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周卓明. 陆相泥页岩源-储协同演化特征分析——以松辽盆地长岭断陷沙河子组为例[J]. 石油实验地质, 2023, 45(2): 243-251. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202302243
引用本文: 周卓明. 陆相泥页岩源-储协同演化特征分析——以松辽盆地长岭断陷沙河子组为例[J]. 石油实验地质, 2023, 45(2): 243-251. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202302243
ZHOU Zhuoming. Co-evolution characteristics of organic matter and reservoir in continental shale: a case study of Shahezi Formation in Changling Faulted Depression, Songliao Basin[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2023, 45(2): 243-251. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202302243
Citation: ZHOU Zhuoming. Co-evolution characteristics of organic matter and reservoir in continental shale: a case study of Shahezi Formation in Changling Faulted Depression, Songliao Basin[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2023, 45(2): 243-251. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202302243


doi: 10.11781/sysydz202302243

国家自然科学基金项目 42072156


    周卓明(1970-), 男, 博士, 高级工程师, 从事油气资源评价研究。E-mail: zhouzm.syky@sinopec.com

  • 中图分类号: TE122.23

Co-evolution characteristics of organic matter and reservoir in continental shale: a case study of Shahezi Formation in Changling Faulted Depression, Songliao Basin

  • 摘要: 松辽盆地松南断陷群陆相页岩气具有较大的勘探潜力,但对于该区Ⅲ型干酪根富有机质泥页岩的有机地球化学和孔隙特征及演化规律尚不清楚。通过对长岭断陷下白垩统沙河子组Ⅲ型干酪根富有机质泥页岩样品开展生排烃热演化模拟实验和系列储层特征测试分析,发现该泥页岩存在2个关键的热演化节点,等效镜质体反射率(等效Ro)分别是1.5%和2.0%。等效Ro从0.7%至1.5%阶段,为快速生排油阶段,孔隙形态主要为墨水瓶状孔和部分板状孔,有机质逐渐发育少量孔洞,矿物溶蚀孔出现;等效Ro从1.5%至2.0%阶段,为快速生气阶段,有机质分解使得有机孔和矿物间孔洞大量发育,孔径逐渐增大,孔隙主要为板状孔或楔形孔和少部分墨水瓶状孔;等效Ro大于2.0%阶段,孔隙几乎只发育板状孔或楔形孔,孔径进一步增大。Ro大于1.5%为松南断陷群页岩气富集的有利源储耦合阶段。


  • 图  1  松辽盆地南部长岭断陷B1井下白垩统沙河子组低熟烃源岩烃产率随成熟度变化特征

    Figure  1.  Variation of hydrocarbon yield with maturity in Lower Cretaceous Shahezi Formation source rocks with low maturity from well B1, Changling Faulted Depression, southern Songliao Basin

    图  2  松辽盆地南部长岭断陷B1井下白垩统沙河子组低熟烃源岩排油效率随成熟度变化特征

    Figure  2.  Variation of oil expulsion efficiency with maturity in Lower Cretaceous Shahezi Formation source rocks with low maturity from well B1, Changling Faulted Depression, southern Songliao Basin

    图  3  松辽盆地南部长岭断陷B1井下白垩统沙河子组低熟烃源岩TOC含量及其恢复系数随成熟度变化特征

    Figure  3.  Variation of TOC content and its restitution coefficient with maturity in Lower Cretaceous Shahezi Formation source rocks with low maturity from well B1, Changling Faulted Depression, southern Songliao Basin

    图  4  松辽盆地南部长岭断陷B1井下白垩统沙河子组不同成熟度泥页岩孔隙形态变化特征

    Figure  4.  Variation of pore shape in Lower Cretaceous Shahezi Formation shale with various maturities from well B1, Changling Faulted Depression, southern Songliao Basin

    图  5  氮气吸脱附滞后回线分类及对应孔隙形态[24]

    Figure  5.  Hysteresis loop classification of nitrogen adsorption and desorption, and corresponding pore shape

    图  6  松辽盆地南部长岭断陷B1井下白垩统沙河子组泥页岩不同孔径孔体积占比及总孔孔体积随成熟度变化特征

    Figure  6.  Variation of pore volume proportion of different pore sizes and total pore volume vs. maturity in Lower Cretaceous Shahezi Formation shale from well B1, Changling Faulted Depression, southern Songliao Basin

    图  7  松辽盆地南部长岭断陷B1井下白垩统沙河子组泥页岩孔径分布随成熟度变化特征

    Figure  7.  Variation of pore size distribution of shale with maturity in Lower Cretaceous Shahezi Formation shale from well B1, Changling Faulted Depression, southern Songliao Basin

    图  8  松辽盆地南部长岭断陷B1井下白垩统沙河子组泥页岩不同孔隙类型随成熟度演化特征

    Figure  8.  Evolution characteristics of different pore types with maturity in Lower Cretaceous Shahezi Formation shale from well B1, Changling Faulted Depression, southern Songliao Basin

    图  9  松辽盆地松南断陷群富有机质泥页岩生烃及储层特征演化模式

    Figure  9.  Evolution pattern of hydrocarbon generation and reservoir characteristics of organic-rich shale in Songnan Faulted Depression, Songliao Basin

    表  1  松辽盆地南部长岭断陷B1井烃源岩地层孔隙热压模拟实验方案

    Table  1.   Pore thermal-pressure simulation experiment scheme of source rocks from well B1, Changling Faulted Depression, southern Songliao Basin

    序号 模拟温度/℃ 排烃温度/℃ 预期等效Ro/% 模拟埋深/m 静岩压力/MPa 正常地层压力/MPa 生烃釜压力/MPa 排烃釜压力/MPa 排烃压差/MPa 恒温时间/d 模拟实验时间/d
    0 25 95 0.64 1 860 45 19 28 23 5 3 5
    1 275 100 0.66 1 970 47 20 30 25 5 3 5
    2 300 115 0.75 2 200 53 22 33 28 6 3 5
    3 325 130 0.92 2 350 59 24 35 29 6 3 5
    4 350 145 1.05 2 480 62 25 37 31 6 3 5
    5 375 160 1.30 2 820 71 28 42 35 7 3 5
    6 400 180 1.50 3 200 80 32 48 40 8 5 7
    7 425 185 1.65 3 350 84 34 50 42 8 5 7
    8 450 190 1.80 3 480 87 35 52 44 9 3 5
    9 475 195 2.05 3 600 90 36 54 45 9 3 5
    10 500 210 2.30 3 800 95 38 57 48 10 3 5
    11 550 225 2.85 4 300 108 43 65 54 12 3 5
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