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房忱琛 翟佳 胡国艺 龚德瑜

房忱琛, 翟佳, 胡国艺, 龚德瑜. 凝析油中金刚烷类和硫代金刚烷类化合物同步检测方法及地质意义——以塔里木盆地塔中地区凝析油为例[J]. 石油实验地质, 2021, 43(5): 906-914. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202105906
引用本文: 房忱琛, 翟佳, 胡国艺, 龚德瑜. 凝析油中金刚烷类和硫代金刚烷类化合物同步检测方法及地质意义——以塔里木盆地塔中地区凝析油为例[J]. 石油实验地质, 2021, 43(5): 906-914. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202105906
FANG Chenchen, ZHAI Jia, HU Guoyi, GONG Deyu. A simultaneous determination method for diamondoids and thiadiamondoids in condensate oil and its geological significance: taking condensate oil from central Tarim Basin as an example[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2021, 43(5): 906-914. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202105906
Citation: FANG Chenchen, ZHAI Jia, HU Guoyi, GONG Deyu. A simultaneous determination method for diamondoids and thiadiamondoids in condensate oil and its geological significance: taking condensate oil from central Tarim Basin as an example[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2021, 43(5): 906-914. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202105906


doi: 10.11781/sysydz202105906

国家自然科学基金 41503044

国家自然科学基金 41802177


    房忱琛(1985-), 女, 博士, 高级工程师, 从事油气地球化学研究。E-mail: fangchenchen@petrochina.com.cn


    胡国艺(1969-), 男, 博士, 教授级高级工程师, 从事油气地球化学研究。E-mail: huguoyi69@petrochina.com.cn

  • 中图分类号: TE135

A simultaneous determination method for diamondoids and thiadiamondoids in condensate oil and its geological significance: taking condensate oil from central Tarim Basin as an example

  • 摘要: 原油中的金刚烷类和硫代金刚烷类化合物具有相似的类金刚石笼状结构,可以反映地质过程中的热裂解作用和热化学硫酸盐还原反应(TSR)作用,因此两者的同步检出,不仅可以提高样品的分析测试效率和硫代金刚烷类化合物的定量结果准确性,还可以为样品提供更加可靠和广泛的地球化学分析解释。该文利用气相色谱-三重四级杆串联质谱仪(GC-MS-MS),确定了目标化合物的母离子和子离子、扫描时间、碰撞能等仪器参数,建立了塔里木盆地塔中地区凝析油中金刚烷类化合物和硫代金刚烷类化合物的同步定量检测方法,并通过定量检测结果发现,塔中地区金刚烷类化合物的含量虽有差异,但是成熟度相近,都处于过成熟阶段,且部分样品曾经历过TSR作用。


  • 图  1  塔里木盆地塔中地区样品TZ103中单金刚烷类化合物(a)、双金刚烷类化合物(b)、2-硫代单金刚烷类化合物(c)的色谱图

    图中峰号代表的化合物见表 3

    Figure  1.  Chromatograms of adamantanes (a), diamantanes (b) and thiaadamantanes (c) in sample TZ103 from central Tarim Basin

    图  2  塔里木盆地塔中地区凝析油样品中金刚烷类化合物的浓度

    Figure  2.  Concentration of diamondoid compounds in condensate oil samples from central Tarim Basin

    图  3  塔里木盆地塔中地区凝析油样品中的金刚烷参数

    Figure  3.  Diamondoid parameters of condensate oil samples from central Tarim Basin

    图  4  塔里木盆地塔中地区凝析油样品中单金刚烷类化合物浓度和双金刚烷类化合物浓度(a)、硫代单金刚烷类化合物浓度(b)的关系

    Figure  4.  Correlation between the concentration of adamantanes and diamantanes (a) and thiaadamantanes (b) of condensate oil samples from central Tarim Basin

    表  1  塔里木盆地塔中地区凝析油样品基本信息

    Table  1.   Basic information of condensate oil samples from central Tarim Basin

    井号 层位 井深/m 密度/(kg·m-3) 黏度/(mm2·s-1) 含硫量/(mg·L-1)
    TZ103 C 3 755.0~3 756.5 835.76 2.483 2 380
    TZ83-3 O1y 5 580.00~5 648.53 807.57 3.041 2 420
    TZ86 O 6 273~6 320 820.75 4.530 3 170
    TZ451 C 6 090.50~6 297.62 802.86 2.743 1 350
    TZ823 5 369~5 490 824.77 5.032 1 750
    TZ82-1H O1y 5 247.36~6 280.00 809.01 3.270 1 470
    TZ162 O 5 048~5 070 835.38 3.851 1 440
    玛4-H4 O 2 086~2 840 785.81 1.103 2 240
    TZ62-H14 O3z 4 764~5 163 789.82 1.959 1 160
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    表  2  金刚烷类化合物及硫代金刚烷类化合物同时检测的参数设置

    Table  2.   Parameter setting for simultaneous detection of diamondoids and thiadiamondoids

    片段 时长/min 扫描时间/s 母离子(m/z) 子离子(m/z) 碰撞能/V
    1 16.5 0.500 136 93.2 13
    2 0.70 0.500 150 135 6
    3 0.60 0.500 164 149 6
    4 1.60 0.250 178 163 6
    192 177 6
    5 0.60 0.500 150 135 9
    6 1.60 0.150 164 149 8
    178 163 6
    196.4 82.1 5
    7 0.50 0.500 164 149 6
    8 2.90 0.100 164 149 6
    164 135 6
    178 163 6
    178 149 6
    192 177 6
    192 163 6
    9 1.15 0.050 192 177 6
    154 79 13
    168 93 6
    182 93 6
    196 107 6
    10 9.65 0.050 168 93 6
    182 93 6
    196 107 6
    210 121 6
    11 9.20 0.100 188.1 131.3 13
    202 187 6
    216 201 6
    230 215 6
    260.7 82.1 7
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    表  3  图 1中目标化合物的基本信息

    Table  3.   Basic information of target compounds in Fig. 1

    峰号 化合物 分子式 英文名称 缩写
    1 单金刚烷 C10H16 adamantane A
    2 1-甲基单金刚烷 C11H18 1-methyladamantane 1-MA
    3 1, 3-二甲基单金刚烷 C12H20 1, 3-dimethyladamantane 1, 3-DMA
    4 1, 3, 5-三甲基单金刚烷 C13H22 1, 3, 5-trimethyladamantane 1, 3, 5-TMA
    5 1, 3, 5, 7-四甲基单金刚烷 C14H24 1, 3, 5, 7-tetramethyladamantane 1, 3, 5, 7-TeMA
    6 2-甲基单金刚烷 C11H18 2-methyladamantane 2-MA
    7 1, 4-二甲基单金刚烷(顺式) C12H20 1, 4-dimethyladamantane(cis) 1, 4-DMA(cis)
    8 1, 4-二甲基单金刚烷(反式) C12H20 1, 4-dimethyladamantane(trans) 1, 4-DMA(trans)
    9 1, 3, 6-三甲基单金刚烷 C13H22 1, 3, 6-trimethyladamantane 1, 3, 6-TMA
    10 1, 2-二甲基单金刚烷 C12H20 1, 2-dimethyladamantane 1, 2-DMA
    11 1, 3, 4-三甲基单金刚烷(顺式) C13H22 1, 3, 4-trimethyladamantane(cis) 1, 3, 4-TMA(cis)
    12 1, 3, 4-三甲基单金刚烷(反式) C13H22 1, 3, 4-trimethyladamantane(trans) 1, 3, 4-TMA(trans)
    13 1, 2, 5, 7-四甲基单金刚烷 C14H24 1, 2, 5, 7-tetramethyladamantane 1, 2, 5, 7-TeMA
    14 1-乙基单金刚烷 C12H20 1-ethyladamantane 1-EA
    15 2, 6-+2, 4-二甲基单金刚烷 C12H20 2, 6+2, 4-dimethyladamantane 2, 6+2, 4-DMA
    16 1-乙基-3-甲基单金刚烷 C13H22 1-E-3-methyladamantane 1-E-3-MA
    17 1, 2, 3 -三甲基单金刚烷 C13H22 1, 2, 3-trimethyladamantane 1, 2, 3-TMA
    18 1-乙基-3, 5-二甲基单金刚烷 C14H24 1-E-3, 5-dimethyladamantane 1-E-3, 5-DMA
    19 2-乙基单金刚烷 C12H20 2-ethyladamantane 2-EA
    20 1, 3, 5, 6-四甲基单金刚烷 C14H24 1, 3, 5, 6-tetramethyladamantane 1, 3, 5, 6-TeMA
    21 1, 2, 3, 5-四甲基单金刚烷 C14H24 1, 2, 3, 5, -tetramethyladamantane 1, 2, 3, 5-TeMA
    22 1-乙基-3, 5, 7-三甲基双金刚烷 C15H26 1-E-3, 5, 7-trimethyladamantane 1-E-3, 5, 7-TMA
    23 双金刚烷 C14H20 diamantane D
    24 4-甲基双金刚烷 C15H22 4-methyldiamantane 4-MD
    25 4, 9-二甲基双金刚烷 C16H24 4, 9-dimethyldiamantane 4, 9-DMD
    26 1-甲基双金刚烷 C15H22 1-methyldiamantane 1-MD
    27 1, 4-+2, 4-二甲基双金刚烷 C16H24 1, 4+2, 4-dimethyldiamantane 1, 4+2, 4-DMD
    28 4, 8-二甲基双金刚烷 C16H24 4, 8-dimethyldiamantane 4, 8-DMD
    29 1, 4, 9-三甲基双金刚烷 C17H26 1, 4, 9-trimethyldiamantane 1, 4, 9-TMD
    30 3-甲基双金刚烷 C15H22 3-methyldiamantane 3-MD
    31 3, 4-二甲基双金刚烷 C16H24 3, 4-dimethyldiamantane 3, 4-DMD
    32 3, 4, 9-三甲基双金刚烷 C16H24 3, 4, 9-trimethyldiamantane 3, 4, 9-TMD
    33 2-硫代单金刚烷 C9H14S 2-thiaadamantane TA
    34 5-甲基-2-硫代单金刚烷 C10H16S 5-methyl-2-thiaadamantane 5-MTA
    35 1-甲基-2-硫代单金刚烷 C10H16S 1-methyl-2-thiaadamantane 1-MTA
    36 5, 7-二甲基-2-硫代单金刚烷 C10H16S 5, 7-dimethyl-2-thiaadamantane 5, 7-DMTA
    37 1, 5-二甲基-2-硫代单金刚烷 C11H18S 1, 5-dimethyl-2-thiaadamantane 1, 5-DMTA
    38 1, 3-二甲基-2-硫代单金刚烷 C11H18S 1, 3-dimethyl-2-thiaadamantane 1, 3-DMTA
    39 3, 5, 7-三甲基-2-硫代单金刚烷 C12H20S 3, 5, 7-trimethyl-2-thiaadamantane 3, 5, 7-TMTA
    40 1, 5, 7-三甲基-2-硫代单金刚烷 C12H20S 1, 5, 7-trimethyl-2-thiaadamantane 1, 5, 7-TMTA
    41 1, 3, 7-三甲基-2-硫代单金刚烷 C12H20S 1, 3, 7-trimethyl-2-thiaadamantane 1, 3, 7-TMTA
    42 1, 3, 5-三甲基-2-硫代单金刚烷 C12H20S 1, 3, 5-trimethyl-2-thiaadamantane 1, 3, 5-TMTA
    43 1, 3, 5, 7-四甲基-2-硫代单金刚烷 C13H22S 1, 3, 5, 7-tetramethyl-2-thiaadamantane 1, 3, 5, 7-TeMTA
    44~48 四甲基-2-硫代单金刚烷 C13H22S tetramethyl-2-thiaadamantanes TeMTAs
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  • 收稿日期:  2021-07-12
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