测温两项技术的应用,取得两项成果认识:(1)建立了四川盆地震旦系灯影组基于同位素年龄和Δ47温度约束的构造-埋藏史曲线,解决了前人基于区域地质背景、地层剥蚀厚度和构造运动幕次等地质认识约束的构造-埋藏史曲线不确定性的问题;(2)基于同位素年龄和Δ47温度约束的构造-埋藏史曲线,重新认识了灯影组气藏的成烃、成储和成藏史,指出该气藏经历了志留纪石油聚集、二叠纪石油聚集、燕山-喜马拉雅期天然气持续聚集和调整3个阶段。该案例揭示基于同位素年龄和Δ47温度约束的构造-埋藏史恢复方法不但适用于经历多旋回构造改造的深层碳酸盐岩构造-埋藏史重建,而且在成烃、成储和成藏研究中具重要的应用价值。Abstract: Reliable evolution curve of tectonic-burial history is essential for the research of the source rock evolution, reservoir formation and hydrocarbon accumulation of target strata of basin. Previous publications reported the tectonic-burial evolution history curves established depending on regional geological setting, formation (denuded) thickness, and tectonic movements, which were uncertain due to the difference in such geological understandings. For the ancient marine carbonates in China, which have experienced multiple tectonic movement reformation, it is more difficult to reconstruct tectonic-burial evolution history. In this paper, based on the identification of carbonate cements and the establishment of diagenetic sequence, through coupling carbonate laser ablation U-Pb dating and clumped isotope (Δ47) thermometer, two understandings were proposed: (1) The tectonic-burial curves of the Sinian Dengying Formation in the Sichuan Basin were established under the constraints of absolute age and temperature, which avoided the problems of uncertainty of tectonic-burial history curves in previous studies; (2) The new tectonic-burial history curve provided critical reference for study on the source rock evolution, reservoir origin and hydrocarbon accumulation of the Sinian Dengying Formation of the Sichuan Basin, revealing three stages of hydrocarbon accumulation in the Dengying gas reservoir including Silurian, Permian and Yanshanian-Himalayan periods. The proposed method of reconstructing tectonic-burial evolution curve is not only suitable for the ancient marine carbonates which experienced multiple tectonic movement reformation, but is also promising for the study of source rock evolution, reservoir origin and hydrocarbon accumulation.
图 2 四川盆地震旦系灯影组沉积成岩组构特征和产状
a.充填溶蚀孔洞的胶结物,分别为围岩、放射状白云石、粗晶—鞍状白云石,灯影组二段,磨溪22井,5 418.70 m;b.充填溶蚀孔洞的胶结物,分别为放射状白云石、纹层状白云石、细中晶白云石,峨边先锋剖面,灯影组二段;c.充填溶蚀孔洞的粗晶—鞍状白云石、石英和沥青,灯影组二段,磨溪9井,5 422.10 m;d.充填溶蚀孔洞的同心环边状白云石、粗晶—鞍状白云石,峨边先锋剖面,灯影组二段;e.裂缝中充填的粗晶—鞍状白云石,灯影组四段,高石1,4 985.00 m;f.裂缝中充填的粗晶—鞍状白云石,灯影组二段,磨溪9井,5 422.10 m;g.充填孔洞的同心环边状白云石、细中晶白云石,旺昌鼓城剖面,灯影组二段;h.充填孔隙的细中晶白云石,灯影组二段,高石6井,5 363.04 m;i.充填裂缝和孔洞的同心环边状白云石、细中晶白云石、粗晶—鞍状白云石,南江杨坝剖面,灯影组二段
Figure 2. Sedimentary diagenetic characteristics and occurrence of Sinian Dengying Formation, Sichuan Basin
图 3 四川盆地震旦系灯影组二段不同沉积成岩组构U-Pb同位素年龄
a.藻纹层白云石,鼓城剖面,样品号GC-Z2dn2-B3,围岩,Δ47温度为49 ℃;b.充填孔洞的同心环边状白云石,先锋剖面, 样品号XF-Z2dn2-S5,Δ47温度为51 ℃;c.充填孔洞的放射状白云石,先锋剖面,样品号XF-Z2dn2-S4,Δ47温度为100 ℃;d.充填孔洞的纹层状白云石,先锋剖面,样品号XF-Z2dn2-S4,Δ47温度为110 ℃;e.充填裂缝的粗晶—鞍状白云石Ⅰ,磨溪22井,样品号MX22-Z2dn2-4,Δ47温度为125℃;f.充填孔洞的细中晶白云石, 高石6井,样品号GS6-Z2dn2-B3,Δ47温度为163 ℃;g.充填孔洞的粗晶—鞍状白云石Ⅰ,鼓城剖面, 样品号GC-Z2dn2-B5,Δ47温度为143 ℃;h.充填孔洞的粗晶—鞍状白云石Ⅱ,鼓城剖面,样品号GC-Z2dn2-B3,Δ47温度为250 ℃;i.充填孔洞的粗晶—鞍状白云石Ⅲ,磨溪9井,样品号MX9-Z2dn2-1,Δ47温度为213 ℃
Figure 3. U-Pb isotopic dating of different sedimentary diagenetic fabrics in second member of Sinian Dengying Formation, Sichuan Basin
图 5 川中古隆起震旦系灯影组油气成藏史重建
Figure 5. Reconstruction of oil and gas accumulation history of Sinian Dengying Formation in the central Sichuan paleo-uplift
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