Geological conditions and controls of gas content of Carboniferous shale gas reservoirs in western Guizhou
摘要: 石炭系旧司组是贵州省发育的一套重要富有机质页岩层系,尚未取得页岩气勘探开发突破。为深入研究旧司组页岩气成藏地质特征,分析其含气性影响因素,选取黔西地区旧司组钻井岩心及野外露头样品为研究对象,综合运用有机地球化学、X-射线衍射、覆压孔渗、场发射扫描电镜、液氮吸附、现场解吸、高压等温吸附等实验手段开展系统研究。旧司组泥页岩有机质类型以Ⅱ型为主,有机碳含量较高,处于过成熟早期阶段;矿物组成以石英和黏土矿物为主,脆性矿物含量高,有利于后期压裂改造;储层为特低孔、特低渗,微观孔隙类型包括粒间孔、粒内孔、有机质孔及微裂缝4类,微观孔隙孔径较小,纳米级孔隙非常发育,比表面积和总孔体积较大,具备较好的页岩气富集与保存条件;现场解吸总含气量较高,平均为1.95 m3/t,吸附能力较强,吸附气量平均为3.10 m3/t,显示出良好的含气性;泥页岩吸附气量与TOC、Ro、黏土矿物含量、孔隙度、比表面积及总孔体积呈较好的正相关性,与平均孔径呈负相关。Abstract: The Carboniferous Jiusi Formation is an important organic-rich shale stratum developed in Guizhou province, yet no breakthrough has been achieved for shale gas exploration and development. To study the geological conditions and controlling factors of shale gas accumulation in the Jiusi Formation, core and outcrop samples from the western Guizhou were analyzed using a series of methods, including organic geochemistry, XRD, FE-SEM, under overburden pressure, in-situ desorption and high pressure isothermal. The organic matters in the Jiusi shale are primarily type Ⅱ kerogen with a high organic carbon content, and are at the early stage of over maturity. Quartz and clays are the dominant minerals. The brittle mineral content is high, which is conducive to hydraulic fracturing. The reservoir is characterized by ultra-low porosity and permeability. There are mainly inter- and intragranular pores, organic pores, and micro-cracks. Small pore diameter, well-developed nano-scale pores, big specific surface area and total pore volume provide favorable conditions for shale gas enrichment and preservation. High in-situ desorption gas content (with an average value of 1.95 m3/t) and strong adsorption capacity (with a mean value of 3.10 m3/t) suggest good potential for shale gas. The adsorbed gas quantity is positively correlated with TOC, Ro, clay mineral content, porosity, specific surface area and total pore volume, and negatively correlated with average pore size.
Key words:
- shale gas /
- accumulation characteristics /
- gas-bearing property /
- Jiusi Formation /
- Carboniferous /
- western Guizhou
表 1 黔西地区旧司组泥页岩微观孔隙结构参数
Table 1. Pore structure parameters of shale from Jiusi Formation, western Guizhou
样品编号 比表面积/(m2·g-1) 孔体积/(m3·g-1) 平均孔径/nm JS-01 20.080 0.023 6 4.25 JS-03 15.245 0.016 6 5.59 JS-05 22.321 0.026 1 3.89 JS-07 30.287 0.031 3 3.15 JS-09 19.366 0.022 8 4.42 JS-12 10.853 0.007 8 7.68 JS-15 16.841 0.015 5 5.20 JS-16 19.016 0.019 1 4.86 表 2 黔西地区石炭系旧司组泥页岩现场解吸总含气量
Table 2. Total gas content of in-situ desorption experiment of shale from Jiusi Formation, western Guizhou
样品编号 井名 深度/m 含气量/(m3·t-1) 样品编号 井名 深度/m 含气量/(m3·t-1) 样品编号 井名 深度/m 含气量/(m3·t-1) JS-01 SY1井 705.17 2.35 JS-12 LY1井 252.35 1.95 JS-19 QY2井 671.00 1.37 JS-03 SY1井 716.26 1.98 JS-13 LY1井 292.92 1.70 JS-20 QY2井 702.80 1.41 JS-05 SY1井 750.28 2.49 JS-14 LY1井 300.90 1.61 JS-21 QY2井 725.56 1.58 JS-07 SY1井 780.15 2.94 JS-15 LY1井 307.80 2.05 JS-23 QY2井 736.21 1.90 JS-09 SY1井 816.22 2.17 JS-16 LY1井 312.21 1.82 JS-24 QY2井 746.16 2.08 JS-10 LY1井 239.38 1.82 JS-18 LY1井 316.83 2.00 JS-26 QY2井 762.05 1.88 -
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