Hydrocarbon generation simulation of coaly source rocks in the Lower combination on the southern margin of Junggar Basin and indications for oil and gas sources of well Gaotan 1
摘要: 随着准噶尔盆地勘探的不断深入,准南下组合日益成为油气勘探的重点,但目前针对下组合烃源岩生烃演化特征尚未进行系统性研究,不同岩性煤系烃源岩生烃能力和生油气量如何等尚未进行系统性实验分析。最近获得高产的高泉背斜高探1井油气与哪种岩性煤系源岩关系最为密切等都值得进一步讨论。通过对侏罗系煤岩、碳质泥岩和泥岩进行密闭容器高压釜加水热模拟实验,对3种岩性煤系烃源岩生烃特征及油气源对比进行了研究。碳质泥岩和泥岩具有较高的生油潜力,碳质泥岩是侏罗系煤成油的主要贡献者,且角质体可能是碳质泥岩主要生油母质。煤岩在更高演化阶段较碳质泥岩和泥岩具有更高的生气潜力,且主要为干酪根降解气。模拟气体随演化程度升高均不同程度出现碳同位素分馏效应,即随成熟度增加气体稳定碳同位素先变轻后变重,且δ13C1分馏效应较δ13C2明显。结合模拟实验进一步对高探1井油气源进行了分析,认为高探1井下白垩统清水河组原油主要为侏罗系碳质泥岩生成的较高成熟度原油,而3种岩性煤系烃源岩对天然气均有贡献。Abstract: With the deepened exploration progress in the Junggar Basin, the lower assemblage has increasingly become the focus for oil and gas exploration. However, systematic research has not been achieved on the hydrocarbon generation characteristics of the lower assemblage source rocks, and systematic experimental analysis has not been carried out on the hydrocarbon generation potential and oil and gas generation capacity of coaly source rocks with different lithology. Oil and gas have highly yielded in the well of Gaotan 1 in the Gaoquan anticline, and which lithology of coaly source rocks have the closest relationship with it is worth for a further discussion. Sealed vessel autoclave hydrous simulation of Jurassic coaly rock, carbonaceous mudstone and mudstone was carried out in this study, results show that carbonaceous mudstone and mudstone have high oil generation potential. Carbonaceous mudstone is the main contributor of Jurassic coal formed oil, and cutinite may be the main oil source in carbonaceous mudstone. Coaly rock has higher gas generation potential than carbonaceous mudstone and mudstone in higher evolution stage, mainly generating kerogen cracking gas. The carbon isotopic fractionation of simulated gas appears in vary degrees with the increase of evolution, that is, with the increase of maturity, the stable carbon isotope of gas first becomes lighter and then becomes heavier, and the δ13C1 fractionation is more obvious than that of δ13C2. Combined with simulation experiments, the oil and gas source of well Gaotan 1 was further analyzed. It was then concluded that the crude oil of Cretaceous Qingshuihe Formation in well Gaotan 1 is mainly high-mature crude oil generated by Jurassic carbonaceous mudstone, and the three lithologic coaly source rocks contributed to natural gas.
图 9 准噶尔盆地南缘油气田分布及侏罗系煤系源岩成熟度[34]
Figure 9. Distribution of oil and gas fields and maturity of Jurassic coal measure source rocks on the southern margin of Junggar Basin
表 1 准噶尔盆地南缘NA井侏罗系八道湾组烃源岩模拟样品地球化学特征
Table 1. Geochemical characteristics of source rock samples from Lower Jurassic Badaowan Formation, well NA, southern margin of Junggar Basin
样品编号 样品岩性 取样深度/m ω(TOC)/% Tmax/℃ S1/(mg·g-1) S2/(mg·g-1) Ro/% 干酪根类型 有机显微组分 沉积环境 NA-1 煤岩 485.44 67.44 426 0.63 134.60 0.54% Ⅱ2 基质镜质体为主,少量孢子体 湖沼相 NA-2 碳质泥岩 484.32 31.88 425 1.39 54.17 0.52% Ⅱ2 角质体为主 湖沼相 NA-3 泥岩 483.07 3.14 437 2.59 6.86 0.53% Ⅱ2 孢子体为主,少量角质体 湖沼相 表 2 准噶尔盆地南缘高泉油气田高探1井下白垩统清水河组天然气组分与碳同位素统计
Table 2. Statistics of natural gas components and carbon isotopes of Lower Cretaceous Qingshuihe Formation in well Gaotan 1, Gaoquan Oil and Gas Field, southern margin of Junggar Basin
采样深度/m C1/% C2/% C3/% δ13C1/‰ δ13C2/‰ δ13C3/‰ 5 768~5 775 76.50 13.32 5.94 -40.49 -29.14 -26.9 5 768~5 775 74.44 13.39 6.82 -40.35 -28.74 -26.54 5 768~5 775 58.93 10.78 5.34 -40.68 -28.92 -26.42 5 768~5 775 76.62 12.32 5.68 -40.72 -29.01 -26.53 5 768~5 775 78.34 12.60 5.45 -40.46 -28.91 -26.22 -
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