Characteristics and controlling factors of volcanic clastic rock reservoirs in Wujiaping Formation of Upper Permian in northern Sichuan Basin
摘要: 受峨眉地裂运动影响,川北地区二叠纪吴家坪期发育一套火山碎屑岩。该类岩性非均质性强,储层孔隙结构复杂。为进一步明确该地区吴家坪组火山碎屑岩油气藏储层发育特征和形成机理,从而落实其勘探潜力,以露头和实钻资料为基础,结合岩心薄片观察、地化分析、氩离子抛光扫描电镜、盖层微孔联合测定等多种手段,分析川北地区吴家坪组火山碎屑岩储层发育特征及成因机理。研究认为,该火山碎屑岩主要岩性为凝灰质泥岩、泥质凝灰岩及沉凝灰岩。储层储集空间主要为纳米级黏土矿物收缩孔和有机质孔,微米级有机酸溶蚀孔和微裂缝。储层物性具有中—高孔特低渗的特征,其中凝灰质泥岩物性最好。储层主控因素分析认为,近火山口斜坡—陆棚环境有利于火山碎屑岩储层发育,火山灰脱玻化作用及次生有机酸溶蚀是储层形成孔隙的主要原因。Abstract: Under the influence of the Emei Taphrogenesis, a set of volcanic clastic rocks were developed in the Wujiapingian age of Permian in the northern Sichuan Basin. The lithology is highly heterogeneous, and the pore structure of reservoir is complex. In order to further clarify the characteristics and formation mechanism of volcanic clastic rock reservoirs in the Wujiaping Formation and confirm the exploration potential, this paper analyzes the reservoir characteristics and formation mechanism of volcanic clastic rock reservoirs in the Wujiaping Formation in the northern Sichuan Basin based on outcrop and actual drilling data and combining with core section observation, geochemistry analysis, argon ion buffing scanning electron microscope, combined determination of cap micro pores and other methods. It is concluded that the volcanic clastic rocks can be divided into three rock types: tuffaceous mudstone, argillaceous tuff and sedimentary tuff. The reservoir space is dominated by nano-scale clay mineral shrinkage pore and organic matter pore and micron-scale organic acid dissolution pore and micro fracture. The reservoir physical property is characterized by medium to high porosity and ultra-low permeability, and the tuffaceous mudstone has the best physical property among the three rock types. The analysis of the controlling factors of the reservoir shows that the near-crater slope and shelf environment is favorable for the development of volcanic clastic rock reservoirs, and the devitrification of volcanic ash and secondary organic acid dissolution are the main causes for the formation of pores in the reservoir.
图 3 川北地区上二叠统吴家坪组火山碎屑岩储集岩类型
a.YB701井,6 695.20 m,凝灰质泥岩岩心,页理发育,内夹少量凝灰岩薄层,偶见黄铁矿团块;b.YB8井,7 228.29 m,凝灰质泥岩镜下特征,颜色较深,黏土矿物含量高;c.YB8井,7 228.29 m,凝灰质泥岩氩离子抛光扫描电镜特征,以黏土矿物为主,长英质含量较少;d.YB701井,6 687.30 m,泥质凝灰岩岩心,以沉凝灰岩和凝灰质泥岩互层形态为主,见水平层理、包卷层理;e.YB8井,7 213.00 m,泥质凝灰岩镜下特征,沉凝灰岩和凝灰质泥岩呈层状分布;f.YB8井,7 213.00 m,泥质凝灰岩氩离子抛光扫描电镜特征,凝灰质含量及碳酸盐矿物含量有所增加;g.YB701井,6 683.30 m,沉凝灰岩岩心,见生物碎屑及泥质碎屑颗粒杂乱排列;h.YB8井,7 211.6 m,沉凝灰岩镜下特征,颗粒相对粗大,以粉—细晶为主;i.YB8井,7 212.00 m,沉凝灰岩氩离子抛光扫描电镜特征,多种矿物杂乱排列
Figure 3. Rock types of volcanic clastic rock reservoirs in Wujiaping Formation of Upper Permian, northern Sichuan Basin
图 6 川北地区上二叠统吴家坪组火山碎屑岩储层孔隙微观特征
a.YB7井,6 935.70 m,黏土矿物收缩孔;b.YB7井,6 934.77 m,黏土矿物收缩孔;c.YB7井,6 935.70 m,有机质孔;d.YB7井,6 935.22 m,溶蚀孔洞;e.YB7井,6 935.22 m,白云石溶孔;f.YB7井,6 935.22 m,铁白云石形成的溶孔;g.YB7井,6 935.56 m,微裂缝;h.YB701井,6 686.50 m,白云石溶孔被黏土矿物充填;i.YB7井,6 935.22 m,石膏充填早期溶孔
Figure 6. Pore microscopic characteristics of volcanic clastic rock reservoirs in Wujiaping Formation of Upper Permian, northern Sichuan Basin
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