Practice of acid fracture avoiding filling caves in district no.12 in the Tahe Oil Field
摘要: 实钻、取心和测井的情况表明,塔河油田十二区油井充填的比例较高,达到了25.1%,且充填井普遍表现出生产低产低效的特征。针对这种现象,从取心资料出发,通过数据统计找出不同充填物的测井响应特征,结合油井的生产特征,得出不同充填物充填下充填洞的产能特征。根据Loucks提出的洞穴理想层序,对因充填造成生产低效的油井,避开充填洞,对上部的洞顶破碎带或下部的洞底垮塌带进行上返酸压、下返酸压改造,取得了较好的增油效果。Abstract: Drilling, logging and core sample data showed that about 25.1% of wells in district no.12 in the Tahe Oil Field were filled, resulting in low production efficiency. The correspondence between logging data and different filling materials was discussed. The production of filling caves with different filling materials was studied in view of well yielding. Based on the ideal cave sequence proposing by Loucks, acid fracture avoiding filling caves was practiced in the upper broken area or the lower collapsed area to improve oil production.
Key words:
- fractured-vuggy carbonate reservoir /
- filling cave /
- avoid /
- acid fracture /
- Tahe Oil Field
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