Main controlling factors and exploration direction of Permian to Triassic reservior in the central sag of Junggar Basin
摘要: 准噶尔盆地近年在中央坳陷边缘斜坡区二叠系上乌尔禾组、三叠系百口泉组连续获得重大油气发现,但盆地中部凹陷区针对该领域的钻探仅2口井获低产而多口井目的层未见油气显示,因此亟需深化该地区的油气成藏认识,明确其主控因素。通过对中部凹陷区成藏条件的分析,结合已钻井成藏分析,明确凹陷区失利井未获油气发现的直接原因为局部“通源断裂”不发育和储层物性差。基于此,建立了凹陷区二叠系—三叠系油气藏“通源断裂”、“优质砂体”二元控藏的下生上储成藏模式。根据“通源断裂”与砂体的配置关系,明确地层超覆背景下的上乌尔禾组、百口泉组低位扇三角洲前缘砂体岩性油气藏是下步风险勘探的首选领域,有利区面积约3 600 km2;中—下二叠统烃源岩层系内的非常规油气和源外多层系常规油气综合勘探是未来主要勘探方向。Abstract: In recent years, significant oil and gas discoveries have been achieved in the Permian Upper Wuerhe Formation and the Triassic Baikouquan Formation on the marginal slope of oil generation sag, Junggar Basin. However, in the central sag of the basin, no oil or gas show has been discovered in target formations, and low production has been made only by two wells. As a result, it is necessary to deepen the understanding of the mechanisms of oil and gas accumulation and clarify the main controlling factors. The analyses of the accumulation conditions in the central sag and some wells show that the direct reason for the failure to find oil and gas in the sag is the lack of local source-connecting faults and poor reservoir properties. An accumulation model with source in the lower section and reservoir in the upper section controlled by both source-connecting faults and favorable sand bodies was established for the Permian and Triassic strata in the sag. The sandbody lithologic reservoirs of fan-delta front subfacies in the Upper Wuerhe and Baikouquan formations under the background of stratigraphic overlap are the primary direction of exploration, covering an area about 3 600 km2. The comprehensive exploration of unconventional oil and gas in the Middle-Lower Permian source rocks and conventional oil and gas in multiple layers outside the source area should be targeted.
图 1 准噶尔盆地构造区划与研究区位置
Figure 1. Tectonic units of Junggar Basin and location of study area
图 2 准噶尔盆地西部金龙35—金探1—沙15井上二叠统上乌尔禾组储层沉积模式
剖面位置见图 1。
Figure 2. Depositional model of Upper Wuerhe Formation in Upper Permian crossing wells Jinlong 35, Jintan 1 and Sha 15, western Junggar Basin
表 1 准噶尔盆地中部凹陷区二叠系—三叠系已钻井钻探结果统计
Table 1. Drilling results in Permian-Triassic in central sag area of Junggar Basin
凹陷 井名 主探目的层 完钻层位 二叠系—三叠系录井显示 二叠系—三叠系综合解释 二叠系—三叠系试油层及结果 部署年份 盆1井西 庄2 T1b T1b 无 无 未试油 2003 沙12 T1b P3w T1b一级荧光 T1b油层4.8 m/2层 未试油 2015 沙15 T1b,P3w P2w 无 T3b差油层,T2k气水同层 T2k试油未见油气 2018 东道海子 成6 P3w,T1b P2w T3b荧光,T2k、P2w一级荧光 T3b油水同层,T2k油层,P2w气层、差气层 P3w峰值气100 m3/d;P2w日产气4 000 m3左右,峰值3.4×104 m3/d;T2k待试 2019 沙湾 征10 P3w P2w T3b、T1b、P3w见显示 T3b、T1b、P3w解释气层31.8 m P3w日产油1 m3、气600 m3,峰值油13 m3、气4.1×104 m3,试油未完 2020 阜康 董深1 P3w,P2w 正钻 2021 表 2 准噶尔盆地中部凹陷区烃源岩指标统计
Table 2. Parameters of source rocks in central sag, Junggar Basin
位置/井 地层 样品类型 ω(TOC)/% (S1+S2)/ (mg·g-1) 有机质类型 Ro/% 数据出处 阜康凹陷周缘 芦草沟组(P2l) $\frac{0.65 \sim 6.72}{2.16} $ $\frac{0.36 \sim 26.28}{7.0} $ Ⅱ1—Ⅱ2 0.83~1.52 据文献[1, 7] 东道海子凹陷/成6井 下乌尔禾组(P2w) 岩屑 ${\frac{{0.41\sim 4.3(179)}}{{1.27}}} $ $ {\frac{{1.24\sim 1.31(4)}}{{1.27}}}$ 岩心 ${\frac{{1.23\sim 1.37(9)}}{{1.27}}} $ ${\frac{{1.3\sim 1.31(2)}}{{1.31}}} $ 阜康凹陷周缘凸起 石炭系 煤系泥岩 $ {\frac{{0.54\sim 5.83}}{{2.12}}}$ $ {\frac{{0.21\sim 20.30}}{{2.83}}}$ Ⅱ2—Ⅲ 据文献[1] 碳质泥岩 $ {\frac{{8.74\sim 28.32}}{{13.50}}}$ $ {\frac{{9.06\sim 71.58}}{{38.1}}}$ Ⅱ2—Ⅲ 据文献[1] 注:表中分式意义为$\frac{\text { 最小值~ 最大值(样品数 })}{\text { 平均值 }} $。 表 3 准噶尔盆地白家海凸起彩探1H井与准东诸井天然气地球化学参数对比
Table 3. Comparison of natural gas geochemical parameters between well Caitan 1H on Baijiahai Uplift and wells in eastern Junggar Basin
天然气来源 井号 层位 天然气组成 C7轻烃组成/% 天然气碳同位素/‰ N2/ % CH4/ % C2H6/ % 干燥系数 正庚烷 甲基环己烷 二甲基环戊烷 CH4 C2H6 C3H8 高熟石炭系 彩探1H J2x 3.09 94.07 1.51 0.98 35 50 15 -30.20 -26.08 -25.56 彩17 J1b 1.90 96.79 0.89 0.99 37 60 3 -33.83 -25.67 -23.93 彩504 J2x 2.32 92.50 2.37 0.95 43 46 11 -30.22 -26.02 -26.53 滴西10 C 3.67 91.67 2.54 0.96 38 45 17 -30.06 -27.73 -24.47 家探1 C 3.81 93.70 1.38 0.98 -30.30 -27.66 -25.71 注:表中数据据参考文献[12]。 表 4 准噶尔盆地中部及周边钻井百口泉组、上乌尔禾组储层平均孔隙度及油气发现情况对比
Table 4. Comparison of average porosity of target formations and oil and gas drilling results of wells drilled in and around central Junggar Basin
储层物性及油气 准中凹陷区 沙湾、玛湖凹陷斜坡区 沙15井 沙12井 庄2井 成6井 沙探1井 玛131井 玛13井 夏201井 平均孔隙度/% T1b3 9.7 13.9 6.9~12.5 3.3~8.0 4.0~6.0 9.5 T1b2 7.5 8.8 7.1 T1b1 T1b油气发现 无油气显示 T1b3解释油层4.8 m/2层 未钻穿,无油气显示 无油气显示 试油自喷日油1.22 m3, 水13.99 m3 日产油11.1 m3 日产油1.24~6.29 m3,气2 010~8 640 m3 T1b2成藏,数据不详 储层物性及油气 准中凹陷区 沙湾、玛湖凹陷斜坡区 沙15井 沙12井 成6井 沙探1井 沙探2井 玛湖1井 玛湖23井 平均孔隙度/% P3w3 未钻穿 2.8~7.2 7~9 P3w2 11.6 9.1 6.7 10.6 P3w1 6.7 9.1 P3w油气发现 无油气显示 无油气显示 无油气显示 日产油30.25 m3 日产油106 m3、气6 842 m3 试油分别获得日产油12.84 t和5.54 t 试油日产10.84 t -
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