2017 Vol. 39, No. S1

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2017, 39(S1): .
Characteristics of Shunbei No.8 strike-slip fault in Shunbei region of Tarim Basin and their controls on reservoirs
Lan Mingjie, Wang Hongtao, Ma Qingyou, Yang Suju, Li Zhongji, Chen Xinhua
2017, 39(S1): 1-6. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2017S1001
Abstract(1242) PDF-CN(336)
The main activity stages and formation mechanism of the Shunbei No.8 strike-slip fault in the Shunbei region of Tarim Basin were studied based on new 3D seismic data and regional stress field background. According to the zoned deformation in the Middle and Lower Ordovician, the fault was divided into three segments:upright-linear, positive flower-pinnate, and negative flower-pull apart. The reservoir properties of drilling wells and the tectonic styles of the fault showed that the negative flower-pull apart zone is most favorable for reservoir development, the positive flower-pinnate zone the second, and the upright-linear zone the worst.
Logging analysis of Ordovician carbonate reservoirs in Shunbei 1 region, northern Tarim Basin
Zhou Hongtao
2017, 39(S1): 7-12. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2017S1007
Abstract(1362) PDF-CN(248)
The Ordovician carbonate reservoirs in Shunbei 1 region of the northern Tarim Basin have a high hete-rogeneity and anisotropy, and the reservoir type is complex. The reservoir types were classified into the cave type, fractured hole type and crack type according to their spatial combination based on imaging logging data and combined with conventional logging and core data. The main faults are dominated by cave reservoirs, and the secondary fractures are mainly fractures and fractured cavities. The reservoirs were compared with adjacent reservoirs. The well logging responses of the horizontal fissures on cores were preliminarily discussed combined with electro imaging logging and acoustic imaging logging. The results of imaging treatment showed that the fracturing seepage ability is poor.
Formation of mid-deep strata with high radioactivity in the Tahe oil field and its application
Ma Xuejian, Wang Chenguang
2017, 39(S1): 13-16. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2017S1013
Abstract(1137) PDF-CN(140)
The mid-deep strata in the Tahe area cover the range from T751 to T78, that is, from the lower part of the upper Yingshan Formation to the lower Yingshan Formation from stratigraphic aspect. It is relatively difficult to track T751 with seismic and logging methods. Through a large number of statistic findings, three highly radioactive intervals were commonly found in the mid-deep formation in the Tahe oil field, with possible good reservoirs. Thus during the evaluation of mid-deep reservoirs, Natural Gamma Ray Spectrometry Logs is an effective technique to evaluate highly radioactive reservoirs. Highly radioactive formations not only can be a key horizon for regional formation comparison, but also a good indicator for fault belt, karstification and the path of oil and gas charging.
Logging response characteristics and identification of Triassic water flooding formation in Tahe oilfield
Cheng Lan, Wang Chenguang, Zhou Wei
2017, 39(S1): 17-22. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2017S1017
Abstract(1124) PDF-CN(144)
In recent years, the development practice of Tahe 9 area showed that there are different degrees of water flooding in the Triassic lower oil formation. However, there is no mature well logging interpretation and evaluation method for water flooding layer in this area. Core water flooding test showed that reservoir resistivity declined after flooding, and the lithology, physical property, pore structure and grain size of reservoir changed little. The physical property changes of the Triassic lower oil formation in Tahe 9 area after water flooding were studied, and the logging responses of water flooded layer were concluded. An identification method for water flooded layer was established, which mainly focused on reconstructing original resistivity and combined with resistivity-porosity cross plots and high-resolution induction resistivity ratio.
Influencing factors for nitrogen flooding in fractured-vuggy reservoir well groups in Tahe oil field
Xie Hui, Guo Chen, Chen Yong
2017, 39(S1): 23-26. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2017S1023
At present, nitrogen flooding technique is widely used in the Tahe oil field, leading to significant oil increment. However, the effect of nitrogen flooding in well groups is different, and the influencing factors are not clear. The karst background was divided into three types, including weathered crust+subsurface stream composite karst, subsurface stream karst and broken solution karst, based on the understanding of fractured-vuggy reservoirs. The influences of reservoir depth, remaining geological reserves and injected gas-water ratio on the effect of nitrogen injection in well groups were studied. The influencing factors of nitrogen injection effect under different karst backgrounds were analyzed from 35 injection well groups that had completed evaluation, so as to guide nitrogen injection works in oil fields in the future.
Feasibility of nitrogen foam flooding in layered edge-water reservoirs in AT2 well block, Tahe oilfield
Xie Shuang, Liu Rui, Dou Lian, Zheng Xiaojie
2017, 39(S1): 27-31. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2017S1027
In the development of edge and bottom water reservoirs, edge and bottom water intrusions always lead to vertical and plane contradictions. Nitrogen foam flooding, with the advantages of abundant gas source and low cost, is now the most common kind of foam flooding in field applications. Nitrogen foam injection to the oil wells with coned bottom water plays an obvious coning control effect. The injected water ripple of AT2 well block in the Tahe oilfield is small in size, and the water flooding efficiency is low. We used reservoir numerical simulation technology to carry out a feasibility study on nitrogen foam flooding to improve the development effect of the Triassic Yangchang oil group in AT2 well block in the Tahe oilfield.
Surface attenuation compensation applied in desert area of the Tarim Basin
Li Fubin, Fei Jianbo, Ma Xuejun
2017, 39(S1): 32-35. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2017S1032
The energy and resolution of seismic wave reduced because of desert surface attenuation. The spatial variation of desert surface media is large, for which the attenuation causes the spatial variation of the energy and phase of seismic wavelet. If the change is much larger than reservoir information change, reservoir prediction will be failed. The surface attenuation compensation technique is a quantitative analysis method based on the near surface model. The relative attenuation coefficient R is obtained by the frequency conversion of seismic wave. The relative Q value of the surface is obtained by the spectral ratio method. The stable attenuation compensation algorithm is used to compensate seismic data, which can effectively widen the effective frequency band of seismic signal and improve the resolution and S/N, and effectively solve the problem of near surface airborne absorption.
Analyses and countermeasures for water-producing in fractured-vuggy gas condensate reservoirs
Ding Hui, Zhang Hao
2017, 39(S1): 36-39. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2017S1036
The Ordovician gas reservoirs in block 9 of the Tahe oil field are carbonate-type fractured-vuggy gas condensate reservoirs. High water content in the later stage of production severely restricts stale production. In this paper, the water seepage mechanism and water pattern of the single well were analyzed, and the water charac-teristics in this area were divided into slow rising type, rapid ascending type, flooding type and no water type. The results showed that the gas flow capacity of fractured-vuggy reservoirs is higher than that of fractured reservoirs, and the gas flow capacity in fractured reservoirs is more obviously controlled by liquid facies. There are three water intrusion modes including vertical fracture communication, fracture and cave communication, and fixed volume. Some countermeasures were proposed respectively.
Solubility of CO2 in crude oil and high-salinity formation water under high temperature and high pressure: Taking the Triassic reservoirs in a certain area of Tahe oilfield as an example
Wang Dan, Zhao Ruiming, Cui Maolei, Zhang Xiaoyu, Wang Na
2017, 39(S1): 40-43. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2017S1040
Abstract(1613) PDF-CN(248)
The solubility of CO2 in the presence of high-salinity formation water, crude oil and unsaturated oil-water system was tested at 110℃ and 50 MPa by using a self-developed high temperature and high pressure CO2 solubility measurement device. The experimental results showed that the formation water dissolved carbon dioxide gas amount of 26.5 m3/m3, and that of compound crude oil was about 134 m3/m3. When the oil/water volume ratio was 1:1, the partition coefficient of injected CO2 in oil and water was about 9.23.
Water injection technique for fractured-vuggy condensate gas reservoirs in Tahe oil field
Hao Yang, He Yin, Li Zongrui
2017, 39(S1): 44-47. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2017S1044
Abstract(1172) PDF-CN(122)
The Ordovician gas condensate reservoir in D area of Tahe is a main gas reservoir in the Tahe oil field. The gas production in D2 well area has been decreasing rapidly in recent years. How to improve the recovery rate of such gas reservoir is a difficult problem to be solved in the continuous and efficient development of block. According to reservoir and production characteristics, we analyzed water injection mechanism, provided a base of selecting water injection well, identified the best time and application scope of water injection, used a material balance method to study the relationship between water injection and pressure recovery and recoverable reserves, determined a reasonable water injection amount, and finally provided a complete technique for water injection in gas well. Field practice showed that water injection could effectively improve the fractured-vuggy carbonate condensate gas recovery.
A new method for calculating the production pressure difference of far wells in fractured-vuggy carbonate reservoirs
Ding Lei, Guo Zhongliang, Xiong Yanmei, Yuan Feiyu
2017, 39(S1): 48-51. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2017S1048
Abstract(1071) PDF-CN(108)
The Tahe oil field is a typical fractured-vuggy carbonate reservoir. The quantification of the pressure difference in far well reserves has been a difficult problem. Based on field practice, a method for calculating the production pressure difference needed for the production of far-well reservoir was deduced by using water injection curve. It was proved reliable by field application, and could be used to guide production.
Deep acidification practice in fractured-vuggy carbonate reservoirs
Zhang Shiliang, Zhao Yu, Wang Peiyi, Li Lu, Ding Lei
2017, 39(S1): 52-55. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2017S1052
Abstract(1155) PDF-CN(119)
With the deep development of the fractured-vuggy reservoirs in the Tahe oil field, due to multi-round water injection pollution, cracks closing by energy loss, and poor well completion and acidification effects, there are more and more wells in which the far shaft fractures show a poor conducting capacity. Liquid lack seriously restricts oil production. Conventional and large-scale acidifications were applied; however, acid fluids reacted rapidly when they came close to wells, showing a restricted effective range and poor efficiency. A deep acidification technique was implemented, which conducted far channels and showed a good prospect.
Failure reasons of water injection replacing oil in fractured-vuggy oil reservoirs and its countermeasures
Fu Dong, Li Guiyun, Qin Xueyuan, Tang Bochao, Yang Feng, Huang Mina, Yang Fengmin
2017, 39(S1): 56-61. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2017S1056
The Ordovician oil reservoirs in the Tahe oil field are typical carbonate fractured-vuggy oil reservoirs. The reservoir spaces and immigration channels mainly consist of pores, caves and fissures, which were formed by superposition reformations including tectonic action, karstification and diagenesis. In view of the rapid decline of formation energy, water injection replacing oil has been implied in a great scale in the Northwest oil field since the success of water injection in well TK741 in 2005. However, the failure wells in water injection replacing oil are gradually increasing, and the failure well proportion is up to 22% in No. 3 Oil Production Plant region. The failure reasons of water injection replacing oil were analyzed and summarized based on injection-production ratio, water injection displacement, energy indicative curve and water injection indicative curve. Material balance mechanism and oil reservoir engineering technique were applied to analyze remaining oil in view of different fai-lure reasons. Some countermeasures were proposed and had achieved good effects in field practices.
Gas injection practice and well selection of carbonate fractured-vuggy reservoirs in Tahe oil field
Gu Hailiang, Du Minghui, Ren Ke, Li Guiyun
2017, 39(S1): 62-65. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2017S1062
The carbonate reservoirs in the Tahe oil field are featured by big burial depth, strong heterogeneity and obvious reservoir space variation, and are mainly of fractured-vuggy type. With the development of oil field, energy and bottom water problems gradually become the main factors influencing natural decline. As the capacity of water drive development is declining sharply, the gas injection development which could enhance oil recovery has gradually become an important means. This paper introduced the practice of gas injection in the Tahe oil field, summarized experience and rules of gas injection development for different types, and came up with some new ideas for well selection. Some ideas and methods for improving gas drive efficiency and guiding gas development for carbonate reservoirs were proposed.
Method to improve gas injection efficiency in carbonate reservoirs
Wei Linshan, Yang Fengmin, Liu Hongyuan
2017, 39(S1): 66-69. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2017S1066
The Ordovician reservoirs in the Tahe oil field are typical fractured-vuggy carbonate reservoirs. As water injection efficiency becomes worse gradually, new methods for fractured-vuggy carbonate reservoirs are demanded, among which gas injection is an effective way. Spillway distance, gas injection timing, gas injection speed, and gas/water proportion were compared, putting forward a new method for improving the gas injection efficiency of carbonate reservoirs.
Application of continuous on-line monitoring of liquid level to dynamic analysis in wells
Huang Mina, Wang You, Gu Hailiang, Li Guiyun, Liu Hongyuan
2017, 39(S1): 70-74. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2017S1070
Abstract(1148) PDF-CN(104)
The main oil reservoirs in the Tahe oil field are carbonate fractured-vuggy reservoirs. The distance bet-ween wells is very wide. In the early production period, artificial wellhead tests were used to obtain liquid level data. Affected by equipment number and operation, the test workload was large and the monitoring data processing was lagging behind. Artificial monitoring could not fully reflect the energy changes in well and the abnormalities of pumping wells in real time. Continuous on-line monitoring of liquid level was carried out, realizing the continuous monitoring and remote collection of liquid surface data. It provided full level data for the dynamic analysis of wells, determined production condition in time, adjusted working system, ensured efficient and safe production of wells, and achieved the goal of reducing energy consumption and maximizing the efficiency of wells.
Technical challenges and solutions of drilling fluid techniques in Silurian in Tuoputai 3 block of Tahe oilfield
Luo Jianbo, Liu Shiyin
2017, 39(S1): 75-78. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2017S1075
Abstract(1001) PDF-CN(116)
Sandstones and mudstones interbedded in the Silurian Kepingtag Formation in the Tuoputai 3 block of Tahe oilfield, about 340-420 m thick for each layer and generally buried at a well depth of 5 570-6 200 m. The interlayer thickness and burial depth gradually increased from north to south. By analyzing the lithology of the Kepingtag Formation and the causes for wellbore instability and well leakage, combining with the laboratory evaluations of inhibitors and anti-collapse plugging agents, we proposed a formula for potassium amine anti-collapse drilling fluid, which is suitable for the Tuoputai 3 block. Some detailed measures to solve collapse and leakage were put forward, combining physical anti-collapse methods with chemical ones. Segmental static plugging and drilling plugging were focused on. A combination of high softening point emulsified asphalt and rigid particle was applied to solve collapse. Velocity was controlled and drilling fluid was circulated when drilling up and down. This drilling fluid system achieved good effects in well TP346X. The drilling diameter of the Kepingtag Formation was improved by 7.45%. Collapse was significantly reduced and there was no leakage or other complex situations.
Application of acid fracturing, water flooding and energy curves in reservoir reformation in the Tahe oilfield
Ren Ke, Tang Bochao, Huang Mina, Liu Gangbo, Lu Haitao, Yang Feng, Li Guiyun
2017, 39(S1): 79-84. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2017S1079
Abstract(1087) PDF-CN(127)
For fractured-and-vuggy carbonate reservoirs in the Tahe oilfield, we proposed a dynamic analysis method composed of three types of curves. We used acid fracturing curves to study reservoir relationship, water flooding curves to study volumetric changes, and energy curves to study drainage radius changes. Combined with the previous static methods to identify cave center, the dynamic method successfully guided field practice and reservoir reformation, hence maximized well control reserves.
Application of one-bag plugging technology in Tahe oilfield
Pan Lijuan, Niu Xiao, He Zhong, Fang Jing
2017, 39(S1): 85-88. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2017S1085
When drilling in the Ordovician fractured-and-vuggy reservoirs in the Tahe oilfield, leakage often occurs. It is difficult to stop plugging slurry leakage, and the formula and processing of plugging slurry are complex. An idea combining ideal filling and close packing theory was put forward. Acid-soluble plugging materials were selected according to different grain sizes, and five sets of plugging slurry formula were made for fractures 1-5 mm wide. The indoor pressure capacity is 10 MPa or more, and the acid solution rate is more than 75%. Some one-bagging products were made according to the above formula, and achieved success in the Ordovician reservoirs in wells X13H and X193. The particle composition and construction technology of the one-bagging products are reasonable, and realized acid solution.
Accurate monitoring of overflow and its application in the Tahe oilfield
Han Junwei, Yang Hongman, Lu Shihao, Wang Jian, Xu Ming, Chen Ying
2017, 39(S1): 89-95. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2017S1089
Well control is linked with staff, equipment and production safety in oil boring, so monitoring overflow quickly and accurately is a critical element of well controlling accident prevention. We have researched and tested some devices in field which named "double baffles" to slow down liquid level fluctuation to promote sensitivity on elevated tank, and to slow down liquid level fluctuation in mud tank. An overflow monitoring model and an intelligent early-warning system were established and applied to field work. Electromagnetic flowmeter was also applied to monitor the mud rate of flow. Compared to current methods, the new method can monitor overflow more quickly and accurately, and shows a good performance.
Research and application of fiber leakproof cement slurry system
Wang Zhiguo, Zhou Pengcheng
2017, 39(S1): 96-99. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2017S1096
Abstract(1805) PDF-CN(105)
In order to solve the carbonate pore and fracture leakage in the Tahe oilfield during the cementing process, a fiber leakproof cement slurry system was developed by selecting plugging mechanism and plugging material. The cement slurry system ALF-1 with fibers of 5, 10, 19 mm, respectively, was tested. When adding the cement slurry system ALF-1 with the fibers of 5 mm by 0.2%-0.3%, the cracks and pores of 1 mm were sealed very well, and could bear a pressure higher than 7 MPa. This system was applied in the tail pipe cementing in the well TP337X of the Tahe oilfield, solving leakage successfully during the whole process of construction. Amplitude logging showed good cement-ing quality.
Statistics and optimization of pumping rod break in the Tahe oil field
Deng Qiwen, He Yin, An Guoliang
2017, 39(S1): 100-105. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2017S1100
In recent years, sucker rod break has become a major factor influencing pumping operation in the Tahe oil field, which seriously affected the normal production of oil well and caused a lot of economic and production losses. Through statistical analysis, the fatigue caused by alternating loads and the deflection of sucker rod are the main reasons for break. Started in 2015, we carried out optimization design, strengthened management, and introduced some new technologies to reduce break frequency, hence saved costs of RMB 1.81 million per year, reduced production loss of 439 tons.
System efficiency evaluation for heavy oil wells producing by mixing light oil
Xia Xinyue, Jiang Jianhua, Zhao Yuan, Jiang Lei, Huang Jingzhu
2017, 39(S1): 106-108. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2017S1106
The system efficiency of heavy oil wells producing by mixing light oil is still low at present. The petroleum industry standard SY/T5264-2012 "Energy consumption test and calculation of oilfield production system" was studied, indicating that there were two factors which did not adapt to the evaluation of system efficiency:a) Tubing-casing annulus and fluid density difference were ignored. b) Fluid viscosity friction loss was not taken into consideration, leading to underestimated effective head lift. Two parameters, density difference and viscosity friction, were introduced to the original calculation method. The petroleum industry standard SY/T5264-2012 and the improved system efficiency evaluation method were applied in six heavy oil wells producing by mixing light oil, successfully improving system efficiency by 10.7% in average, which saved energy and reduced consumption in oil fields.
Design and application of flue blowing device for water jacket furnace
Mao Qianming, Lu Linshan, Hu Zilong, Yang Rongrong, Zhao Zhongwen, Ai Ke
2017, 39(S1): 109-111. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2017S1109
The Ordovician in Tahe oilfield belongs to the high viscosity and high condensed heavy oil reservoir. In the process of gathering and transportation, the water jacket furnace has become one of the important equipment of single well, process and station. Carbon deposition in furnace and flue seriously affects heavy oil gathering and transportation. At present, the traditional way to clean flue and chimney is manual cleaning, which demands a large workload and is difficult to clean U-type pipeline. We developed a flue blowing device for water jacket furnace suitable for the Tahe oilfield. The equipment is equipped with a scraper that matches the diameter of the flue, and can bend with free radian for the U-type pipeline. Scraped carbon deposits can be blown out in time with the blowing device. Field applications indicated that the new device significantly reduced cleaning time, saved manpower and material resources, achieved a good cleaning effect, and showed a high promotion value.
Study and application of the method of measuring oil for drainage of heavy oil
Su Hongtong, Yang Shiguo, Wen Bo, Wang Dong, Cao Yinxiang
2017, 39(S1): 112-115. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2017S1112
Abstract(1225) PDF-CN(116)
The Tahe oilfield is an ultra-deep and super-heavy oil field. Due to the high viscosity of heavy oil, light oil is mixed in for production. As dilute pump pressure fluctuates during production, the viscosity of mixed oil changes obviously, leading to the discontinuous outflow at wellhead and the low accuracy of oil production estimation, which are unfavorable for production evaluation and daily management. Through the analysis of the working principles of light oil mixing wells in the Tahe oilfield, taking into consideration of the leaking characteristics of large-gap pumps under different viscosities, combining with different volume coefficients in different blocks, we calculated the suction amount during the operation of the pumping unit by the effective stroke of the oil boom, and further calculated liquid production quantity, which guided the daily management of light oil mixing wells.
Research and application of power chart in liquid level calculation
Liu Yanping, Li Haishuo, Tian Lei
2017, 39(S1): 116-121. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2017S1116
Abstract(1450) PDF-CN(100)
In this paper, the method of calculating liquid level using power chart was studied. We selected some test wells in the Tahe oilfield, and compared the accuracy of liquid level calculation with different methods. For those wells with normal power chart, stable working system and water content, alternating load linear regression method is recommended. This method can be influenced by load, working system and water content. As a result, the wells with abnormal power chart, changing water content, frequently-adjusting working system and abnormal pumping are not suitable for the alternating load linear regression method.
Development and application of a new socket for sucker rod
Xia Xinyue, Ou Xuehui, Wang Leilei, Sui Fen, Cheng Ting
2017, 39(S1): 122-123. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2017S1122
Abstract(1038) PDF-CN(198)
Oil wells in the Tahe oil field are usually 5 350-6 600 m deep with open hole completion, making sucker rod salvage very difficult, especially when sucker rod and oil tube break and fall off together. A new socket for sucker rod was developed, composing of guiding cylinder, turning plate and sleeve milling cylinder, to improve salvage success rate. The guiding cylinder helps sucker rod gradually enter the turning plate and sleeve milling cylinder, realizing the coupling of sucker rod. The new socket was applied 6 times in well TH10341, and successfully retrieved all bending sucker rods in wellbore, which improved repairing progress, reduced operation cost, recovered oil capacity by 5 400 t, and created benefits of 864×104 yuan.
Development and application of completion and kit tools in Shunbei oilfield
Li Juan, Zou Wei, Zhang Yuehua, Zhou Shengfu, Zhang Xiaolong
2017, 39(S1): 124-129. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2017S1124
The Shunbei oilfield is featured by ultra-deep, high temperature, high pressure and high hydrogen sulfide, and its well structure determined completion technology. Existing completion tools cannot meet the needs, especially not proper for casing packers of 5-1/2 ″small size, high steel grade and thin wall thickness. In addition, conventional completion kit tools, especially ball sitting, hydraulic anchor, sliding sleeve for well pressure control and so on, have a poor reliability. Therefore, a number of technology research and development was carried out. After application, it was proved that these new tools met the requirement of exploration and development, solved the technical bottleneck of completion, and established a complete well completion system in accordance with the working conditions of the Shunbei oilfield.
Development and application of downhole liquid level sampler
Li Jing, Zhang Dongli, Fan Lingyun, Zou Wei
2017, 39(S1): 130-133. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2017S1130
Oil and gas productions gradually decreased when formation energy became poor after a period of production in many oil and gas wells. Downhole liquid level and property change are important to judge formation energy and carry out nitrogen injection or acidification. Formation fluid samples with a poor quality and incorrect experimental evaluation will lead to subsequent decision-making mistakes. A new downhole liquid level sampler driven by buoyancy solved the above problem.
Development and application of well-hole sealing device for flowing-pumping integrated well completion
Zhong Xiao, Zou Wei, Xie Jin
2017, 39(S1): 134-136. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2017S1134
Flowing-pumping integrated wellhead were adopted in some wells in the Tahe oil field so as to reduce production cost and pumping operation when self-flowing wells turned to pumping during the late production period. However, there exist well control risks. A new well-hole sealing device for flowing-pumping integrated well completion was innovated to enhance the pressure resistivity and reliability of wellhead. It saved costs for emergent well killing and wellhead replacement when overpressure occurred.