Li Xiaoning, Huang Sijing, Huang Shuguang, Huang Keke, Yuan Tao, Luo Wen. Petrologic and geochemical characteristics and the origin of dolomites in the Qixia Formation in Nanjiang county of the Sichuan Basin[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2016, 38(2): 251-258. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201602251
Citation: Li Xiaoning, Huang Sijing, Huang Shuguang, Huang Keke, Yuan Tao, Luo Wen. Petrologic and geochemical characteristics and the origin of dolomites in the Qixia Formation in Nanjiang county of the Sichuan Basin[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2016, 38(2): 251-258. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201602251

Petrologic and geochemical characteristics and the origin of dolomites in the Qixia Formation in Nanjiang county of the Sichuan Basin

doi: 10.11781/sysydz201602251
  • Received Date: 2015-07-17
  • Rev Recd Date: 2016-01-25
  • Publish Date: 2016-03-28
  • Limestones are locally dolomitized in the 2nd member of the Middle Permian Qixia Formation of Qiaoting section, located in Nanjiang county of the Sichuan Basin. Matrix dolomites primarily consist of non-planar xenotopic dolomite crystals, and vugs and fractures are filled with saddle dolomites and crystalline calcites. Dissolution occurs mainly in dolomites. Characteristics and origin of matrix dolomites and saddle dolomites have been determined based on petrographic examinations, integration of carbon and oxygen stable isotopes, trace element content, fluid inclusion data, cathodoluminescence images, burial and thermal maturation history and abnormal thermal events associated with the Emeishan basalt eruption. The research showed that the fluid inclusion homogenization temperatures of matrix dolomites, saddle dolomites and crystalline calcites range 100~110℃, 130~230℃ and 130~230℃, respectively. The δ18O values of the samples which mainly consist of matrix dolomites, saddle dolomites and crystalline calcites range -4.27‰~-6.28‰, -4.87‰~-5.80‰ and -5.16‰~-6.50‰, respectively. Saddle dolomites and crystalline calcites have the characteristics of more negative δ18O values than matrix dolomites. The δ13C values of the samples which mainly consist of matrix dolomites, saddle dolomites and crystalline calcites range 3.97‰~5.22‰, 4.88‰~5.35‰ and 2.73‰~4.29‰, respectively, indicating that the carbon source is generally from the coeval seawater. The δ18O values of dolomitizing fluids for matrix dolomite and saddle dolomite range +3‰~+6‰ (SMOW) and +7‰~+14‰ (SMOW), respectively. This is consistent with the formation of matrix and saddle dolomites in fluids with elevated salinity and temperature. Matrix dolomites, saddle dolomites and crystalline calcites were influenced by thermal events caused by Emeishan basalt eruption activity. The kinetic barrier of dolomite precipitation was overcome by high salinity and temperature, and it allowed the transformation of limestones into replacive matrix dolomites and precipitate saddle dolomites in vugs and fractures. Due to lasting high temperature and Mg2+ loss, calcites with high temperature precipitated, which showed that hydrothermal fluids altered the carbonate rocks.


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