Volume 45 Issue 6
Nov.  2023
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GE Xiang, LIU Wei, SUN Xin, WANG Chunwei, MA Lin. Application of measurement and control technology in deep and normal pressure shale gas exploration and development[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2023, 45(6): 1221-1230. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2023061221
Citation: GE Xiang, LIU Wei, SUN Xin, WANG Chunwei, MA Lin. Application of measurement and control technology in deep and normal pressure shale gas exploration and development[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2023, 45(6): 1221-1230. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2023061221

Application of measurement and control technology in deep and normal pressure shale gas exploration and development

doi: 10.11781/sysydz2023061221
  • Received Date: 2023-08-28
  • Rev Recd Date: 2023-10-13
  • Publish Date: 2023-11-28
  • Deep and normal-pressure shale gas is the key field of shale gas exploration and development of SINOPEC. At present, this type of shale gas is faced with difficulties in the beneficial development. In order to increase the productivity of single well and further reduce cost and increase efficiency, higher technical requirements are put forward for wellbore measurement and control technology. In order to accurately evaluate shale gas reservoirs, quantitative characterization of reservoir micro-characteristics, prediction of pore pressure coefficient, calculation of gas content, evaluation of low-resistivity shale, and compressibility evaluation of shale gas reservoirs have been carried out, forming a relatively mature shale gas "double sweet spots" fine evaluation technology. In order to improve the drilling rate of deep high-quality shale, a working model integrating directional drilling, mud logging, logging and steering is created. Based on multi-attribute geological modeling and well-to-seismic integration, the geosteering technology for horizontal wells in complex structural areas is formed. According to the difference of geological characteristics in different blocks, the application scopes of the two drilling speed improvement technologies, namely rotary steering and screw + MWD, are defined, thus realizing targeted measures for speed improvement. To meet the requirements of large-scale volumetric fracturing, a number of technologies such as multi-stage perforating bridge plug combined operation, equal aperture perforation, high temperature underground microseismic monitoring and "tractor + DAS fiber" fracturing monitoring have been developed and applied. The shale gas "double sweet spots" fine evaluation technology, the technology for improving reservoir drilling rate, and the technology for increasing drilling speed and fracturing performance have been widely used in deep and normal-pressure shale gas field, which well support the exploration and development of deep and normal-pressure shale gas. Next, SINOPEC will give full play to its advantages in the technology integrating directional drilling, mud logging, logging and steering, continue to promote measurement and control technology innovation, and continue to solve key problems in the interpretation and evaluation technology of new formations/new types of shale gas, the development of high-temperature measurement and control instruments and tools, and the acquisition of basic data, so as to fully guarantee the high-quality exploration and cost-effective development of deep and normal-pressure shale gas.


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