摘要: 通过地表与深部地球物理资料分析,论证了福建推覆构造的存在,并根据其不同表现形式,划分为东部逆冲推覆带、中部逆冲褶皱带和西部挤压推覆带。在区域构造分析的基础上认为:福建推覆构造发育于印支期,鼎盛发展于燕山早期,定位消减于燕山晚期;推覆运动方向由北西往南东;推覆构造的形成与濒太平洋大陆边缘活动带剧烈运动有关。Abstract: Surface and deep geophysical data analysis has proved the existance of nappe structures in Fujian Province.Accordingto different shapes,they can be divided into 3 types: the eastern thrust nappe belt,the central thrust fold belt and the western compressive nappe belt.Regional tectonic analysis indicates that,nappe structures in the Fujian Province were generated during the Indosinian epoch,propagated mainly during the early Yanshan epoch and decreased in the late Yanshan epoch.The nappe movement is from northwest to southeast.The formation of nappe is related to the tectonic movement of circum-Pacific continental active belt.
Key words:
- thrust /
- exotic rock system /
- native rock system /
- nappe structure /
- the Fujian Province
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