Slope—sedimentary source rock-type helium enrichment model: a case study of Shenmu Gas Field, Ordos Basin
摘要: 鄂尔多斯盆地氦气资源丰富,已在伊盟隆起、伊陕斜坡南部等地区发现高含氦、富氦天然气田,这些气田的氦气富集多与断裂发育密切相关。然而,盆地内的构造背景较为复杂,为研究盆地内不同地质背景下氦气的富集特征及控制因素,对鄂尔多斯盆地伊陕斜坡东北部开展天然气组分分析测试,并结合研究区基础地质资料及前人研究成果,对鄂尔多斯盆地神木气田上古生界的氦气分布特征及其地质影响因素进行探究。神木气田上古生界氦气含量达0.017%~0.116%,平均氦气含量为0.05%,达到含氦气田标准;氦气含量在平面上呈“西低东高”的整体分布格局,东部部分地区的氦气含量大于0.1%;氦气含量与氮气含量呈明显正相关关系,表明天然气藏中的氦气和氮气在成因和溶解—脱溶机制上可能存在必然联系。神木气田氦气的富集受多种地质因素共同影响:上古生界广泛分布的煤系烃源岩提供了充足的氦气;地壳抬升和构造反转控制了氦气的运移方向,且促进了溶解氦的脱溶和聚集;适量的载体气有助于氦气的富集。结合研究区构造背景和氦气成藏地质因素,提出了一种新的氦气富集模式,即斜坡—沉积源岩型含氦天然气富集模式,这为氦气勘探和开发工作提供了重要的理论支持。Abstract: The Ordos Basin is rich in helium resources, with high helium and helium-rich natural gas fields discovered in areas such as the Yimeng Uplift and the southern Yishan Slope. The enrichment of helium in these gas fields is often closely related to the development of faults. However, the structural background within the basin is complex. To study the characteristics and controlling factors of helium enrichment under different geological backgrounds within the basin, an analysis of natural gas composition was conducted in the northeastern Yishan Slope of the Ordos Basin. Combining basic geological data of the study area and previous research findings, the helium distribution characteristics and geological influencing factors in the Upper Paleozoic of the Shenmu Gas Field in the Ordos Basin were explored. The results showed that the helium content in the Upper Paleozoic of the Shenmu Gas Field ranged from 0.017% to 0.116%, with an average content of 0.05%, meeting the standard of a helium-containing gas field. The helium content showed a spatial distribution pattern of "low in the west and high in the east", with helium content exceeding 0.1% in some eastern areas. There was a significant positive correlation between helium and nitrogen content, indicating a possible inherent connection between the genesis and dissolution-exsolution mechanisms of helium and nitrogen in natural gas reservoirs. The enrichment of helium in the Shenmu Gas Field was influenced by various geological factors: (1) The widely distributed coal-measure source rocks in the Upper Paleozoic provided ample helium; (2) Crustal uplift and tectonic inversion controlled the migration direction of helium and promoted the exsolution and accumulation of dissolved helium; (3) An appropriate amount of carrier gas aided in helium enrichment. Based on the tectonic conditions of the study area and the geological factors controlling helium accumulation, a new helium enrichment model was proposed, the slope-sedimentary source rock-type helium-rich natural gas enrichment model, providing theoretical support for helium exploration and development.
Key words:
- tectonic movement /
- slope-sedimentary source rock type /
- helium /
- Upper Paleozoic /
- Shenmu Gas Field /
- Ordos Basin
表 1 鄂尔多斯盆地神木气田及周缘天然气组分特征
Table 1. Characteristics of natural gas composition in Shenmu Gas Field and surrounding areas of Ordos Basin
编号 气田 井代号 烃类气体组分特征 非烃气组分含量 C1/% C2-5/% C2+/C1+ C1/C1-5 CO2/% N2/% He/% H2/% 1 神木气田 SG-39 85.622 6.878 0.07 0.93 2.106 0.120 0.036 2 SG-79 90.204 3.357 0.04 0.96 1.443 0.082 0.014 3 SN-44 82.009 9.304 0.10 0.90 0.030 3.884 0.085 0.013 4 SG-50 88.787 6.474 0.07 0.93 0.584 0.352 0.030 0.028 5 SG-58C4 88.873 5.878 0.06 0.94 1.242 0.206 0.017 0.010 6 SG-50C3 89.296 6.489 0.07 0.93 0.594 0.343 0.029 0.028 7 MT-3 91.940 1.393 0.01 0.99 3.439 0.124 0.018 8 MT-3C6 92.491 1.338 0.01 0.99 3.472 0.109 0.019 9 SG-39C3 85.185 8.299 0.09 0.91 0.036 1.746 0.091 0.060 10 SG-58 90.075 4.161 0.04 0.96 0.881 0.421 0.032 0.012 11 SG-38C1 92.577 1.860 0.02 0.98 1.750 0.233 0.019 12 榆林气田 Y-44 89.806 4.424 0.05 0.95 1.765 0.284 0.028 0.028 13 Y-45 89.658 4.761 0.05 0.95 1.005 0.294 0.025 0.014 14 SG-107 88.317 5.706 0.06 0.94 0.695 0.345 0.026 0.021 15 SG-135 85.112 8.554 0.09 0.91 1.327 0.305 0.017 0.010 16 Y-47C6 87.465 7.096 0.08 0.92 0.925 0.314 0.028 0.032 17 Y-40 90.397 3.705 0.04 0.96 0.812 0.584 0.040 0.026 18 Y-40C8 91.017 2.715 0.03 0.97 1.861 0.346 0.030 0.050 19 Y-41 88.924 5.276 0.06 0.94 1.042 0.318 0.025 0.015 20 Y-34 89.804 3.645 0.04 0.96 0.925 0.662 0.032 0.035 21 Y-29 89.442 3.932 0.04 0.96 1.758 0.267 0.023 0.010 22 子洲—米脂气田 M-69 91.122 4.367 0.05 0.95 0.042 0.507 0.032 0.017 23 M-31 89.732 5.470 0.06 0.94 0.574 0.540 0.035 0.019 24 M-22C2 90.880 3.266 0.03 0.97 1.538 0.305 0.028 0.012 25 ZU-18 92.534 1.236 0.01 0.99 2.055 0.199 0.028 0.036 26 ZU-19 89.512 4.764 0.05 0.95 0.954 0.404 0.037 0.030 27 ZU-5-14 87.646 6.377 0.07 0.93 0.580 0.433 0.032 0.036 28 ZU-5-13 86.571 6.211 0.07 0.93 2.454 0.274 0.023 0.015 29 ZU-7-14 90.477 3.845 0.04 0.96 1.316 0.270 0.024 0.022 -
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