Reservoir evaluation and effective pay thickness study of carbonate reservoir in Jiyang Depression, Bohai Bay Basin
摘要: 碳酸盐岩储层非均质性强烈,储集空间和储层类型复杂多样,地层结构、组合关系也比较复杂,给储层分类评价、储量计算的油层有效厚度划分和油藏有效厚度选值带来了很大困难。该文在分析总结济阳坳陷碳酸盐岩潜山储集类型和岩电特征的基础上,利用常规测井和成像、核磁测井技术对裂缝、溶洞和孔隙进行定性识别和定量解释,并对其有效性进行评价,建立了有效厚度划分标准,形成了一套较为适用的济阳坳陷碳酸盐岩潜山油层有效厚度的评价方法;结合碳酸盐岩潜山油藏本身的特殊性和钻探特点,提出了油藏单元有效厚度的选值方法。Abstract: Due to strong heterogeneity, various reservoir spaces and types as well as complicated formation structure and combination, it is difficult to evaluate reservoir and divide effective pay thickness for reservoir calculation in carbonate reservoir. Based on analyses of reservoir types and rock-electricity characteristics of carbonate buried-hill in the Jiyang Depression, using normal well-logging and imaging as well as nuclear magnetic logging technology, we qualitatively identified and quantitatively interpreted fracture, cave and pore. The effect of fracture, cave and pore was judged, and the division standard for effective pay thickness was established. A set of evaluation method suitable for the effective pay thickness of carbonate buried hill reservoir in the Jiyang Depression was put forward. Taking into consideration of the particularity and the drilling features of carbonate buried hill reservoir, a method for selecting effective pay thickness of reservoir unit was proposed.
Key words:
- effective pay thickness /
- reservoir evaluation /
- reserve calculation /
- carbonate /
- Jiyang Depre-ssion /
- Bohai Bay Basin
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