Application of visual 3D physical simulation experiment technology in oil and gas accumulation research: a case study of well S53-2 in Shunbei area of Tarim Basin
摘要: 油气成藏物理模拟实验技术是研究油气运移聚集过程的重要技术手段,可以在实验室条件下,实现油气运移成藏动态化、可视化、定量化研究。但传统二维物理模拟实验技术存在细微现象缺乏、含油性测量难、观察面单一等不足。针对这些问题,同时为了揭示超深层油气成藏特征,研发了一种可视化三维油气成藏物理模拟实验技术,并成功模拟了塔里木盆地顺北地区S53-2井的成藏过程。明确了超深断控油气藏油气成藏影响因素;揭示了断层和缝网系统在断控油气藏形成过程中扮演双重角色,其既作为油气运移通道,也是重要的油气储集空间;提出了主断层、缝网及缝网一侧的地堑断层是油气的优势聚集区;建立了“浮力垂向运移、先核部后破碎带、先主干后地堑、缝网输储一体、主次断裂各异”的油气成藏模式。新技术使实验过程更加清晰,实验参数更加准确,实验现象更加立体,可为实验室油气成藏模拟工作提供新的支撑。Abstract: The physical simulation experiment technology for oil and gas reservoir formation is an important technical means to study the process of oil and gas migration and accumulation. Under laboratory conditions, dynamic, visual, and quantitative research on oil and gas migration and reservoir formation can be achieved. However, traditional two-dimensional physics simulation experimental techniques have shortcomings such as a lack of subtle phenomena, difficulty in measuring oil content, and a single observation surface. To address these issues, and to reveal the characteristics of ultra-deep oil and gas accumulation, a visual 3D physical simulation experiment technology of oil and gas accumulation was developed, and the accumulation process of well S53-2 in Shunbei area of Tarim Basin was successfully simulated. The influencing factors of oil and gas accumulation in ultra-deep fault controlled oil and gas reservoirs have been clarified, revealing that faults and fracture network systems play a dual role in the formation process of fault controlled oil and gas reservoirs, serving as both oil and gas migration channels and important oil and gas storage spaces. It has been proposed that the main fault, fracture network, and the graben fault on one side of the fracture network are advantageous areas for oil and gas accumulation, and a "buoyancy vertical migration, first fault core and then damage zone, first main trunk and then graben, fracture network integrated transportation and storage, and different main and secondary faults" oil and gas accumulation model has been established. The new technology makes the experimental process clearer, the experimental parameters more accurate, and the experimental phenomena more three-dimensional, providing new support for laboratory oil and gas reservoir simulation work.
Key words:
- fault-controlled reservoir /
- oil and gas accumulation /
- physical simulation /
- Tarim Basin
表 1 模拟实验类型及特点
Table 1. Types and characteristics of simulation experiments
实验分类 装置组成 技术特点 缺点 主要应用 微观逾渗模拟实验 蚀刻玻璃、树脂 用于微观实验 模型制作困难、结果可信度差 用于孔隙尺度浮力运移特征模拟 一维管状模拟实验 玻璃管、钢管、玻璃珠 制作简单、应用广泛 玻璃管模型仅适合低温低压,钢管模型观察难、参数测定难 用于单一方向油气运移路径、机理研究 二维砂箱模拟实验 二维玻璃箱、石英砂 可模拟二维平面运移规律 密封差,仅适合低温低压 用于油气运移特征、方式与成藏影响因素研究 二维改良砂箱模拟实验 二维金属箱、钢板、推进杆、石英砂等 可加温加压、可手动动态模拟 密封差、含油性测定难、缺乏微观现象 用于研究油气运移过程与影响因素 可视化三维模拟实验 三维固结模型、核磁等 可模拟三维立体运移规律、实验过程立体可视、参数测定简单、模型密封 用于油气运移成藏过程与成藏机制研究 表 2 三维物理模拟实验参数
Table 2. Experimental parameters of three-dimensional physical simulation
编号 宽度/cm 粒径/目 密度/(g/cm3) 孔隙度/% 断层F1 1.5 40∶200(9∶1) 1.516 37.4 F1破碎带 3 60 1.625 34.5 断层F2 1 80 1.600 33.6 F2破碎带 2 60 2.074 28.4 断层F3 0.5 80 1.967 25.8 F3破碎带 1 80∶200(2∶1) 2.019 18.7 缝网 5 200 1.728 23.9 基质 200 2.082 15.1 盖层和隔层 橡胶 注:表中40∶200(9∶1)指40目和200目以9∶1的比例混合,80∶200(2∶1)指80目和200目以2∶1的比例混合。 -
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