Volume 46 Issue 6
Nov.  2024
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Article Contents
LU Longfei, TAO Guoliang, WAN Junyu, SHEN Baojian, PAN Anyang, QIN Jianzhong. Siliceous and calcareous sources in marine high-quality hydrocarbon source rocks: skeleton-wall-shell of organism and their debris[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2024, 46(6): 1157-1165. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2024061157
Citation: LU Longfei, TAO Guoliang, WAN Junyu, SHEN Baojian, PAN Anyang, QIN Jianzhong. Siliceous and calcareous sources in marine high-quality hydrocarbon source rocks: skeleton-wall-shell of organism and their debris[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2024, 46(6): 1157-1165. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2024061157

Siliceous and calcareous sources in marine high-quality hydrocarbon source rocks: skeleton-wall-shell of organism and their debris

doi: 10.11781/sysydz2024061157
  • Received Date: 2023-10-08
  • Rev Recd Date: 2024-09-02
  • Publish Date: 2024-11-28
  • Using techniques such as ultra-microscopic organic petrology, the study explores the relationship between bioclasts such as siliceous and calcareous skeleton-wall-shell organism and high-quality hydrocarbon source rocks in terms of their biomolecular composition and stability. Common organisms containing biosilica and siliceous derivatives are mainly radiolarians and other protozoa, sponges, diatoms, chrysophytes, and the siliceous skeleton-wall-shell and debris of some planktonic algae like scales-bearing dinoflagellates. The biogenic calcium preserved in high-quality hydrocarbon source rocks is mainly derived from calcareous skeleton-wall-shell and their debris of animals such as planktonic foraminifera and pteropods and planktonic algae like coccolithophores or acritarchs. These biogenic siliceous and calcareous skeleton-wall-shell debris particles often contain varying amounts of organic matter (pectin or scleroprotein, equivalent to type Ⅲ organic matter), which can generate a certain amount of hydrocarbons at high to over-mature stages and can be preserved in the native pores of biological structures.


  • Authors LU Longfei, TAO Guoliang, WAN Junyu, SHEN Baojian, PAN Anyang, and QIN Jianzhong are the employees of the sponsor of this journal. TAO Guoliang is a member of the editorial office, and an Editorial Board Member of this journal. SHEN Baojian is an Editorial Board Member of this journal. None of them took part in peer review / editorial procedures or decision making of this article.
    LU Longfei and QIN Jianzhong organized the implementation of paper research and experimental analysis. TAO Guoliang, SHEN Baojian, and PAN Anyang completed relevant research work. LU Longfei, TAO Guoliang, QIN Jianzhong, and WAN Junyu completed the writing and revision of their paper. All authors have read the last version of the paper and consented to its submission.
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    通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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