Liu Cunge, Li Guorong, Luo Mingxia, Shao Xiaoming, Luo Peng, Liu Yongli, Gao Lijun. Stratigraphic correlation and source rock distribution of the Middle-Upper Ordovician in the Shaya Uplift and Kalpin outcrop, Tarim Basin[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2016, 38(2): 170-177. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201602170
Citation: Liu Cunge, Li Guorong, Luo Mingxia, Shao Xiaoming, Luo Peng, Liu Yongli, Gao Lijun. Stratigraphic correlation and source rock distribution of the Middle-Upper Ordovician in the Shaya Uplift and Kalpin outcrop, Tarim Basin[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2016, 38(2): 170-177. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201602170

Stratigraphic correlation and source rock distribution of the Middle-Upper Ordovician in the Shaya Uplift and Kalpin outcrop, Tarim Basin

doi: 10.11781/sysydz201602170
  • Received Date: 2015-06-10
  • Rev Recd Date: 2016-01-10
  • Publish Date: 2016-03-28
  • The Ordovician strata in the Kalpin outcrops are the westward extension of a large carbonate platform in the Tarim Basin, and they have experienced the same sedimentary evolution process as the basin. Based on biostratigraphy and carbon isotope stratigraphic correlation, the Middle Darriwilian Isotope Carbon Excursion (MDICE) of the Middle Ordovician Yijianfang Formation and the Guttenberg Isotope Carbon Excursion (GICE) of the Upper Ordovician Lianglitag Formation of the Shaya Uplift correspond to the positive excursions in the lower part of the Salgan Formation and the lower-middle parts of the Qilang Formation in the Kalpin outcrops, respectively. It was inferred that an unconformity of the second episode tectonic movement of the Middle Caledonian existed in the upper part of the Qilang Formation, and the Qilang and Yingan formations above the unconformity corresponded to the Sangtamu Formation of the Upper Ordovician in the Shaya Uplift. The eastern side of the Lower-Middle Ordovician platform in northern Tarim showed a steep slope due to the rise of global sea level in the Early-Middle Ordovician, and the platform thickness gradually thinned to the northwest. The northwestern Shaya Uplift and the Awat-northern Kalpin region belong to the slope to basin sedimentary system. The Salgan marine source rocks mainly comprise the condensed section of the middle-upper Darriwilian, and are distributed in the Awat and the northwestern Shaya uplift as indicated by the electrical characteristics of outcrops and drill cuttings. The depression between the small carbonate platforms of Kalpin, central Tarim and Shaya Uplift are favorable development regions of source rocks corresponding to GICE during the deposition of the Lianglitag Formation. The Yingan source rocks are most widely distributed in the Awat and Shaya uplift.


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