Volume 46 Issue 3
May  2024
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LI Wei, CHEN Jianfa, WANG Jie, WANG Xiaobo, HE Daxiang, WANG Dongliang, LIU Kaixuan, YOU Bing, CHEN Cong, FU Rao, TANG Shuaiqi, ZHANG Jiaqi. Geochemical characteristics and geological significance of noble gases in natural gas from Songliao Basin, China[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2024, 46(3): 576-589. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202403576
Citation: LI Wei, CHEN Jianfa, WANG Jie, WANG Xiaobo, HE Daxiang, WANG Dongliang, LIU Kaixuan, YOU Bing, CHEN Cong, FU Rao, TANG Shuaiqi, ZHANG Jiaqi. Geochemical characteristics and geological significance of noble gases in natural gas from Songliao Basin, China[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2024, 46(3): 576-589. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202403576

Geochemical characteristics and geological significance of noble gases in natural gas from Songliao Basin, China

doi: 10.11781/sysydz202403576
  • Received Date: 2023-11-05
  • Rev Recd Date: 2024-03-18
  • Publish Date: 2024-05-28
  • Geochemistry of noble gases has been applied to the study of deep Earth materials and celestial meteorites. With advancements in measurement technology, it is also increasingly being used in natural gas research. Using the most advanced noble gas mass spectrometer, a systematic analysis was conducted on the abundance and isotopes of noble gas samples collected from the middle and deep Songliao Basin in eastern China to elucidate the compositional characteristics of noble gases in a faulted basin. The findings reveal that the abundance of noble gases in natural gas decreases from light noble gases to heavy noble gases in a left-to-right reversed L-shaped pattern. Specifically, the isotopic ratios of noble gases are: 3He/4He at 2.64×10-6, 20Ne/22Ne at 9.94, 21Ne/22Ne at 0.029 22, and 40Ar/36Ar at 743.7, all of which are higher than atmospheric values. The isotopes 80Kr, 84Kr, 86Kr, and 131-136Xe show relative excess compared to atmospheric levels, indicating the mixing of mantle-derived gases in the natural gas. Based on the compositional characteristics of noble gases, this study suggests that the natural gas in the middle and deep Songliao Basin originated from inorganic crust and mantle mixing. Additionally, certain differences exist in the contribution of mantle-derived components across different tectonic blocks and categories of natural gas within the basin. Comparison between noble gas compositions and the types of natural gas demonstrates that light noble gases distinguish effectively between different types of natural gas, whereas the composition of heavy noble gases shows no significant differences among various types of natural gas. Noble gas isotopes, in addition to tracing the source of natural gas, can also be used to determine natural gas genesis, distinguish natural gas types and characterize tectonic settings.


  • All authors disclose no relevant conflict of interests.
    The study was designed by LI Wei and CHEN Jianfa. The experimental operation was completed by LI Wei, WANG Xiaobo, HE Daxiang and LIU Kaixuan. The manuscript was drafted and revised by LI Wei, CHEN Jianfa, WANG Jie, WANG Dongliang, YOU Bing, CHEN Cong, FU Rao, TANG Shuaiqi and ZHANG Jiaqi. All authors have read the last version of the paper and consented to its submission.
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