Volume 44 Issue 1
Jan.  2022
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ZHAO Mingzhu, YANG Wei, WANG Yaohua, LU Jiankang, XU Liang, LI Lan, LI Xingyu, YAO Linjie. Distribution and genetic mechanisms of connected pore systems in continental shale reservoirs: a case study of Xujiahe Formation of Upper Triassic, Western Sichuan Depression[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2022, 44(1): 170-179. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202201170
Citation: ZHAO Mingzhu, YANG Wei, WANG Yaohua, LU Jiankang, XU Liang, LI Lan, LI Xingyu, YAO Linjie. Distribution and genetic mechanisms of connected pore systems in continental shale reservoirs: a case study of Xujiahe Formation of Upper Triassic, Western Sichuan Depression[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2022, 44(1): 170-179. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202201170

Distribution and genetic mechanisms of connected pore systems in continental shale reservoirs: a case study of Xujiahe Formation of Upper Triassic, Western Sichuan Depression

doi: 10.11781/sysydz202201170
  • Received Date: 2020-11-13
  • Rev Recd Date: 2021-12-14
  • Publish Date: 2022-01-28
  • The distribution and genetic mechanisms of connected pore systems in continental shale reservoirs were analyzed in this paper to enhance the high-efficiency exploration of shale gas. A case study was made with the continental shale of the Upper Triassic Xujiahe Formation in the Western Sichuan Depression. Various experimental methods such as X-ray diffraction, field emission-scanning electron microscopy, low temperature gas adsorption, high-pressure mercury injection and nuclear magnetic resonance cryoporometry were applied to study its mineral composition, distribution of pore-size and pore connectivity, and the main constrains for pore connectivity were discussed. The continental shale of the Xujiahe Formation in the study area has a high content of clay minerals, followed by quartz. The pore-size distribution is complex, and the mesopores in the range of 4-50 nm is the main contributor to pore volume (87.33%) and specific surface area (49.19%). The pores having the size between 20-50 nm appeared to have better pore connectivity and are the major type of connected pores. The continental shale developed various types of pore, predominantly composed of clay intercrystalline pores, with minor dissolved pores and organic pores. Microfractures were widely developed and formed the dominant connective pore assemblage together with clay intercrystalline pores. The development and distribution of connected pores were controlled by the contents and arrangement of brittle minerals such as clay minerals and quartz. Based on the experimental results, some development mechanisms of connected pores in continental shale were concluded. The combination of intercrystalline pores and microfractures developed on the matrix of clay minerals and brittle minerals shows the best connectivity, followed by the clay intercrystalline pores in clay minerals, while the organic pores and clay intercrystalline pores in organic-clay complexes show the lowest connectivity.


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