Volume 43 Issue 4
Jul.  2021
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MAO Yi. Transfer system reform for oil and gas mineral rights and value of reserves in China[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2021, 43(4): 728-736. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202104728
Citation: MAO Yi. Transfer system reform for oil and gas mineral rights and value of reserves in China[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2021, 43(4): 728-736. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202104728

Transfer system reform for oil and gas mineral rights and value of reserves in China

doi: 10.11781/sysydz202104728
  • Received Date: 2021-02-19
  • Rev Recd Date: 2021-07-05
  • Publish Date: 2021-07-28
  • At present, in order to adapt to the reform of national oil and gas mining right system, the domestic oil and gas industry is exploring the competitive transfer of mineral rights and the exploration of reserve value, which is a new topic in China. In order to give full play to the fundamental position of market in resource allocation, and to understand the current status and existing problems of the transfer of oil and gas mineral rights, it was analyzed in this paper for the main practices of the international oil company's and our country's oil and gas mineral rights transfer, and the research progress of our country's oil and gas mineral right transfer system reform and the value of oil and gas reserves was summarized. Since the "13th Five-Year Plan", the besieged city with a high concentration of oil and gas mining rights in our country has been gradually broken, government supervision methods have been gradually changed, supporting policies and regulations have been improved day by day, and the third-party transaction service platform for block transfer has begun to operate. The value-based evaluation of oil and gas reserves is a key link in the transfer of mining rights and the paid transfer and transaction of oil and gas reserves. On the basis of systematically summarizing the valuation methods of reserves at home and abroad, taking block A in the southeastern part of Sichuan Basin as an example, the specific application of the unit reserve price method was practiced for the determination of key parameters of multiple types of oil and gas reservoirs.


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