Volume 44 Issue 4
Jul.  2022
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LI Wu, WANG Guojian, YAN Huan, JIA Baoqian. Microbial characteristics of soil in low-amplitude structures in Yuqi area, Tarim Basin[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2022, 44(4): 613-619. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202204613
Citation: LI Wu, WANG Guojian, YAN Huan, JIA Baoqian. Microbial characteristics of soil in low-amplitude structures in Yuqi area, Tarim Basin[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2022, 44(4): 613-619. doi: 10.11781/sysydz202204613

Microbial characteristics of soil in low-amplitude structures in Yuqi area, Tarim Basin

doi: 10.11781/sysydz202204613
  • Received Date: 2021-04-30
  • Rev Recd Date: 2022-05-27
  • Publish Date: 2022-07-28
  • High-throughput sequencing of microbial 16S rRNA gene has been conducted to explore microbial diversity and community structure in the Yuqi oil and gas reservoir sites of Tarim Basin. Soil samples were collected from Yuqi oil and gas reservoir sites (YQ-y) to the east of well YQ 5 and prospecting areas (YQ-wz) to the west of well YQ 12. Most of the two groups of sample have similar microbial community. Both α- and β-diversity analyses show that YQ-y and YQ-wz samples have great similarity in species abundance, diversity and community structure. Ten major hydrocarbon-oxidizing bacteria were identified in the YQ-y and YQ-wz samples, including Methylophaga, Bacteroides, Nocardioides, and Bacillus. Moreover, a large number of unknown bacteria were noticed, indicating that both of the samples contain abundant unknown microbial resources. Oil and gas microbial diversity in the Yuqi area was obtained through high-throughput sequencing. The two groups of samples from YQ-y and YQ-wz areas have similar microbial community. Preliminary discussion on microbial anomaly in the eastern part of Yuqi was also carried out.


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