2011 Vol. 33, No. S1

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2011, 33(S1)
Comparison of sandbody,top of Carboniferous Karashayi Formation,district 6-7,Tahe Oil Field
Du Weiwei, Zhang Rong
2011, 33(S1): 1-4. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2011S1001
In district 6-7 of the Tahe Oil Field, oil sands in high-yielding wells mainly locate at the top of Carboniferous Karashayi Formation. The sandbodies have small scale and thin thickness. When seismic resolution fails to identify thin sandbody, we can use the formation thickness changes of Karashayi Formation to predict the location of sandbody pinch-out boundary. Favorable lithologic traps may generate at where formation thickness changes obviously. We use wavelet decomposition to remove T50 strong reflection. The strong reflection of big formation is removed, and the weak reflection of thin sandbody is strengthened, which may help to identify the plane distribution range of thin sandbody.
Application of 3D visual and superimposed technique in carbonate reservoir prediction,Tahe Oil Field
Deng Guangxiao, Li Haiying, Wang Zhen
2011, 33(S1): 5-8. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2011S1005
The 3D visual and superimposed technique is usually used in lithologic subtle reservoir prediction.Multiple abnormal features of seismic data are illustrated from different aspects.The distributionprinciple of each feature is summarized,which may help reservoir prediction.Based on the analyses oflithologic subtle reservoir with the above-mentioned technique,taking the Tahe Oil Field as anexample,combined with the 3D visual and superimposed technique,we have carried out reservoirprediction systematically and have achieved good effects.
Application of identification,seismic reservoir prediction technology in channel 4th Memher of Triassic Akekule Formation sandbody Oil Field
Gu Weixin, Chen Jun'an
2011, 33(S1): 9-12. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2011S1009
Abstract(624) PDF-CN(1002)
The lithologic traps of T2a4 are important for production in the Tahe Oil Field.During theearly stage,structural traps were focused on in the Triassic formation.As explorations expanded,It haSbecome more and more difficult to find structural traps.So,it is necessary to look for lithologic trapsand reservoirs.Technological methods such as 3D seismic interpretation,comprehensive analysis ofproperties,spectrum analysis and impedance inversion have been used in the T2a4 reservoirs.The than-nel sandbody of TZa has been distinguished and described,which may guide the deployment and imple-mentation of development wells.The studies contribute to the production increasing in the Tahe OilField and provide valuable experience for litholo}ic traps searching.
Application of seismic reflection analyses in salt covered region,south of Tahe Oil Field
Li Haiying, Wang Shengli, Wang Zhijun
2011, 33(S1): 13-15. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2011S1013
In the Ordovician reservoirs covered by salt formation in the south of Tahe Oil Field,the rela-tionship between oil and water is complicated.Water flows actively.Oil and gas accumulate regionally.Oil reservoir thickness and single well production are obviously different between different fractured andvuggy belts.Theoretical forward model was used to analyze the formation mechanism of stringed-beadreflection.Combined with seismic reflection studies,the relationship between reflection features andsingle well production was discussed.The principle of hydrocarbon accumulation in regions covered bysalt was also talked about.The relationship between seismic reflection features and oil-gas-water wasfound out.The complicated relationship between oil and water as well as the controlling factors werefocused on,helping to avoid water-active regions.
Research and application of formation pressure prediction technology
Zhu Ding, Liu Xia
2011, 33(S1): 16-19. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2011S1016
The reason for formation overpressure was analyzed.Interval transit time and seismic velocitywere used in formation pressure prediction and the theoretical basis was introduced.Through researchand application,the advantages and disadvantages of different methods were compared.Formation pres-sure prediction technology was practiced in the Tahe Oil Field,and proved correct and effective.Theequivalent depth method and the method proposed by Bowers were sensitive and inverse correlative toformation velocity,both serving well for prediction.The prediction method using seismic velocity couldsimply predict the changing trend of pressure of big formation.In wild-cat area,the seismic velocitymethod was used to predict pressure before drilling,improving drilling productivity and supporting safedrilling.
Application of Jason inversion in evaluating risk wells,Bachu-Maigaiti region
Yang Yujie, Sun Suqin
2011, 33(S1): 20-22. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2011S1020
The Bachu-Magaiti region locates in the west of the Tarim Basin.It is one of the earliestexploration targets in the basin.In the year 20102 exploration wells were deployed in the region.Tectonic traps as well as lithology were studied.The Jason inversion is a practical technique in reservoirevaluation.It reflects the horizontal changes of reservoir lithology,helping exploration and deploymenttogether with regional sedimentary characteristics.
Recognition and evaluation of string beads anomaly reflection in 3D seismic profile of carbonate reservoirs,Shunxi area
Li Yulan, Shen Xiangcun, Chu Xianbo
2011, 33(S1): 23-26. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2011S1023
Based on analysis of reservoir characteristics of drilled well and successful experience of stu-dying string beads anomaly reflection on karst-fracture-cavity type reservoirs in Tahe oilfield,passelkaYSt-fracture-cavity type reservoirs had been discovered in the study area.The discovery was resul-ted from the forward modeling of karst-fracture-cavity type reservoirs,combining time slice of rootmean square amplitude,change rate of amplitude and seismic time migration section.The string beadsanomaly reflection was also classified and appraised by depicting the present structure and paleogeomor-phic characteristics and so on.
Fault structure and its control on oil and gas in Kongquehe region,Tarim Basin
Chen Xuyun, Zhang Genfa
2011, 33(S1): 27-31. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2011S1027
Analyses of seismic profile and fault assemblage indicate that the horizontal distribution char acteristics of faults in the east,center and west of Kongquehe region are different.The western faults are mainly EW oriented and arrayed in right enechelon formation.The central faults are mainly NNE oriented and arrayed in parallel formation.The eastern faults are mainly NW-EW oriented and arrayed in left en-echelon formation.Based on analyses of balanced cross section,the tectonic evolution histories of different zones of Kongquehe region were studied.Combined with typical accumulation characteristics,it was concluded that the region favorable for petroleum accumulation located in where Paleozoic was weakly eroded and Mesozoic uplifted,and the region should be neighboring to active faults which lead to petroleum sources.Favorable exploration targets were also pointed out.
The study of the Late Devonian Famennian-Early Carboniferous Tournaisian palynological assemblages and stratigraphy in the Tarim Basin
Wei Ling, Cai Xiyao, Ma Dongchen, Chen Jing, Yu Renlian, Cheng Junfeng
2011, 33(S1): 32-36. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2011S1032
The Late Devonian Famennian-Early Carboniferouswere systematically studied and seven palynological assemblagesTournaisian palynological assemblagewere established in the covering area ofthe Tarim Basin .By comparison with the foreign palynological assemblages,the geologic period ofDonghetang Formation and Bachu Formation was discussed,and the biological boundaries between theDevonian and the Carboniferous wasdetermined.
distribution and exploration of Triassic,northern and central Tarim Basin
Zhao Lina, Liu Xia, Jiang Huashan
2011, 33(S1): 37-40. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2011S1037
The TaYlm BaSln WaS dlVlded Into 4 ISOlated SUb-baSlnS by the 5haya Upllft In the nOYth andthe central Tarim denudation area in the center and the west during Triassic.In the northern and centralTarim Basin,the Triassic strata are preserved the most widely.Hydrocarbon in the Tahe Oil Field isfound mainly in Triassic,vertically divided into 3 reservoir layers:the bottom,the middle and the top.Sandbodies in the top layer generate better and distribute more widely than those in the middle and bot-tom layers,and advance to the south.Self-generated and self-accum Mated reservoirs might generateduring the early Triassic in the central Tarim Basin;hence the lower Triassic in the Central Tarim LowUplift has good potential for exploration.
Characteristics and controlling factors of karst weathering crust reservoir of Yingshan Formation in northwest of Katake Uplift
Zhu Xiuxiang, Sha Xuguang, Guo Hu
2011, 33(S1): 41-45. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2011S1041
The Katake Uplift locates in the central desert of the Tarim Basin.It is an inherited palaeo-uplift formed during the middle Caledonian.The widespread karst weathering crusts of the YingshanFormation generated during the middle Caledonian tectonic movement,and strengthened during the lat-ter tectonic evolutions.Caves and fissures generated in the crusts.Drillings have indicated that the karstweathering crust reservoirs mainly distribute in the higher part and the slope of paleogeomorphology andpresent structures,closely related to NE oriented adjusting faults.The reservoirs are controlled by thepaleogeomorphology of Phase-Ⅰ,the middle Caledonian as well as the latter tectonic deformations.TheYingshan Formation of Ka1 region locates in the higher part of paleogeomorphology.It has experiencedstrong tectonic deformation and is favorable for accumulation.The key for exploration in Kal regionshould be fault accurate interpretation and reservoir identification.
Application of FMI data in fracture and tectonic stress field studies in Kal region,middle Tarim Basin
Ma Qingyou, Xia Yongtao, Zhu Xiuxiang
2011, 33(S1): 46-49. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2011S1046
The reservoirs of the Lower-Middle Ordovician Yingshan Formation in Ka1 region of themiddle Tarim Basin are mainly fissure and fissure-pore types.Reservoir generation and distribution areclosely related to fissures.Fissure identification,origin classification and orientation analyses were car-ried out with FMI data from 10 drilled wells.High-resistant fractures account for the first place in theregion,usually filled with calcite and mud.High-conductive and drilling-induced fractures account forthe second place.Drilling-induced fractures and borehole breakouts are controlled by present stressfield,while high-conductive and high-resistant fractures caused by tectonic genesis are closely related topalaeo-stress field.The present stress field in Ka1 region is mainly NE and NEE oriented.The palaeo-stress field during the Middle and Late Ordovician was mainly NNE and NEE oriented,and the NNEoriented fractures were formed before the NEE oriented ones.
Key techniques influencing horizontal well development of Triassic in Tahe Oil Field
Liang Honggang, Jiang Yumei, Li Wenping
2011, 33(S1): 50-52. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2011S1050
Due to thin sandstone reservoir and wide-distributed bottom water,horizontal well is themost common development pattern in Triassic of the Tahe Oil Field.The key factors influencing hori-zontal well development include residual oil and interbed distribution,trajectory control and workingsystem improvement.As to make good use of horizontal wells and to improve single well product andoilfield recovery,we should take reservoir accurate description and residual oil distribution as the base,use geological model and numerical simulation,improve regional well network and production parame-ter,and manage reservoir scientifically.Only in this way,can we make the greatest profit.
Application of lowing technique in completed well re-evaluation in Tahe Oil Field
Wang Jianying, Zhou Hongtao
2011, 33(S1): 53-55. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2011S1053
Re-evaluation of completed wells is a good way to improve reserve and production in many oilfields,due to less investment,less risk and faster return.Application of logging technique in completedwell re-evaluation in the Tahe Oil Field achieved several good results:1)More producing formations,more potential and higher efficiency;2)Providing back layer and guiding completed region rolling deve-lopment;3)Exploring in upper layers of completed region and expanding petroliferous range.Mean-while,re-evaluation of completed wells indicated that the re-evaluation should expand to untargetedstrata as well as the surrounding area of the Tahe Oilfield.The identification methods of oil,gas andwater might be used to recognize and obtain more oil results.
Fine description of reservoir characteristics of Triassic middle oil-group, well AT1, Tahe Oil Field
Jia Xingliang, Hu Mei, Ma Dongchen
2011, 33(S1): 56-60.

Taking the Triassic middle oil-group of well AT1 in the Tahe Oil Field as example, the physical property, lithology and pore structure features of the main oil-producing reservoir were delicately described through multiple experimen tmeans. The middle oil-group in the region is divided into 2 sets of reservoir (7 and 9 mthick, respectively, oil storage pore ratioof 5-20μm) with relatively complete Bouma sedimentary sequence by mud interbed. Potential damages such as speed, acid and alkalinity sensitivities might exist inreservoir. Permeability features and exploitation quantity of the reservoir during different stages were proposed through experiments.

Application of image-logging technique Tahe Oil Field in carbonate reservoir evaluation
Qin Weiqiang, Cui Qingyu, Liu Jianhua, Zhang Weifeng
2011, 33(S1): 61-63. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2011S1061
New image-logging techniques such as sound imaging and electricity imaging have been intro-duced to the Tahe Oil Field since 1999,and have greatly promoted the well-logging and interpretation offractured-vuggy carbonate reservoir of Ordovician,especially reservoir identification,effect evaluationand parameter quantitative evaluation.As an innovation of image data application,It WaS dISCUSSed Inthis paper the application effects of image-logging in reservoir fluid identification.Some laws and viewswere summarized.
Studies of interbeds in Triassic reservoir,KZl block,Tahe Oil Field
Li Wenping, Wang Huan, Zhong Wei
2011, 33(S1): 64-66. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2011S1064
KZI block of Akeyasu regionvoir.Formula of interbed distributionof the Tahe Oil Field is a sublacustrine fan sedimentaryreserproposed according to liquid limit in wells with interbeds.Calculation results were practiced incoredrilling and approved correct.In explorations ofreservoirswith bottomsighnificant toWateY,studies of interbed origin,characteristics,distribution and identifying methodcharacterize reservoir geology,find remaining oil and deploy wells.
Influence of reservoir interbed in Triassic lower oil group on residual oil distribution,Tahe Oil Field
Zheng Xiaojie, Liu Rui, Duan Hongze, Jiang Yumei, Li Wei
2011, 33(S1): 67-68. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2011S1067
Interbed is an important parameter to characterize reservoir heterogeneity.It is also the keyfactor influencing residual oil distribution.Based on core,logging and geological statistic data,the ori-gin,distribution and influence on residual oil of interbed in braided channel sand bar of braided channeldelta of the Triassic lower oil group in the Tahe Oil Field were studied.The interbeds were divided intomuddy,calcareous and petrophysical ones.They might distribute contiguously,or in lens shape con-trolled by single well,or sometimes deposit due to irregular erosion and filling.The upper interbeds inreservoir have the strongest control on residual oil.The muddy interbeds near to oil-water interface atthe bottom have less control on residual oil.The middle ones have the least control.
Phase mechanism of gas injection in Dalaoba Gas Condensate Field
Zhang Ai, Zhao Xisen, Zhang Yun, Xu Shisheng, Xu Lina
2011, 33(S1): 69-73. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2011S1069
The Dalaoba Gas Condensate Field is a deep,high temperature,high pressure,high waxcontent and high condensate oil content reservoir in the Tarim Basin.Natural depletion production hasbeen carried out,and a large quantity of gas has condensed and remained in formation as condensate oil.Phase changes of injected gas and condensate oil in formation were studied.When injected gas metcondensate oil,interphase mass transfer took place due to dissolving and extracting effects,resulting inobvious changes of the composition and characteristics of petroleum system.Condensate oil in formationevaporated and the mobility of condensate oil was also improved.Expansion coefficient increased,viscosity and density decreased,and gas-liquid interfacial tension decreased.All these helped toimprove oil recovery rate.
Countermeasures for improving development effect of overpressured and fractured-resevoirs in Bashituo Oilfield,Tarim Basin
Liu Chunyun, Yao Lirong, Liang Jingxian, Ma Haihu, Zhong Xuebin
2011, 33(S1): 74-77. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2011S1074
In accordance with the characteristics of fast water flooding,production decline andtom water energy in Bashituo overpressured,fractured reservoirs,detail geological study wasweak bot-carried outandFiveunderstandings weregained about reservoir fracture development and oil and water movement.modes of water floodingwere proposed.Implementation results of water pump,turn,solutionmeaSureSfor thereservoir weresummarized and the plan for improving development was proposed.
Application of dynamic analysis technique of condensate-water-vapor-rich component in Yakela-Dalaoba Gas Condensate Field
Ma Haihu, Yang Xueqin, Liu Chunyun, He Yunfeng
2011, 33(S1): 78-81. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2011S1078
The Yakela-Dalaoba Gas Condensate Field has accumulations deep buried with high temperature and pressure.During development,condensate water was found in gas wells in different extent,eSpecially in wellsin higher positions.Hydrocarbon components of gas condensate reservoirs areGated.Condensate water vapor in the component may influence facies changes and developmentcomplicharacteristics greatly.From the aspects of facies change andmicroseepage,the law and mechanism ofcondensate water generation were analyzed.The influence of condensatewater on the exploration of theYakela-Dalaoba Gas Condensate Fieldalso studied.The research may guide the dynamic analysis of the gas field.
Practice different and effect of descent control considering factors in vuggy reservoirs,Tahe Oil Field
Guo Zhongliang, Gao Wei, He Wang
2011, 33(S1): 82-84. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2011S1082
Reservoirs in the Tahe Oil Field are carbonate karst ones with active bottom water and strongheterogeneity.In the past years,oil field descent rate was over 25%.Reasons for the descent were clas-sified.From the aspects of geology,accumulation and oil recovery process,the main factor for the de-scent was found.Descent control considering different factors was carried out,reducing descent rate andimproving oil field exploration effect.
Application of dynamic analysis technique of condensate-water-vapor-rich component in Yakela-Dalaoba Gas Condensate Field
Ding Weiping, Zhang Ai, Xu Lina
2011, 33(S1): 85-88. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2011S1085
The Yakela-Dalaoba Gas Condensate Field has accumulations deep buried with high temperature and pressure.During development,condensate water was found in gas wells in different extent,eSpecially in wellsin higher positions.Hydrocarbon components of gas condensate reservoirs areGated.Condensate water vapor in the component may influence facies changes and developmentcomplicharacteristics greatly.From the aspects of facies change andmicroseepage,the law and mechanism ofcondensate water generation were analyzed.The influence of condensatewater on the exploration of theYakela-Dalaoba also studied.The research may guide the dynamic analysis Gas Condensate Fieldof the gas field.
Application and effect of PNN well-logging technology in clastic rock horizontal wells,Tahe Oil Field
Sierjiang, Li Weiwei
2011, 33(S1): 89-91. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2011S1089
Dynamic monitoring technology is an important way to improve oil field development and re-servoir management.PNN well-logging technology was applied in elastic rock horizontal wells with highporosity,permeability and mineralization in the Tahe Oil Field,providing important basis for furtherexploration.
Techniques to prolong flowing period of clastic rock gas condensate reservoir,Tahe Oil Field
Luo Deguo, Zhan Xin, Lu Linshan
2011, 33(S1): 92-94. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2011S1092
Formation water coning may seriously affect gas well production capacity and gas reservoir re-covery rate.It causes the depletion of development efficiency and the early scrapping of wells,and alsoaffects the economy of field work,production and exploitation.Reservoirs in the Tahe Oil Field aremainly water-driving gas condensate ones with middle-high porosity and permeability.As to these res-eYVOIYS,edge-bottom water tonguing and coning are the key factors controlling recovery rate.At pres-ent,the water intrusion in gas pools is inevitable.It is necessary to reduce formation water coning andoutput so as to improve recovery rate.Treatments for water tonguing and coning are required.Studieshave been carried out from 2 aspects:a)controlling single well product and prolonging water-freeperiod;b)reducing critical fluid volume and prolonging flowing period.Some effective methods toprolong flowing period have been discussed.
New method of water control combining oil-water simultaneous production with water shutoff in clastic bottom-water reservoirs,Tahe Oil Field
Li Jianli, Bian Qinglan, He Long, Li Jun, Yu Lu
2011, 33(S1): 95-98. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2011S1095
In elastic bottom-water reservoirs of the Tahe Oil Field, water invasions(water cones and break-throughs) are problems difficult to solve.A new method of water control combining oil-water simultaneousproduction with water shutoff was proposed.First,we opened the upper oil-bearing layer.Second,we perfora-ted into the bottom water layer.Oil and water were produced simultaneously,changing the direction and speedof water cones around well bore.Based on geologic characteristics and water breakthroughs,we usedplugging agent to shut water off selectively.Combining these two methods,we controlled water inva-sions and Yalsed Oil-water interface evenly and slowly.Feasibility of the new method was discussedfrom accumulation and technique aspects,and the key factors were pointed out.
Research and application of wastewater treatment technology in Tahe Oil Field
Zhao Juan, Wang Na, He Jinxiu
2011, 33(S1): 99-101. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2011S1099
Waterflood development has been carried out in the Tahe Oil Field and the quality of injectedwater is the key for stable and increasing production.Taking Xidaliya waterflood station in the Tahe OilField as an example,the injected water which exceeded standard was analyzed.Combining lab evaluationand field experiment,water treatment agent was optimized and proved effective.The quality of offloadedwastewater was greatly improved,reaching "A2" level.
Comprehensive management of Ordovician reservoir in 6th block of Tahe Oil Field
Qiu Zhenjun, Liu Xiumei, Zhang Qian
2011, 33(S1): 102-104. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2011S1102
Since the end of 2007,production has been decreasing due to theincrease of water contentinOrdovician reservoirin the 6th block of the Tahe Oil Field.Since May of 2009,comprehensive management has been carried outaiming at water control and production stabilization.As to Ordovician carbonate accumulation in the Tahe Oil Fieldpores and fractures work as reservoir.Characteristics of pore-and-fracture reservoir generationing treatments were put forward.Inand exploration in different wells were studied,and the correspondunits S66(water shutoff) and S74(water injected),the manage ment was practiced.
Exploitation and understanding of Lianglitage Formation Upper Ordovician,southwest of Tahe Oil Field
Chen Zhen, Zhou Quan, Zeng Qingyong
2011, 33(S1): 105-106. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2011S1105
Accumulations in the Upper Ordovician Lianglitage Formation in the southwest of Tahe OilField are mainly controlled by tectonics,fractures and karst effects.Based on the characteristic analysesof producing wells,hydrocarbon resources have been proved relatively rich in some regions in the south-west of Tahe Oil Field.The Lianglitage Formation has become the key reservoir in the region as explo-rations expand.The well regions of T705,T739-T740,5106 and TP7 have big potential,especiallythe T739-T740 and TP7 regions.
Main factors influencing reformation effects of massive acid fracturing reservoir
Cheng Hong, Ren Wenbo, Zhang Yuchan, Zhen Jianwe
2011, 33(S1): 107-111. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2011S1107
Fractured-vuggy carbonate reservoirs in the Tahe Oil Field are complicated.Acid fracturingis required in 70%of the wells.In some wells with deep burial depth and high formation temperature,the former acid fracturing failed to connect reservoir effectively since fractures had not penetratedenough far away,resulting in feeding-flow lack,low yield and inefficient.Main factors influencingreformation effects of massive acid fracturing reservoir have been concluded as follows:a)Petroleumenrichment extent of the region where wells locate;b) Reservoir generation degree of the well-control-ling region;c) Reservoir connection condition after the former acid fracturing;d) Scale and parametersof acid fracturing.
Research and application of reserve forecasting techniques of complex ultra-deep low-permeability clastic reservoir
Yuan Yunfu, Guo Suhua
2011, 33(S1): 112-117. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2011S1112
The Carboniferous reservoir in the 3rd block of the Tahe Oil Field is a set of shallow-water andoffshore facies elastic precipitation,characterized by deep burial depth,thin sand body and unstable sanddistribution.The major frequency of seismic data ranged from 35 to 41 Hz,thus the resolution of C1k1WLS about 26-32 m.However,the maximum depth of sand body was 12 m,USUally 2-6 m,making itdifficult to identify sand body with normal seismic data.In order to solve the problems in C1k1 thin sandbody prediction and identification,several methods and techniques were used,such as amplitude chip-ping evolution,high-frequency seismic tomography,seismic data separate frequency processing,impe-dance inversion and reservoir seismic sensible factor high definition inversion.Through effect analysisand comparison,a set of reserve prediction method was proposed.Reservoir sensible factor high-defini-tion inversion was chosen to deal with sandstone and mudstone thin alternating layers.The methodmight be helpful for studies of complex ultra-deep low-permeability elastic reservoirs.
Warning parameter and system for water breakthrough in high-yielding wells,Tahe Oil Field
Long Xibin, Luo Juan, Wu Bo, Yang Zhanhong, He Xinming
2011, 33(S1): 118-120. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2011S1118
High-yielding wells have accounted for the mainoutputs of fractured vuggyreservoirsin theTahe Oil Field;however,productions have been decreasing quickly dueriety of water breakthrough and the complexity of production dynamicsto water breakthrough.Thevaof karst fractured vuggyreservoirs were studied.Based on the analyses of water breakthrough characteristics,with bottomflooding theory,the warning parameter and system for water breakthrough were proposed.In thiswater breakthrough in wells may be predicted,and the management of wells could be carried out.water-free production period could be prolonged and the production rate could be improved.
Corrosion mechanism and improvement of regenerative gas cooler in light hydrocarbon recovery
HanXia, Hu Yougang, Tang Sheng, Qian Dahu, An Yongfu
2011, 33(S1): 121-124. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2011S1121
Regenerative gas cooler is used to cool regenerative gas which has been dehydrated with mole-cular sieve in light hydrocarbon recovery.The dehydrated regenerative gas contains water vapor,HASand CO2,which may cause corrosion in tubes of regenerative gas cooler.In this paper,corrosion,espe-cially corrosion mechanism is discussed.Some practical corrosion prevention measures are proposed,which may reduce corrosion and extend the service life of regenerative has cooler.
Perforating technology application in deep gas condensate well
Li Jianwei, Huang Cheng, Cai Hong
2011, 33(S1): 125-128.

The gas condensate reservoirs in Yakela and Dalaoba regions are middle and small sized clastic rock reservoirs with edge and bottom water, characterized by deep burial depth, high condensate oil content, strong reservoir sensibility, strong heterogeneity, big barrier thickness and medium-low permeability. Production tests were made in 1984 and fully developments were carried out in 2005, resulting in experiences in condensate oil exploration. Perforating technology has been practiced and improved for years. A set of perforating technology system suitable for different reservoir characteristics and exploration stages was proposed, improving gas condensate reservoir exploration effects.

Research and practice of deep-buried heavy oil lifting nique in Tahe Oil Field
Zhang Jianjun, Deng Hongjun, Liu Fei, Zhao Qing, Ding Wen
2011, 33(S1): 129-133. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2011S1129
The deep-buried fractured vuggy carbonate reservoirs in the Tahe Oil Field locate 5 300-6 600m deep,with the formation temperature of 128-300℃(5 600 m) and the thermal gradient of 2.2℃/hm.Crude oil from the reservoir has strong heterogeneity and complex property.It is characterized byhigh salinity,high HZ S content,high viscosity,high density and high wax content.Due to the above-mentioned features,the lifting technique of deep-buried heavy oil should take into consideration of sever-al aspects.Through research,practice,conclusion and re-practice,a set of lifting and associated tech-nique has been proposed,including thin oil mixing and chemical ways to reduce viscosity,electricalheating,heavy oil pump,electric submersible pump and compound lifting.
Improvement of stabilizing technique for condensate oil with high salt content in Dalaoba Gas Condensate Field
Hu Zhibing, Li Ming, Fu Xiuyong
2011, 33(S1): 134-137. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2011S1134
The fractionation technique using high temperature and positive pressure is adopted in stabili-zing condensate oil from the Dalaoba Uas Condensate Field.Packed column is chosen to condense andstabilize oil.The reboiler is of siphonage structure.The operating temperature at the bottom of the to-lumn is 195 0C.Salt content of condensate oil entering the column amounts to 963 mg/I.“Salt precipita-tion" may cause blocks and erosions in the column and the reboiler tubes,seriously affecting productStablllty.In thlS papeY,the processing technique,operating parameter and preservation of stabilizingsystem for condensate oil were studied and improved.Several fruits were gained.
Studies to raise perforation position in Triassic reservoir with bottom water,Tahe Oil Field
Gao Qi, Li Su, Liu Peiliang, Wang Rui
2011, 33(S1): 138-142. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2011S1138
Based on the supervisions of remaining oil in well bore,the perforated parts of elastic reser-voirs with bottom water are water-flooded in 3 different extents:a) only the bottom;b) the whole;c)some parts.According to the analyses of water-flood types and reservoir characteristics,the productionof remaining oil at the top of perforated part in elastic reservoir with bottom water has achieved success.Taking into consideration of the influences of reservoir physical properties and production mea-surements,raising the perforation position is an important way to improve yielding rate when remainingoil is rich at the top of perforated part.
Development and application of ultra deep and anti-heavy-oil electric pump
Wang Gang, Liang Shangbin, Zhao Puchun, Zhang Ning, Chen Huaqiang
2011, 33(S1): 143-145. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2011S1143
In the Tahe Oil Field,surface viscosity of crude oilsis over 100×104mPa?s andreservoirsareburied over 5700m deep.When drilling deeper,formation energy decreases and normal deep-pumping techniques fail to meetwellbore temperature fieldsexploration needs.Based nnanalyses of crude oil physical properties andin the Tahe Oil Field。StYnCtnYeand performance parameters of electricpump wereimproved.Heat resistance,insulation and sealing capacities of motorwere enhanced.Compressive strength of submersiblepump was strengthened.Lift of single-stage impellers and diffusersincreased.Combined with high temperature cable andsine filter technologies,ananti-heavy-oil electric pump wasdeveloped and successfully applied in Well TH10113CHultra-deep andof the Tahe OilField,resulting in the deepest drilling depth in the world,5029.8 m.
Compound active block remover dealing with water-lock applied in Tahe Gas Condensate Field
Liu Peiliang, Wei Mao, Zhang Huling
2011, 33(S1): 146-148. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2011S1146
During explorations of gas condensate reservoir,external fluid and formation water may cause"water-Lock",which makes gas permeability decrease obviously and further reduces the yield of naturalgas and condensate oil.Taking water-locks in small gas condensate reservoirs of the Tahe Oil Field asexamples,lock mechanism was analyzed and several methods dealing with locks were compared.A tom-pound active block remover was introduced and applied in the Tahe Uas Condensate Field.
Application of proportion pluming in fractured and vu}y reservoirs,Tahe Oil Field
Ren Yuan, Huang Mingliang, Liu Rui
2011, 33(S1): 149-151. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2011S1149
Water was found at the bottom of the Ordovician carbonate fractured and vuggy reservoirs.The bottom water migrated along fractures into wellbore,resulting in well water.Water content rapidlyincreased,and pressure system and reservoir generation model varied between different wells,hencethere was no regularity for water plugging in carbonate rocks.A new proportion plugging technologywas developed and applied in carbonate reservoirs of the Tahe Oil Field,providing new ideas for watercontrolling and plugging in the study area.
Application of hydraulic expansion in wells which failed in waterflood
Wang Zhou, Ren Wenbo, Yan Yanqin
2011, 33(S1): 152-154. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2011S1152
In fracture-cave carbonate reservoirs of the Tahe Oil Field,waterflood substituting oil(WSO) has been used as the main method to improve recovery rate.As explorations are carried out,wells which have failed in WSO increase.It is necessary to tap potential of the failed wells.Analyzingthe reasons for failure,based on conclusions of conventional treatment methods which had failed in theabove-mentioned wells,hydraulic expansion(HE) was proposed to tap potential and improve recovery.Selecting standard for wells using HE was put forward.
Application of oil-well based remote monitoring system for on GPRS in Tahe Oil Field
Zhang Yuan, Deng Hongjun, Zhang Jianjun
2011, 33(S1): 155-158. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2011S1155
Due to problems such as wide management range,large well spacing,long inspection line,technician shortage,poor geographic and natural environment in the Tahe Oil Field,traditional artificialmonitoring methods fail to meet the needs of some wells,especially the remote and prior ones to recordproduction parameters and solve equipment breakdowns in time.A new remote monitoring system foroil-well based on GPRS was introduced in this paper.Practiced and improved in works,the new systemstrived to make field production more stable and to solve the problems mentioned above.The system al-so provided a new way for delicacy management of oil fields.
Research of selective filtration porous media pluming agent in Tahe Oil Field
He Long, Wu Wenming, Pan Yangqiu, Wang Baocheng
2011, 33(S1): 159-161. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2011S1159
Fractures are widespread in carbonate reservoirs of the Tahe Oil Field.The reservoirs are het-erogeneous,and are difficult to keep water shutoff and profile controlled.A selective filtration porousmedia plugging agent was chose to modify fractures into oil/water selective porous media.In this way,the velocities of injected water,bottom water and oil displacement agent were controlled.Solidified par-titles coating and selective water blocking technologies were taken as the research focus.In lab resear-ches,formula of the agent was improved.Simulations in visualized fractures indicated that sand barriersformed by the agent could resist scour.The agent can be used in big fractures to shutoff water and con-trol profile.
Countermeasures for corrosions in sewage treatment systems,Tahe Oil Field
Shi Xin, Zhang Zhihong, Liu Qiang, Liu Jining
2011, 33(S1): 162-164. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2011S1162
Systematic studies of corrosive environments in different sewage treatment systems of theTahe Oil Field were made.Based on past experiences,taking into consideration the preservative effectsand economic costs of different measures,a targeted program was put forward.The new program helpscountermeasures for corrosions in sewage treatment systems of the Tahe Oil Field,and IS also Slgnlfl-cant for other similar oil fields.
Improvment and application of pressure measuring technique in coiled tubing
Liu Lian, Wang Chao, Zou Wei, Tang Yong, Meng Li, Fan Lingyun, Liu Bing
2011, 33(S1): 165-166. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2011S1165
Well BK9 is a development well located in the outer blocks of the Tahe Oil Field.gas pumping to drive oil flow in coiled tubing,liquid supply is not enough.Manometer is Whenused touslngmea5ureliquid surface restoration speed so as to guide latter gas pumping.The well is far away from the oilfield base,the regionSO It COStSis high(1.moretime and money to arrange well test.Meanwhile,the pressure coefficient of97 for formation pressure coefficient),resulting in big risks for well controls.Through techniqueelectric manometerInnovationa dynamic pressure measuring technique combining coiled tubing andis proposed.The detected liquid depth correction formula is put forward.
Operation technique in wells with complex structure,Tahe Oil Field
Sun Hen, Zhang Junjie, Xu Gang
2011, 33(S1): 167-169. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2011S1167
Big progress has been made in operations inwells with complexbranch wells on landstructure in the Tahe OilField.zontalCompletion and workover of quaternary structureand operationwells are done.Rich experiences about the operation of complex structure wells haveof deep horibeen gainedandaresignificant for branch well application and cost reduction.
Extra-hoil underground sampling technique and its application in Tahe Oil Field
Zhang Menghua, Liu Lian, Wang Zhimin, Zhao Gang, Wang Chao, Zou Wei, Xia Fuliang, Tian Feng
2011, 33(S1): 170-173. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2011S1170
Crude oil from the Ordovician reservoir in block no.12 of the Tahe Oil Field belongs to extra-heavy oil due to high density.The crude oil has strong viscosity and seldom flows.Formation pressureand temperature are both high.In production,light oil is mixed in,and the mixing depth is about 5 500m.Extra-heavy oil underground sampling technique was optimized.PVT sampler was improved.Sam-ple heat and transfer device was designed.Qualified PVT sample was made 5 950 m deep for the firsttime,and then transferred and analyzed successfully.4 national records were made:highest samplingpYeSSUYe,blggeSt VISCOSIty,highest temperature,and deepest depth.A set of extra-heavy oil under-ground sampling technique was concluded.
Simulation of velocity field and erosion of sand-bearing oil flowing in bend pipe
Ma Guojian, Wu Xuedong, Zhou Quan, Deng Xiaowei, Li Qi, He Chang
2011, 33(S1): 174-175. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2011S1174
Sand-bearing oil flow is very common in petroleum industry.It is one of the main reasons forequipment failure and material damage,which may cause unpredictable shutdown and risk,seriously embarrasing normal production.The FLUENT software was used t0 SImUlate Sand-beaYlng O11 flow In900 bend pipes which are more likely to be wore.Characteristics of pressure and velocity fields of sand-bearing oil flows with different velocities as well as abrasion volume at pipe wall were put forward.Therelationship between abrasion volume and velocity,erosion angle was found out,providing referencesfOY Safe tYanSpOYt Of O11,control of flow parameter and prevent of pipe.
Partial modification of remote hydraulic sandblasting cutting equipment
Niu Youlin, Hu Zhaojun
2011, 33(S1): 178-180. doi: 10.11781/sysydz2011S1178
A feasible modification plan has been proposed in this paper based on the present conditions ofremote hydraulic sandblasting cutting equipment.The equipment is composed of power plant and sand-blasting cutting device.It is used to control and put out fire in oil and gas wells.According to the modi-fication plan,the former single spray gun is transformed to double guns with four nozzles,avoiding thefield productions of rescue tools and the risks of rescue in fire.Compared to the traditional fire cuttingequipment,the modified remote hydraulic sandblasting cutting equipment is outstanding due to smoothkerf,safety and high efficiency.