Xi Binbin, Tenger, Yu Linjie, Jiang Hong, Shen Baojian, Deng Mo. Trapping pressure of fluid inclusions and its significance in shale gas reservoirs, southeastern Sichuan Basin[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2016, 38(4): 473-479. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201604473
Citation: Xi Binbin, Tenger, Yu Linjie, Jiang Hong, Shen Baojian, Deng Mo. Trapping pressure of fluid inclusions and its significance in shale gas reservoirs, southeastern Sichuan Basin[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2016, 38(4): 473-479. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201604473

Trapping pressure of fluid inclusions and its significance in shale gas reservoirs, southeastern Sichuan Basin

doi: 10.11781/sysydz201604473
  • Received Date: 2016-03-11
  • Rev Recd Date: 2016-06-06
  • Publish Date: 2016-07-28
  • Facies studies on fluid inclusions revealed that aqueous and gas-bearing inclusions are distributed in quartz and calcite veins of shale gas reservoirs in wells Jiaye A, Nanye A and Pengye A in the southeastern Sichuan Basin. Raman probe analyses showed that gas-bearing inclusions mainly contain CH4. The homogenization temperature of aqueous inclusions ranges from 215.8-245.4 ℃ in quartz veins of well Jiaoye A. The homogenization temperature of aqueous inclusions ranges from 214.4-240.8 ℃ in quartz veins in well Nanye A. The homogenization temperature of aqueous inclusions ranges from 177.8-210.4 ℃ in calcite veins in well Nanye A. The homogenization temperature of aqueous inclusions ranges from 128.5-156.4 ℃ in calcite veins in well Pengye A. The trapping pressure of gas-bearing inclusions and aqueous inclusions ranges from 114.9-130.5 MPa in quartz veins in well Jiaoye A. The trapping pressure of gas-bearing inclusions and aqueous inclusions ranges from 124.0-151.5 MPa in quartz veins in well Nanye A. The trapping pressure of gas-bearing inclusions and aqueous inclusions ranges from 124.0-151.5 MPa in quartz veins in well Nanye A. The trapping pressure of gas-bearing inclusions and aqueous inclusions ranges from 114.0-122.3 MPa in calcite veins in well Nanye A. The trapping pressure of gas-bearing inclusions and aqueous inclusions ranges from 32.5-43.0 MPa in calcite veins in well Pengye A. Fluid inclusions in these wells were trapped during the Yanshanian period. Reservoirs were over pressured when fluid inclusions were trapped in wells Jiaoye A and Nanye A, but under normal conditions in well Pengye A. Pressure coefficients when trapping showed similar regularities as measured well pressure, inferring that the gas preservation conditions in wells Jiaoye A and Nanye A are better than that of Pengye A.


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