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张晨雨 刘子驿 王斌 单帅强 陆建林 王保华 左宗鑫

张晨雨, 刘子驿, 王斌, 单帅强, 陆建林, 王保华, 左宗鑫. 川中侏罗系自流井组大安寨段二亚段页岩油赋存特征[J]. 石油实验地质, 2024, 46(6): 1215-1225. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2024061215
引用本文: 张晨雨, 刘子驿, 王斌, 单帅强, 陆建林, 王保华, 左宗鑫. 川中侏罗系自流井组大安寨段二亚段页岩油赋存特征[J]. 石油实验地质, 2024, 46(6): 1215-1225. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2024061215
ZHANG Chenyu, LIU Ziyi, WANG Bin, SHAN Shuaiqiang, LU Jianlin, WANG Baohua, ZUO Zongxin. Occurrence characteristics of shale oil in the second submember of Da'anzhai Member of Jurassic Ziliujing Formation, central Sichuan Basin[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2024, 46(6): 1215-1225. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2024061215
Citation: ZHANG Chenyu, LIU Ziyi, WANG Bin, SHAN Shuaiqiang, LU Jianlin, WANG Baohua, ZUO Zongxin. Occurrence characteristics of shale oil in the second submember of Da'anzhai Member of Jurassic Ziliujing Formation, central Sichuan Basin[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2024, 46(6): 1215-1225. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2024061215


doi: 10.11781/sysydz2024061215

中国石化科技部项目“四川盆地及周缘构造改造与油气关系研究” P22072

中国石化“十四五”资源评价方法与数据库建设 P23229


    张晨雨(1993—), 女, 博士, 主要从事含油气盆地分析工作。E-mail: zhangchenyu.syky@sinopec.com

  • 中图分类号: TE122.1

Occurrence characteristics of shale oil in the second submember of Da'anzhai Member of Jurassic Ziliujing Formation, central Sichuan Basin

  • 摘要: 我国湖相页岩油资源丰富,但开采过程具有一定难度。揭示页岩油不同赋存状态在页岩储层中的赋存情况有助于页岩油资源的勘探与开发。以川中地区侏罗系自流井组大安寨段二亚段(以下简称大二亚段)页岩为研究对象,通过多温阶热解实验的实施、扫描电镜孔隙发育特征的观察以及洗油前后孔径分布的分析,揭示了页岩油不同状态在各介质孔隙中的赋存方式。川中地区大二亚段页岩中热模拟恢复后的页岩油以游离态为主(0.42~10.88 mg/g),吸附态次之(0.30~1.95 mg/g)。页岩发育的储集空间主要为有机质孔(孔径2~600 nm)、黄铁矿粒间孔(孔径10~700 nm)、介壳粒内孔(孔径20~1 000 nm)、石英/长石粒间孔(孔径4~500 nm)以及黏土矿物晶间孔(孔径4~500 nm)。洗油后氮气吸附—高压压汞结果显示,页岩中孔径在2~30 nm以及60~1 000 nm的孔隙明显增多,页岩油主要赋存于此孔径范围的孔隙之中。同时建立了页岩油赋存状态与岩石中各介质间的关系热图,阐明了大二亚段页岩油主要赋存于有机质和黄铁矿之中。最终采用页岩油各赋存状态含量与洗油前后获取的含油体积拟合的方法,指明了研究区不同状态页岩油聚集的孔径范围。大二亚段页岩油游离态主要聚集于孔径60~700 nm的有机质和黄铁矿孔隙之中,吸附态主要聚集于孔径2~6 nm的有机质孔隙之中。对页岩油赋存特征进行深入剖析,有助于川中地区大二亚段页岩油开采突破。


  • 图  1  四川盆地构造分区(a)及侏罗系自流井组地层柱状图(b)

    Figure  1.  Tectonic subdivision of Sichuan Basin (a) and stratigraphic column of Jurassic Ziliujing Formation (b)

    图  2  川中侏罗系自流井组大安寨段二亚段页岩油不同赋存状态的含量

    Figure  2.  Content of shale oil in different occurrence states in second submember of Da'anzhai Member of Jurassic Ziliujing Formation, central Sichuan Basin

    图  3  川中侏罗系自流井组大安寨段岩石中滞留油产率预测

    Figure  3.  Prediction of residual oil yield in Da'anzhai Member of Jurassic Ziliujing Formation, central Sichuan Basin

    图  4  洗油前后氮气吸附—高压压汞孔径分布

    Figure  4.  Pore size distribution with nitrogen adsorption and high pressure mercury injection before and after washing

    图  5  川中侏罗系自流井组大安寨段二亚段页岩油赋存状态与岩石中各介质间的关系热图

    Figure  5.  Heat map of relationship between shale oil occurrence states and various media within rock in second submember of Da'anzhai Member of Jurassic Ziliujing Formation, central Sichuan Basin

    图  6  川中侏罗系自流井组大安寨段二亚段页岩油赋存状态与岩石孔隙度、比表面积关系

    Figure  6.  Relationship between shale oil occurrence states, porosity, and specific surface area (SBET) in second submember of Da'anzhai Member of Jurassic Ziliujing Formation, central Sichuan Basin

    图  7  川中侏罗系自流井组大安寨段二亚段不同孔径下的页岩油赋存状态

    Figure  7.  Shale oil occurrence in different pore sizes in second submember of Da'anzhai Member of Jurassic Ziliujing Formation, central Sichuan Basin

    表  1  选取样品基本信息

    Table  1.   Basic information of selected samples

    样品编号 深度/m ω(TOC)/% VRo/% 主要矿物成分/% S1-1/(mg/g) S1-2/(mg/g) S2-1/(mg/g) SBET/(m2/g) 孔隙度/%
    长英质 碳酸盐 黏土矿物 黄铁矿
    PL10-1 1 983.1 1.60 1.00 49.9 15.1 29.8 5.2 0.01 0.93 0.98
    PL10-2 1 993.4 1.07 1.00 22.3 63.3 13.0 1.4 0.00 1.03 0.41
    PL10-3 1 997.4 2.25 1.03 49.5 22.6 24.1 3.8 0.06 1.62 1.95 4.21 2.69
    PL10-4 2 006.0 2.60 0.96 54.5 4.4 35.9 5.1 0.09 1.76 1.26 11.56 3.95
    PL10-5 2 011.8 1.82 1.00 60.3 5.3 32.1 2.3 0.04 1.64 1.87
    PL10-6 2 014.3 2.40 1.03 58.1 8.1 26.8 7.0 0.04 0.86 0.78 21.80 3.61
    PL10-7 2 015.2 1.14 1.03 60.8 11.2 28.0 0.0 0.02 0.75 0.73
    PL10-8 2 019.1 1.41 1.04 40.1 39.9 16.6 3.5 0.01 0.67 0.88
    PL10-9 2 020.1 0.45 1.11 45.2 31.0 23.7 0.0 0.02 0.61 0.34 1.80 1.24
    PL10-10 2 022.5 0.68 1.06 58.1 7.3 32.6 1.4 0.00 0.25 0.36 3.65 2.76
    PL10-11 2 022.7 0.73 1.12 45.7 33.5 18.9 2.0 0.02 0.79 0.61
    PL10-12 2 025.8 0.84 1.16 54.8 34.5 9.4 1.4 0.00 0.21 0.30
    PL10-13 2 026.2 0.91 1.19 54.5 15.3 28.5 1.2 0.00 0.28 0.31 2.76 1.95
    PL10-14 2 028.5 0.66 1.11 59.2 11.2 29.6 0.0 0.00 0.29 0.49
    PL10-15 2 029.8 0.60 1.17 55.1 16.2 26.4 2.3 0.00 0.14 0.31
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    表  2  川中侏罗系自流井组大安寨段页岩热模拟生排油参数[33, 38]

    Table  2.   Parameters of oil generation and expulsion during shale thermal simulation in Da'anzhai Member of Jurassic Ziliujing Formation, central Sichuan Basin

    样品信息 热模拟实验结果
    温度/℃ VRo/% 校正VRo/% 总油产率/(mg/g) 排出油产率/(mg/g) 滞留油产率/(mg/g) 排油效率/% 预测滞留油产率/(mg/g)
    M030-H31, ω(TOC)=1.83%, VRo=0.97%, 据文献[33] 250 1.15 84.47 11.15 73.32 13.20
    300 1.49 1.12 157.80 25.59 132.21 16.22 180.12
    350 1.63 1.19 200.76 110.24 90.52 54.91 102.61
    365 1.74 1.24 178.00 125.20 52.80 70.34 57.17
    380 1.84 1.28 88.83 78.71 10.12 88.61 26.73
    400 1.86 1.29 78.37 69.94 8.43 89.24 21.83
    450 1.97 1.33 31.77 29.41 2.36 92.57 1.56
    Xi20, ω(TOC)=2.25%, VRo=1.0%, 据文献[38] 250 198.72 31.80 166.93 16.00
    300 290.50 53.07 237.43 18.27
    325 293.32 65.95 227.37 22.48
    350 292.69 81.53 211.16 27.86
    375 1.54 1.15 311.50 96.87 214.64 31.10 144.55
    400 1.79 1.26 166.16 110.03 56.12 66.22 39.16
    450 1.93 1.32 93.01 83.45 9.56 89.72 6.80
    500 2.28 1.46 51.48 48.25 3.23 93.73 0.26
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    表  3  川中侏罗系自流井组大安寨段二亚段页岩孔隙发育特征

    Table  3.   Characteristics of shale pores in second submember of Da'anzhai Member of Jurassic Ziliujing Formation, central Sichuan Basin

    类型 孔隙识别图片 孔径分布
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