摘要: 在断层内输导通道类型及其特征研究的基础上,将断层垂向封闭性分为2种类型:一种是针对倾斜裂缝或以泥质为主的断裂带连通孔隙的紧闭愈合封闭机理;另一种是针对垂直裂缝或以砂质填充为主的断裂带连通孔隙的成岩胶结封闭机理。利用断层压力和泥岩塑性变形极限之间的关系建立了断层紧闭愈合封闭机理的研究方法;利用SiO2和CaCO3的是否沉淀建立了断层成岩胶结封闭机理的研究方法。并以乌尔逊凹陷北部主要断层为例,利用上述方法对其在大一段内的的垂向封闭性进行了研究。研究结果符合实际地质情况,表明该方法用于研究断层内不同输导通道的垂向封闭性是可行的。Abstract: Based on the study of types and characteristics of transporting passways in faults,two types ofvertical seal mechanisms of faults were divided.A vertical seal mechanism of fault is tight and heal sealmechanismfor tip fractures or connected pores of fault zone filled mainly with mustone.Another verticalseal mechanismof fault is diagenetic cementation seal mechanismfor vertical fractures or connected poresof fault zone filled mainly with sandstone.A method studying the tight and heal seal mechanism of faultwas established by using the relationship between surround pressure on fault and plastic deformationli mitof mudstone.Another method studyingthe diagenetic cementation seal mechanismof fault was establishedby using whether deposition of silica and carbonate or not.These method were appliedin studyingthe ver-tical seal mechanismof main fault in the first member of Damoguaihe Formation,the north of WuerxunDepressionin the Hailar Basin.The research results are accordant with actual geological conditions.It in-dicates that the methods are practical to study the seal of different transporting passways of fault.
Key words:
- fault /
- transporting passways /
- fractures /
- connected pores /
- tight and heal /
- diagenetic cementation
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