2012 Vol. 34, No. 1

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2012, 34(1)
Abstract(2911) PDF-CN(2147)
Prototypes of sedimentary basins in central and western China from Late Paleozoic to Middle Triassic
Huang Zeguang, Gao Changlin, Fan Xiaolin
2012, 34(1): 1-7. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201201001
Abstract(3990) PDF-CN(2532)
The formation and evolution of sedimentary basins were controlled by 4 important geologic events in central and western China from the Late Paleozoic to the Middle Triassic.1)From the Late Devonian to the Early Carboniferous,the Pal-Asia Ocean subducted.The giant Pal-Asian Landmass came into being when the Siberian Landmass had been connected with the Pal-China Landmass through the Tianshan-Yinshan Orogenic Belt.2)From Carboniferous to the Early Permian,influenced by mantle plumes,Tianshan(central Asia) large igneous rock province and several rift valleys generated in the giant Pal-Asian Landmass.3) From the Early Carboniferous to the Late Permian and the Middle Triassic,the Paleotethys Ocean expanded and the SES margin of the Pal-Asian Landmass detached.4) From the Late Permian to the Middle Triassic,the Emei Mantle Plume and several rift valleys generated.4 basin prototypes existed in central and western China from the Late Paleozoic to the Middle Triassic.1)Basins in the detaching margins of plates.They generated when the Paleotethys Ocean was expanding and mainly located in the northwestern and southern margins of South China Landmass as well as the southern margin of the Tarim Landmass.2)Basins in the convergent margins of plates.From the Late Permian to Triassic,they generated in the southern margin of the the South China Landmass.From the Middle and Late Devonian to Carboniferous,they developed in the northern margin of the North China Landmass.From Devonian to Carboniferous,they developed in one or both sides of the Central Orogenic Belt.3)Intracratonic basins,including intra-platform depressions,inter-platform faults and remaining marine basins.4)Rift valleys and aulacogens related to the Tianshan large igneous rock province and the Emei Mantle Plume.
Favorable exploration targets in northern Avat and northern Shuntuoguole areas, Tarim Basin
Lü Haitao, Geng Feng, Mao Qingyan, Wu Qiqiao, He Kai
2012, 34(1): 8-13. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201201008
Abstract(5351) PDF-CN(3007)
In the past years,few achievements in accordance with the scale of hydrocarbon generation depression have been obtained in petroleum explorations in Avat area of the Tarim Basin and the favorable exploration targets still remain exploring.Based on new exploration data and research progresses,it is discussed in this paper the petroleum geologic conditions in the northern Avat and the northern Shuntuoguole areas.Three petroleum systems have been identified according to petroleum system theory.As to the Cambrian-Ordovician petroleum system(!) in Avat area,the most favorable exploration target is the middle-lower Ordovician karst-vuggy carbonate reservoir in the east of the study area.The traps formed in or before Yanshan period along big faults are less favorable.For the Triassic-Jurassic petroleum system(!) in Kuche area,the most favorable exploration targets include Paleogene-Cretaceous lithologic traps and various traps of unconformity fluctuation of early Himalayan epoch in the east of the area.Delta sandbody and lacustrine turbidite mass are favorable targets in the Triassic petroleum system(?) in Avat area.
Hydrocarbon carrier system of carbonate rock and exploration direction in Tahe Oilfield, Tarim Basin
Wang Xiang, Lü Xiuxiang, Liu Guoyong, Zhang Yanping, Jiao Weiwei, Hua Xiaoli
2012, 34(1): 14-18. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201201014
Abstract(5576) PDF-CN(2775)
The hydrocarbon carrier system of carbonate rock in the Tahe Oil Field has been studied systematically according to regional geologic condition.The above-mentioned carrier system can be divided into three types: 1)fault structural fissure;2)unconformity and paleo-weathering crust;3)Ordovician karst pore,fracture and vug.Fault and its concomitant structural fissure as well as karst fracture network resulted from severe karstification effect work as hydrocarbon carrier system in the central Tarim Oil Field.Fault and its concomitant structural fissure as well as unconformity dipping to the south chronically work as hydrocarbon carrier system in the peripheral region of the oil field.According to the features of hydrocarbon carrier elements and their spatial arrangement,three favorable exploration targets have been pointed out: 1)fracture-karst type reserves in the north of block no.3 of the Tahe Oil Field;2)stratigraphic unconformity-karst type reserves in the central Tahe Oil Field;3)lower Ordovician karst-fracture type reservoirs in the southern Tahe Oil Field.
Mesozoic tectonics and dynamic thermal history in Yuanba area of northeastern Sichuan Basin:application of(U-Th)/He dating of apatite and zircon
Wang Jie, Qin Jianzhong, Liu Wenhui, Tao Cheng, Tenger
2012, 34(1): 19-24. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201201019
Abstract(3618) PDF-CN(1780)
In Yuanba area of the northeastern Sichuan Basin,vitrinite reflectance and(U-Th)/He dating analyses of apatite and zircon in chip samples from the Xujiahe(T3x)-Jiading(K1j) Formations were carried out.A dynamic evolution model based on He age and depth/temperature was set up,by means of which we concluded that the He closure temperature of apatite was about 95℃.Most of the Mesozoic strata(T3x-K1j) in the study area experienced the He closure temperature of apatite(95℃) while no sample experienced the He closure temperature of zircon,and some samples from T3x2-J1z underwent the maxium palaeogeothermal of about 170℃.From Paleogene to Neogene(0.2-36.4 Ma),the Mesozoic strata in Yuanba area went through a severe cooling uplift and denudation with the denudation rate of 109.9 m/Ma.In K1j and the overlying strata,the maximum denudation thickness was about 4000 m.The dynamic thermal evolution history in the study area was illustrated systematically as followed.In Mesozoic,the maximum palaeogeothermal of strata was 170-190℃.As strata upraise,palaeogeothermal decreased.From 36 to 176 Ma,palaeogeothermal was 95-170℃.From 0 to 36 Ma,the present geotemperature is below 95℃.
Application of seismic sedimentology in platform edge reef, Songnan 3D area, Qiongdongnan Basin
Huang Hongguang, Lu Yongchao, Zou Zhuochao
2012, 34(1): 25-29. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201201025
Abstract(5270) PDF-CN(3128)
In Songnan 3D area in the northern margin of the southern uplift of the Qiongdongnan Basin,seismic sedimentology has been applied in the studies of platform edge reef based on recent 3D seismic data with high resolution.The style of active generation unit of reef is controlled by the fluctuation of sea level,and based on which a reef generation model has been established.Seismic attribute has been applied to describe the distribution of sedimentary microfacies of platform edge reef.Combined with reservoir porosity inversion restricted by velocity model,the physical property of reservoir can be predicted.Platform edge reef growing in the study area is characterized by complex border.Amplitude features among different layers reveal the spatial distribution of growth unit of platform edge reef in small and equal period.Abnormal low velocity zones in porosity study are potential targets for exploration.This research may provide new ways for reef-hydrocarbon reservoir exploration in the Qiongdongnan Basin.
Fold structure pattern in southwestern Qaidam Basin
Li Lanbin, Sun Jiazhen, Xia Xiaoyan, Jiang Wuming, Wu Guangda
2012, 34(1): 30-35. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201201030
Abstract(5287) PDF-CN(2930)
Based on the studies of tectonic profile and deformation history,the structures in the southwestern Qaidam Basin have been divided into 5 categories according to their genetic mechanisms: thrust fold structure,fault-propagation fold structure,detachment fold structure,diapiric structure(mud diapir structure) and composite fold structure.The thrust fold structure distributes in the Kunbei fault-uprising belt,mainly characterized by the involving of basement into severely-uprising unilaterally extruding asymmetrical fold.The fault-propagation fold structure locates in the Gasi-Zhahaquan fault-fold belt,mainly characterized by the involving of basement into unilaterally extruding fault-propagation asymmetrical fold.The detachment fold structure locates in the Yingxiongling detachment fold belt and the central depression as well as the shallow layer of the Gasi-Zhahaquan fault-fold belt,mainly characterized by detachment fold which is approximately symmetrical in middle-shallow layer.The diapiric structure(mud diapir structure) is characterized by the upwarp of plastic mudstone and usually distributes in the east of the central depression and the Yingxiongling detachment fold belt.The composite fold structure is composed of the trust-propagation and the detachment fold structures.
Preservation conditions for formation water and hydrocarbon in Wuxia area, Junggar Basin
Tan Kaijun, Zhang Fan, Yin Lu, Dai Dongdong, Qi Wen
2012, 34(1): 36-39. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201201036
Abstract(4616) PDF-CN(2430)
Based on the complicated distribution of geological fluid in Wuxia area of the Junggar Basin,from the aspects of hydrogeological conditions and formation water chemical characteristics,it has been discussed in this paper the relationship between formation water and hydrocarbon preservation.Studies have suggested that,Permian and Triassic experienced short stages of atmospheric water seepage and long stages of water compression since they were in alternative blocking and stopping belts.Severely influenced by deep thermal fluids,the formation water was mainly CaCl2 and NaHCO3 types with high salinity as well as low sodium chloride and de-sulfate coefficients.It was not or seldom damaged and provided excellent conditions for the preservation of hydrocarbon.
Provenance and palaeocurrent direction of Upper Cretaceous Nenjiang Formation in northern Songliao Basin
Mo Wuling, Wu Chaodong, Zhang Shun, Peng Guoliang
2012, 34(1): 40-46. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201201040
Abstract(4340) PDF-CN(2310)
The provenance and palaeocurrent direction of the Upper Cretaceous Nenjiang Formation in the northern Songliao Basin were analyzed by means of strata slicing in seismic-sedimentologic studies and combined with detrital and heavy mineral components tests.A sedimentary distribution model of meandering river-delta-ake sedimentary systems in the Nenjiang Formation was established based on the studies of palaeocurrent direction.It was concluded that the deposition of the Nenjiang Formation was controlled by the eastern and northeastern deltas.The northeastern sources played important roles during the deposition of the 1st member of the Nenjiang Formation and the palaeocurrents were SN oriented along down-slop.After the maximum lake flooding during the 2nd and 3rd members of the Nenjing Formation,the northeastern sources were taken place by the eastern ones and the palaeocurrents changed to be EW oriented along down-slope.The sedimentary model provides geologic support for petroleum exploration in Heidimiao reservoir in the north of the Songliao Basin.
Petroleum geology and exploration potential of Volga-Ural Basin:one typical foreland
Li Bin, Zhu Xiaomin
2012, 34(1): 47-52. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201201047
Abstract(7785) PDF-CN(3546)
The Volga-Ural Basin is a typical foreland basin in the eastern margin of the Eastern Europe Platform.Subsidence continued from Riphean of pre-Cambrian to Quaternary of Cenozoic.Good assemblages of source rock,reservoir and seal exist in the marine facies carbonate rocks of the middle and upper Paleozoic,resulting in giant petroliferous region which has great potential for petroleum exploration.The tectonic evolution of the basin can be divided into four stages including:1) clastic rock in intracontinental rift;2) carbonate tableland in passive margin;3) foreland basin of orogenic belt;4) clastic rock in foreland basin.Studies show that the basin has underwent a complete"Wilson Circle"from continent rift to continent collision,and is regarded as a typical giant foreland basin.Biological carbonate rocks generated during the passive margin stage contributed to hydrocarbon generation.Severe regional tectonic movements of orogenic belt when foreland basin formed provided driving force for petroleum migration and accumulation.Folds in the east of the basin are targets for future exploration.
Geochemical characteristics of shallow gas in Honggang region, Songliao Basin
Jing Chengjie, Niu Shizhong, Huang Yuxin
2012, 34(1): 53-56. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201201053
Abstract(4376) PDF-CN(914)
The chemical and stable carbon isotopic compositions of 7 shallow gas samples from the Mingshui Formation and 13 shallow gas samples from the Nenjiang Formation in Honggang region have been tested.Results have indicated that the average values of CH4 content,C2+ content,dry coefficient and δ13C1 of the Mingshui Formation are 92.74%,1.77%,0.981 and -56.7‰,respectively,while those of the Nenjiang Formation are 90.38%,5.57%,0.942 and -52.1‰,respectively.The shallow gas from the Mingshui Formation is biogas and that from the Nenjiang Formation is bio-thermocatalytic transitional gas.Both of them belong to low-mature oil-type gas.
Geochemical features and geologic significances of source rocks in Nanpu Sag, Bohai Bay Basin
Gang Wenzhe, Wu Yue, Gao Gang, Ma Qian, Pang Xiongqi
2012, 34(1): 57-61. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201201057
Abstract(4351) PDF-CN(1052)
Fine description and comparative study of the geochemical features of source rocks in the Nanpu Sag of the Bohai Bay Basin have been made according to multiple parameters.It has been concluded that effective source rocks in the 3rd member of the Shahejie Formation are regarded as excellent effective hydrocarbon source rocks thanks to big thickness and high organic abundance(2.5%-8%).They are mainly of Ⅱ1 and Ⅰ organic types,and are in mature and over mature stages.Effective source rocks in the 1st member of the Shahejie Formation are regarded as good ones since the organic abundance ranges from 1.2% to 2.3%,and the organic types are dominated by Ⅱ2 and Ⅲ.Effective source rocks in the 3rd member of the Dongying Formation are regarded as relatively good ones of mature stage since the organic abundance ranges from 0.2% to 2.6%,and the organic type is dominated by Ⅱ2.3 regions favorable for exploration in the Nanpu Sag have been pointed out.1)Structures Nanpu1-2 and 3-4 close to hydrocarbon generation sags dominated by types Ⅱ1 and Ⅰ source rocks.2)Structures Gaoshangpu and Liuzan close to hydrocarbon generation sags dominated by types Ⅱ2 and Ⅰ source rocks.3)Structures Laoyemiao-Beipu and Nanpu5 close to hydrocarbon generation sags dominated by types Ⅱ2 and Ⅲ source rocks.
Geochemical characteristics and tectonic significances of volcanic rocks in Haizhou Group, Northern Jiangsu Basin
Lu Yongde, Gao Changlin
2012, 34(1): 62-65. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201201062
Abstract(2645) PDF-CN(979)
In the Northern Jiangsu Basin,large amounts of volcanic rocks generated in the Haizhou Group during the late Proterozoic Era.Quartz keratophyre accounts for the largest proportion,spilite the second,and keratophyre the least.The volcanic rocks in the Haizhou Formation are rich in alkali and Na,and are characterized by bimodal distribution.The geochemical features of major,trace and rare elements indicate that the volcanic rocks formed in tensional environment,i.e.taphrogenic trough.They were related to the Rodinia Supercontinent during the late Proterozoic Era.
Influences of TSR on gaseous hydrocarbon components and carbon isotopes:revelations from high-temperature and high-pressure simulation experiments
Zhang Jianyong, Liu Wenhui, Tenger, Wang Xiaofang, Pan Liyin, Lü Yuzhen, Fu Xiaodong, Zhang Jingyi, Qing Ying, Liu Jinzhong
2012, 34(1): 66-70. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201201066
Abstract(3420) PDF-CN(962)
Crude oil rich in sulfur,kerogen of types Ⅱ and Ⅲ and magnesium sulfate were tested in 6 reaction systems(divided into 3 groups) so as to study the influences of thermochemical sulfate reduction(TSR) on gaseous hydrocarbon components and carbon isotopes.The tests were made in gold tube-autoclave system.The above-mentioned 6 reaction systems had the same temperature and pressure;hence their results were comparable.The modeling experiments have proved that: 1)TSR leads to the obvious increase of H2S and CO2 yields;2)TSR makes gaseous hydrocarbon become dryer,that is,the C2+ series are easier to react in TSR while CH4 seldom participates in TSR;3)TSR makes the carbon isotopes of gaseous hydrocarbon become heavier and that of CO2 become lighter;4) TSR makes much more obvious change of carbon isotopes in methane than in ethane and propane,that is,the value of δC2-δC1 decreases.The changes of gaseous hydrocarbon components and carbon isotopes caused by TSR influence the index and empirical formula of gas-source rock correlation,so the influences of TSR should be taken into consideration in gas-source rock correlation of natural gas rich in sulfur.
Geochemical characteristics of natural gas of different gas-bearing assemblages in Upper Paleozoic, eastern Ordos Basin
Li Yanxia, Zhao Jinzhou, Liu Xinshe, Xi Shengli, Wei Xinshan
2012, 34(1): 71-77. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201201071
Abstract(4328) PDF-CN(2147)
Based on gas molecular and stable carbon isotope analyses of 110 gas samples collected from the Upper Paleozoic in the eastern Ordos Basin,it has been concluded that the lower gas-bearing assemblages such as the Benxi,Taiyuan and Shanxi Formations mainly contain dry gas characterized by high methane content,low C2+ alkanes content,high dryness and relatively high non-hydrocarbon content.The He8 gas pools of the middle gas-bearing assemblages mainly contain wet gas characterized by 2 peaks for dryness(0.93-0.94,0.98-0.99) as well as high C2+ alkanes content and low non-hydrocarbon content.The Qian5 gas pools of the upper gas-bearing assemblages are characterized by the highest methane content,relatively lower C2+ alkanes content,the lowest non-hydrocarbon content and the dryness ranges from 0.96 to 0.99.Carbon isotope values of methane are heavy among different gas-bearing assemblages and those of ethane and propane are in accordance with typical coal gas.Carbon isotopes of kerogen,desorption hydrocarbons of source rocks and cap rocks indicate that the source rocks have the characteristics of typical coal source rocks.Natural gas of different gas-bearing assemblages generates from underlying humic sources.
Correlation of oil and source in well Zhunbao 1, Gerileaodou Sag, Erlian Basin
Wei Fenliang, Ouyang Rui, Xiao Bin, Zhong Ningning, Luo Qingyong, Han Hui, Qi Lin, Fu Xiaoning, Zhang Yi
2012, 34(1): 78-83. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201201078
Abstract(4739) PDF-CN(992)
Source rocks of the Alatanheli Group of Jurassic in well Zhunbao 1 in the Gerileaodou Sag of the Erlian Basin have been studied.Ro ranges from 0.58% to 0.67% with the average value of 0.63% and Tmax is over 435℃ in average,indicating low-mature and mature stages for hydrocarbon generation.Pr/Ph ranges from 0.39 to 5.24 and the average value is 1.62,indicating reducing environment.Gammacerane/C30αβ hopane ranges from 0.07 to 1.45 with the average value of 0.37,proving that the source rocks deposited in lacustrine bog of sweet and brackish water.C29/C27ααα20R sterane is over 1,proving that the source rocks originated from both lower creature and advanced plant,and the advanced plant contributed more than the lower creature.Comparisons of geochemical features have been made between source rock and crude oil,indicating that the crude oil in well Zhunbao 1 originated from source rocks in the Alatanheli Group.The Alatanheli Group is the key exploration target in the Erlian Basin.
Application of isotopic dating in geochronology of hydrocarbon migration and accumulation
Li Jingjing, Wang Yi, Li Huili, Zhang Weibiao
2012, 34(1): 84-88. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201201084
Abstract(4173) PDF-CN(1590)
Isotopic dating makes the study of hydrocarbon reservoir forming stages change from qualitative to quantitative analysis.The mechanism of isotopic dating and three methods which developed rapidly in recent years have been introduced,including K-Ar,40Ar-39Ar and Re-Os.The application principle,test object,advantage and disadvantage as well as practical application of the methods have been discussed,providing effective reference for the application of isotopic dating in geochronology of hydrocarbon migration and accumulation.
Hydrocarbon migration pathway in carrier layer junction based on steady filling
Ma Zhongliang, Zeng Jianhui, Zheng Lunju
2012, 34(1): 89-93. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201201089
Abstract(3704) PDF-CN(1548)
The porosity,permeability and attitude of carrier layer have important influences on hydrocarbon migration and accumulation.Case studies have been conducted in the transporting frames of the eastern rift basins.Based on steady filling,the physical property and attitude of carrier layer have been changed so as to analyze their influence on hydrocarbon migration pathway in carrier layer junction.When hydrocarbon migrates to the junction of two carrier layers,the predominant pathway depends on both the physical property and the attitude of each sand layer.The carrier layer with bigger angle and better physical property is much easier to become favorable pathway for hydrocarbon migration.The physical property limit for predominant pathway change in carrier layer junction has been calculated at different angle through theoretic study and experiment.If physical property equals to the critical value,both the two transport layers can work as favorable migration pathway.If physical property is bigger or smaller than the critical value,only one transport layer can be favorable migration pathway.A quantitative model has been established so as to predict favorable pathway in carrier layer junction.
Determination of benzene series in soil and sediment with combined thermal desorption gas chromatography
Wang Shuangqing, Qin Jing, Sun Weilin, Shen Bin, Yang Jiajia, Yan Kaifeng
2012, 34(1): 94-98. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201201094
Abstract(2523) PDF-CN(1154)
Systematical experiments have been conducted to determine BTEX in soil and sediment using internal standard through combining thermal desorption and gas chromatography.This method has been proved simple and rapid to operate and the analysis results have been proved repeatable and reproducible.It is suitable to determine BTEX in geochemical survey.The efficiency of 1-bromo-4-fluorobenzene as the internal standard for BTEX determination has been investigated,and its mass-peak area linear dependence relations with other single component of BTEX have been identified(all above 0.99).The reproducibility,recovery rate and detection limit of the new method have been tested with real soil,marine sediment and artificially synthesized samples and have achieved satisfying results.The detection limits of the method are below 10 ng/g for each single component of BTEX.
Experimental study on percolation backbone of secondary migration of crude oil
Yan Jianzhao, Luo Xiaorong, Zhang Likuan, Lei Yuhong
2012, 34(1): 99-103. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201201099
Abstract(2631) PDF-CN(940)
The experimental studies of the continual secondary migration of crude oil have been carried out 2-dimentionally using the Hele-Shaw model.The percolation backbone of the secondary migration of crude oil has been verified by changing the color of injected oil after the formation of initial migration pathway.Buoyancy and capillary force changes after the formation of initial migration pathway are the main reason for percolation backbone.The size and fractal dimension of the backbone are smaller than those of the corresponding initial migration pathway.The backbone limits the losses of oil during secondary migration and accelerates the process,so it enhances the secondary oil migration efficiency.
Application of laser Raman spectrum in organic maceral studies
Bao Fang, Li Zhiming, Zhang Meizheng, Wang Rucheng
2012, 34(1): 104-108. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201201104
Abstract(4220) PDF-CN(1192)
The former tests of coal maceral were usually carried out manually and were influenced obviously by manual elements.Laser Raman spectrum deals with the order and deficiency of carbon matter structure and analyzes the features of organic maceral from the aspect of molecular structure.In this paper,the features and classifications of laser Raman spectrum of three macerals(vitrinite,semifusinite and fusinite)in source rocks have been discussed.The comparisons of laser Raman spectrum parameters between different macerals have been made and the structures of different macerals have been analyzed.In this way,we intend to find a new way to distinguish different macerals quickly and precisely using laser Raman spectrum.It has been found out that,in certain maturity range,obvious difference exists between D1 peak and G peak half-width among different organic macerals.This might be used as a new standard to distinguish different organic macerals.Laser Raman spectrum identifies the macerals in coals and rock samples quickly and effectively.It is an effective method in maceral analyses.