2017 Vol. 39, No. 3

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2017, 39(3): .
Dynamic evolution of the hydrocarbon kitchen in the Lower Cambrian, Sichuan Basin
Liu Guangxiang, Luo Kaiping, Zhang Changjiang, Guan Honglin, Cao Qinggu, Chen Yongfeng
2017, 39(3): 295-303. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201703295
The Lower Paleozoic marine source rocks in the Sichuan Basin became mature during the early stage and are over mature now. The hydrocarbon kitchen changed from a kerogen pyrolysis type to an ancient oil reservoir cracking type, resulting in successive hydrocarbon supply, which controlled hydrocarbon accumulation in the Lower Paleozoic highly mature and over mature strata. As a result, the analysis and accurate identification of the dynamic evolution of hydrocarbon kitchen is fundamental for exploration. We studied the tectonic, sedimentary evolution and thermal systems in the Sichuan Basin, and described the distribution of the kerogen type hydrocarbon kitchen in the Lower Cambrian Niutitang Formation using a TSM basin modelling system, based on the burial, thermal evolution and hydrocarbon generation histories of source rocks. We also identified the location of the ancient oil kitchen and dynamically traced the hydrocarbon kitchen using an accumulation probability method, combined with the analyses of ancient structure, fluid potential and effective reservoir. The Niutitang source rocks generated and discharged hydrocarbon during the Caledonian and Hercynian periods, and the kitchen center was found in Ziyang, Yibin, and Chishui in the southwest, Xiushan and Lichuan in the east, and in the northeastern margin of the Sichuan Basin. At the end of Late Indosinian, most source rocks were over mature and had expelled a large amount of hydrocarbon. Ancient oil kitchens took the role of hydrocarbon supply instead of kerogen pyrolysis kitchens, and were found mainly in Ziyang, Chongqing, Yibin and the southern, northern, and northeastern margins of the basin.
Countermeasure and progress of exploration and development of Jurassic tight oil in the Sichuan Basin
Huang Dong, Yang Yueming, Yang Guang, Yang Jiajing, Yan Weipeng, Yang Zhi
2017, 39(3): 304-310. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201703304
Abstract(1181) PDF-CN(293)
The exploration and development of tight oil in the Jurassic has a long history in the Sichuan Basin. Many new developments and recognitions have been made during the 12th Five Year Plan based on tight oil geological theory and modern exploration and development techniques. However, tight oil exploration is still in beginning stages, facing the challenges of deepening theoretical knowledge, innovating key technology, improving management, and promoting development methodically. Due to complex geological conditions and the unforeseeable international crude oil supply situation, some advice was proposed to realize development efficiencies of the Jurassic tight oil in the Sichuan Basin. Target selection should be optimized to identify "sweet spots". New techniques are necessary for breaking bottlenecks. Improved management helps reduce costs. Scientific organizations can promote tight oil development systematically.
Sedimentary characteristics and depositional environment of Yuertusi Formation in Keping area, Tarim Basin
Chen Qianglu, Chu Chenglin, Hu Guang, Chen Yue, Huang Jiwen, Jiang Haijian
2017, 39(3): 311-317. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201703311
Abstract(1051) PDF-CN(373)
The Lower Cambrian Yuertusi Formation in the Keping area of the Tarim Basin consists of bedded cherts, black shales and dolostones. Its sedimentary environment was studied based on sequence stratigraphy, lithology, hydrocarbon-forming organisms and geochemical features of outcrops, which provided evidences for the prediction of lithofacies palaeogeography and source rock during the Early Cambrian. The lower bedded cherts and middle black shales formed one third-order sequence SQ1, which was controlled by transgression and upwelling in the Early Cambrian and represented a regressive cycle. The upper thin-middle bedded dolostones of Yuertusi Formation and the lower thick dolostones of Xiaoerbulake Formation formed another third-order sequence SQ2, which represented a transgressive cycle. The sedimentary environment of these two sequences evolved from shallow to deep and then again to shallow shelves. The black shales of SQ1 represented an anoxic sedimentary environment of deep shelf, which was favorable for source rock development.
Reservoir-cap rock assemblage and sedimentary characteristics of Cretaceous-Paleogene in southwestern Tarim Basin
Yue Yong, Xu Qinqi, Fu Heng, Xi Dangpeng
2017, 39(3): 318-326. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201703318
Abstract(1567) PDF-CN(249)
The sedimentary studies of Mesozoic-Cenozoic in the southwestern Tarim Basin indicated that the Early Cretaceous inherited the sedimentary features of the Jurassic, mainly dominated by continental deposits. As the Tethys ocean expanded from the Late Cretaceous to Oligocene, sea water flooded several times to Kashi, Yecheng and Hetian from west to east, forming the West Tarim Bay. Marine facies sedimentation developed from the Upper Cretaceous to the Eocene Wulagen Formation in the southwestern Tarim influenced by large scale transgressions when global sea level rose. After that, continental sedimentation took the leading position from the Eocene to the Oligocene Bashibulake Formation due to global sea level decrease. Sea level changed frequently from the Cretaceous to the Paleogene in the southwestern Tarim, resulting in the preservation of carbonate, gypsum salt and mud rocks of littoral and neritic lagoon facies. There are two sets of reservoir and cap rock assemblages, the one is carbonate rocks in the Upper Cretaceous Yigeziya Formation and gypsum salt rocks in the Paleogene Aertashi Formation, the other is carbonate rocks in the Paleogene Kalataer Formation and dark mudstones in the uplying Wulagen Formation. These two assemblages are important for oil and gas exploration in the southwestern Tarim Basin.
Controlling factors for oil & gas accumulation in well W4, Weixi area, Beibuwan Basin
Liang Shiyou, Ni Chunhua, Zeng Guangdong, Zhou Xiaojin, Chen Jianxin
2017, 39(3): 327-333. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201703327
Abstract(1096) PDF-CN(176)
Recently, SINOPEC obtained high-yield industrial oil and gas flows in the third member of the Oligocene Weizhou Formation in well W4 in Weixi area of the Beibuwan Basin, and achieved a breakthrough in oil and gas exploration in the New Area of the Beibuwan Basin. An oil-source correlation was made and the major factors control-ling oil and gas accumulation were studied based on the test results of crude oil and related drill core samples from well W4 in the Paleogene, combined with new exploration data from the study area and crude oil test results from the adjacent areas. The third member of Weizhou Formation in well W4 is a fault block type oil and gas reservoir, and the crude oil of which came from the mature hydrocarbon source rock of the Liushagang Formation. Hydrocarbon accumulation was controlled by two key factors including the lateral sealing characteristics of faults and cap rock conditions.
Oil and gas source and reservoir characteristics in Fulongquan Subsag, Changling Depression, Songliao Basin
Xu Wen, Li Hao, Chen Yanzhe
2017, 39(3): 334-340. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201703334
Abstract(1751) PDF-CN(130)
Oil and gas genesis and accumulation patterns in different tectonic zones in the Fulongquan Subsag, Changling Depression, Songliao Basin, were determined according to natural gas composition, light hydrocarbon, carbon isotope, biomarker compounds and geologic conditions. The natural gas in the Quantou (K1q) and Denglouku (K1d) formations are mainly coal gas and condensate oil associated gas, mainly sourced from the Lower Cretaceous Shahezi Formation (K1sh) and partially from the Yingcheng (K1yc) and Huoshiling (K1h) formations. There are two reservoir-forming modes:One is the reservoir formation model of secondary oil and gas reservoirs under deep fault control, and has the characteristics of "near source, deep fault transmission and strong reversal adjustment" in the steep slope zone; the other is the lateral migration oil and gas accumulation model in the gentle slope zone. In the Fulongquan area, the oil and gas source conditions and the transport conditions are favorable. The Lower Cretaceous strata include three sets of source rocks and a reticular transport system which consisted of Y-type faults and multiple regional unconformities. The strong tectonic inversion at the end of the Nenjiang Formation formed a large number of inversion structures, which provided a favorable trapping condition. Therefore, the Fulongquan area has some potential for oil and gas exploration.
Pore network changes in opaline siliceous shale during diagenesis
Chen Hongyu, Lu Longfei, Liu Weixin, Shen Baojian, Yu Linjie, Yang Yunfeng
2017, 39(3): 341-347. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201703341
Abstract(1383) PDF-CN(267)
The siliceous shale of the Nenjiang Formation in the Songliao Basin and the Wufeng-Longmaxi formations in the Sichuan Basin were analyzed using X-ray diffraction and N2 isothermal adsorption to study pore network changes during diagenetic evolution. The specific surface area and pore volume of shale with a low evolution degree are much higher than those with a high evolution degree. Pores larger than 2 nm in lower evolved shale mainly concentrated in 2-3 nm and 20-30 nm, while those smaller than 2 nm mainly concentrated in 0.6-0.8 nm, and their pore volume is mainly contributed by 10-30 nm. Pores larger than 2 nm in higher evolved shale mainly concentrated in 2-3 nm, while those smaller than 2 nm mainly concentrated in 0.6-1 nm, and their pore volume is mainly contributed by 2-30 nm. Compared with siliceous shale in the Wufeng-Longmachi formations, nano pores were greatly reduced during diagenesis, and pore volume reduced to 1/3-1/10 of the original. Pores of 2-30 nm are the major contributor to pore volume in the Wufeng-Longmaxi formations, and the next is 30-200 nm, and pores smaller than 2 nm almost disappeared, which indicated that the influence of diagenesis on various size pores is different.
Clastic rock diagenesis and its influence on reservoirs: A case study of Zhenjing area in the Ordos Basin
Liu Changli, Liu Xin, Zhang Lina, Chen Zhenlong, Li Jijun, Wang Weiming, Ma Feng
2017, 39(3): 348-354. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201703348
Abstract(1159) PDF-CN(557)
The diagenetic types and diagenetic sequences of the Yanchang Formation in Zhenjing area of the Ordos Basin were studied based on core observation, casting thin section, scanning electron microscopy and catho-doluminescence. (1) Dissolution pores were not only from feldspar dissolution, but also the secondary dissolution of the feldspar alteration to form zeolite. Microfractures are siliceous microcracks caused by the strong compaction of quartz. The formation of intracrystalline pores and intergranular pores was closely related to the inhibition of compaction by dolomite formed early in diagenesis. (2) Due to the change of diagenetic environment, the early formed chlorite membranes released a large number of iron and magnesium ions, forming leaf-like chlorites during hydrolytic dissolution, which blocked pores. (3) The evolution characteristics of the diagenetic sequence in Zhenjing area reveal that the early carbonate cement has a high degree of self-formation. Chlorite membranes are the products of initial diagenesis, and leaf-like chlorites generated during the secondary diagenesis. Zeolites replaced plagioclases during the early phase, and then, the dissolution of zeolites provided better reservoir space. Feldspar dissolution yielded page-like kaolinites.
Carbonate reservoir controls in the Shiranish Formation of O oil field, Syria
Fu Yupu, Zheng Qiang, Pang Wen, Xia Dongling
2017, 39(3): 355-361. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201703355
Abstract(1600) PDF-CN(187)
The reservoir characteristics and controlling factors of the Cretaceous Shiranish Formation in O oil field in Syria were studied using petrophysical logs, core samples, thin sections, physical properties and mercury penetration data. Two types of reservoir rocks were identified:limestone reservoir developed in bioclastic shoal microfacies and silt-sized crystalline dolomite. They are different in depositional environment, reservoir type, storage space, physical properties and pore structure. Limestone reservoirs with selective texture pores have good pore structure and physical properties controlled by sedimentary facies and multi-phase dissolution. Silt-sized crystalline dolomite with both selective and non-selective pore textures is of medium-high porosity and high permeability controlled by large fault systems and dolomitization.
Geochronology, geochemical properties and tectonic significance of Baergaiti granitoid in western Tianshan Mountain, NW China
Gao Shanlin
2017, 39(3): 362-369. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201703362
The Baergaiti granitoid is located in the Boluohuoluo tectonic belt in the western Tianshan Mountain of the Yili Basin. LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb shows age of 374±7.0 Ma, corresponding to the Late Devonian. Petrogeochemical analyses suggest that the intrusion belong to calc-alkaline metaliferous rocks characterized with high silica, potassium, and alkalinity, low magnesium and titanium. The contents of SiO2, Al2O3, K2O, Na2O range 70.72%-79.12%, 9.87%-14.51%, 4.13%-5.54%, 2.87%-4.35%, respectively. Meanwhile, the REE contents show an obvious rich LREE pattern ((La/Yb)N ranges 7.61-16.31) with negative Eu anomalies. Large ion lithophile elements such as Rb, Th and U are relatively enriched, whereas high strength field elements such as Nb, Ta and Ti are relatively depleted. Geochemical and isotope characteristics show a transition feature of high-K calc-alkaline I-A type granite. The analyses of a regional angular unconformity and sedimentary features suggest that the Baergaiti granitoid was deposited under a post-orogenic intra-continental extensional tectonic setting during the Late Devonian, and formed a complete tectonic evolution cycle coupling with the Carboniferous volcanic-sedimentary strata.
Biomarker characteristics of Jurassic source rocks in Angdarco area in Qiangtang Basin and their significance
Peng Qinghua, Du Baiwei, Xie Shangke, Zheng Bo
2017, 39(3): 370-376. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201703370
Abstract(1335) PDF-CN(146)
The characteristics of biomarkers for three sets of main source rocks in Angdarco area of the Qiangtang Basin were studied, and the significance for sedimentary environment and thermal maturity was discussed, based on the analyses of saturated hydrocarbon chromatogram and mass spectrometry. Thermally mature source rocks from the Lower Jurassic Quse Formation have relatively higher ratios of (C21+C22)/(C28+C29), Ts/Tm, C31 homohopane S/R, and rearranged sterane/regular sterane. The main sources were sapropelic and humic-sapropelic marine organic matter. Source rocks from the Middle Jurassic Buqu Formation were deposited in a reducing environment, and were distinguished from the other two source rocks by relatively lower ratios of Pr/Ph and C19/C23 tricyclic terpane, which indicated sapropelic and humic-sapropelic organic matter inputs, at low mature to mature stage. Source rocks from the Middle Jurassic Xiali Formation were deposited in a marine-terrestrial transitional environment with a lower salinity, presenting humic and sapropelic-humic organic matter inputs, and low thermal maturity.
Geochemical evidence for hydrocarbon accumulation in deep Ordovician in TS3 well block, Tahe oil field
Liu Yongli, Luo Mingxia, Xia Yongtao, Shao Xiaoming
2017, 39(3): 377-382. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201703377
Abstract(1355) PDF-CN(167)
Well TS3 is the first discovery well in the deep Ordovician of Tahe oil field. Commercial oils were tested in the Yingshan Formation of the Middle-Lower Ordovician. The physical characteristics of oils from TS3 well block are similar to those from nearby near-surface reservoirs, which both are super heavy oils with high freezing point, high sulfur content, high wax content and high viscosity. The n-alkane series are complete with a variable hump in the chromatographic baselines and widespread 25-norhopane series. The carbon isotopes of saturate hydrocarbons and asphaltenes are partly reversed. These features indicate that the reservoirs in TS3 well block underwent at least 2 periods of hydrocarbon filling and forming. In addition, oil inclusions with yellow, yellow-green and blue fluorescence and gas inclusions were tested in calcites of the Yingshan Formation reservoir. The homogenization temperature of inclusions suggests three periods of hydrocarbon filling:Late Caledonian-Early Hercynian, Late Hercynian and Late Himalayan. Combined with physical properties (super heavy oils) and maturity (mature oils) of the present oils, the first period of oil and gas filling was dominant in the TS3 well block.
Geochemical characteristics and oil-source correlation of Paleogene oils in Qingdong Sag, Bohai Bay Basin
Ge Haixia, Zhang Zhihuan, Min Wei
2017, 39(3): 383-389. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201703383
Abstract(1110) PDF-CN(252)
Biodegraded oils have been discovered in the Qingdong Sag, Jiyang Depression, Bohai Bay Basin. On the basis of the geochemical characteristics of source rocks and crude oils, the less affected C29 hopane, is chosen to calculate biomarker parameters, including β-carotane/(2×C29hopanes), gammacerane/(2×C29hopanes). The tricyclic terpane parameters (2×C24tetracyclic terpane)/(C26 tricyclic terpanes), (2×C19)/(C28+C29) tricyclic terpanes and chrysene/phenanthrene, combined with 4-methylsteranes and carbon isotopes. Crude oils in the Qingdong Sag were divided into 4 types (Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ, Ⅳ), while source rocks were divided into 3 types (A, B1, B2). Crude oils of type I derived from mature source rocks (type A) in the lower part of the third member of Shahejie Formation in the northern part of the sag. Crude oils of type Ⅱ were sourced from rocks (type B2) in the upper part of the fourth member of Shahejie Formation in the southern part of the sag. Crude oils of type Ⅲ were derived from type B1 source rocks in the upper part of the fourth member of Shahejie Formation in the central and northern parts of the sag. Crude oils of type Ⅳ were sourced from rocks in the upper part of the fourth member of Shahejie Formation in the Qingnan Sag. Oils in well QD-8 partially originated from source rocks in the southern part of the Qingdong Sag.
Reservoir management using system dynamics method
Fan Zhihui, Li Yang
2017, 39(3): 390-396. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201703390
Reservoir management is an important way to improve the development efficiency of an oil field. Reservoir management is also considered as system engineering. This paper introduces a method of system dyna-mics in system engineering of reservoir management. Regarding reservoir management as a system, system analysis and system structure research were carried out. The reservoir management system was divided into four subsystems, as reservoir resources, production, technology, and management organization. This paper focused on the interaction mechanism of the reservoir resources and production subsystems. A system dynamics simulation model of production resource system was established. Actual data collected from the SL oil field were input into the simulation model to study the relationship between recovery, investment of exploration and development, new found proven geological reserves, production, and a balanced ratio of reserve-production. Recommendations on how to improve reservoir management, determine reasonable oil production and reserves were brought forward. Reasonable crude oil production target is a key factor, the proportion of investment and development should be optimized, and oil recovery must be focused on.
Method and application for identifying TOC threshold of hydrocarbon-expelling source rocks
Gao Gang, Yang Shangru, Chen Guo, Hu Dandan, Zhao Ke
2017, 39(3): 397-401. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201703397
Abstract(1096) PDF-CN(252)
Considering the fact that hydrocarbon-expelling source rocks are difficult to identify in oil and gas geology, a method to distinguish hydrocarbon-expelling source rocks was proposed using the conventional TOC and pyrolysis analysis parameters (Rock-Eval). This method is used to identify the TOC threshold, based on hydrocarbon-generation amount parameters [IHC=S1/w(TOC)] and [w(A)/w(TOC)]. Only when TOC content is higher than the threshold, can the source rock be regarded as hydrocarbon-expelling source rock. This method was applied to the source rocks in the Permian Lucaogou Formation in the Junggar and Santanghu basins, the Cretaceous Xiagou Formation in the Ying'er and Qingxi sags in the Jiuquan Basin, and the Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation Chang-7 member in the Ordos Basin. The discriminant results are useful, but it requires source rocks with similar organic matter type and maturity. The parameters represent liquid hydrocarbon amount. Gaseous hydrocarbons are lost easily, and as a result, the method is more effective for oil source rock.
Visual contact characteristics and characterization of the CO2 and n-pentane/crude oil interface
Zhang Xing, Wang Zhenzhen, Wang Shuai, Li Fang, Liu Hongxian
2017, 39(3): 402-408. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201703402
Abstract(1047) PDF-CN(108)
CO2 miscible flooding is complex, including mass transfer, convection, phase transition and other issues. Some mechanisms are not clear and need in-depth study. The static characteristics of n-pentane or crude oil and CO2 in different phases were studied by using a CO2 miscible flooding visual device under different experimental pressures. CO2 and n-pentane or crude oil show different contact characteristics under different pressures. The relationship between n-pentane or crude oil relative height and time is a power function, and the curve at low pressure can also be approximately linear. The dissolution swelling rate of CO2 vs. n-pentane or crude oil under different pressure conditions shows a decreasing trend with time, and the curves are negative logarithmic. The factors influencing the relative height of n-pentane or crude oil and the dissolution swelling rate of CO2 vs. n-pentane or crude oil are mainly pressure and fluid properties.
Physical simulation of Cenozoic tectonic deformation in the Lower Yangtze region and its main controlling factors
Xu Nan, Xu Xi, Zhou Bo, Mei Fuding, Gao Shunli, Wang Xingjian
2017, 39(3): 409-416. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201703409
Abstract(1018) PDF-CN(149)
The Cenozoic extensional tectonic deformation is an important window for the study of Cenozoic tectonic dynamics in East China. We evaluated four main controlling factors and designed seven sets of physical simulations to study the deformation mechanism of the Cenozoic structure in the Lower Yangtze region. The deformation process of the Lower Yangtze region during Cenozoic was simulated with different controlling factors. Stress angle and boundary position are the main factors controlling tectonic deformation. In the paralleled-experiments, the tectonic deformation of the Tan-Lu fault and the Lower Yangtze region and its surrounding blocks showed significant variations in boundary compression. In the paralleled-experiments of block thickness, deformation and displacement were similar, but there are significant differences in uplift characteristics and extrusion effects between east and west boundaries. With smaller angle between stress and model boundary, the Tan-Lu fault presented obvious dextral movement. In the simulation with optimal controlling factors, the extensional tectonics of the Lower Yangtze block and the dextral movement of the Tan-Lu fault formed a tectonic system with dextral strike-slip and lateral extension.
Maturity determination of hydrocarbon source rocks in Xihu Sag: Evidence from fluorescence alteration of multiple macerals
Zhang Jun
2017, 39(3): 417-422. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201703417
Abstract(1355) PDF-CN(192)
Vitrinite reflectance is one of the main indexes to determine the thermal maturity of hydrocarbon source rocks. Previous results indicated that vitrinite reflectance (Ro) is not only controlled by thermal maturity, but also affected by the type of organic matter of source rock. The hydrogen content of vitrinite controls the level of vitrinite reflectance suppression and influences Ro accuracy. The fluorescence alteration of multiple macerals (FAMM) can solve vitrinite reflectance suppression effectively. The thermal maturity of 10 source rock samples from the Pinghu Formation in the Xihu Sag of East China Sea Basin were analyzed by means of FAMM and vitrinite reflectance. Results showed that the vitrinite reflectance of hydrocarbon source rocks from the Pinghu Formation were suppressed to some degree and the suppression corrected value varies from 0.01% to 0.25%. For well TWT1 the present thermal maturity of source rocks from the Pinghu Formation was determined as 0.90%-1.41%Ro by FAMM, but 0.77%-1.21%Ro by vitrinite reflectance analyses. The study helps evaluate hydrocarbon potential in the Pinghu Formation.
Gold tube pyrolysis study of source rock hydrocarbon generation in Bozhong area, offshore Bohai Bay Basin
Wang Jun, Wang Qingbin, Wang Feilong, Liu Xiaojian, Pan Wenjing
2017, 39(3): 423-430. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201703423
Abstract(1448) PDF-CN(211)
Sealed gold tube pyrolysis was carried out for 3 source rock samples from the third (E2s3) and first (E3s1) members of Shahejie Formation, and the third (E3d3) member of Dongying Formation in the Shanan Sag, and 2 source rock samples from the E2s3 in the Qinnan Sag in Bozhong area. These samples are lacustrine shale with a high organic matter content and low maturity, and contain type I kerogen. Minerals in the source rock samples are mainly clay minerals and contain a significant amount of calcite, quartz and feldspar. The gold tube pyrolysis experiments focus on liquid hydrocarbon generation. The mean hydrocarbon generation kinetics of E2s3, E3s1 and E3d3 source rock samples range between 219 and 222 kJ/mol, and the kinetics of all samples have a concentrated distribution. Samples from same sag but different intervals, and samples from different sags but same interval have no significant difference, but the samples with a relatively low content of clay minerals and a high content of calcite have a relatively higher mean hydrocarbon activation energy. Carbon isotopes of C14+ liquid products during peak hydrocarbon generation can be 11.3% heavier than extracts from unpyrolyzed samples, and oil-source correlation with extracts from low maturity source rocks must consider this. TOC loss of residual solids can reach up to 48%. It is necessary to restore organic matter abundance and kerogen type when evaluating high maturity source rocks with a high organic abundance and favorable organic type.
Reasonableness assessment of SEC (Secucrities and Exchange Commission) reserves
Huang Xuebin
2017, 39(3): 431-436. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201703431
Abstract(1384) PDF-CN(134)
Result certainty is very important for SEC reserve estimation. A useful method to check the reasonableness of SEC petroleum proven reserve estimation was proposed, based on the uncertainty degree of reserve estimation, through establishing the relationship between estimated decline rate and natural or composite decline rate. The method utilized the comparison of real production data and decline rate with reserve estimation from multi-angles. The evaluation method is effective in practical examination, and is useful for reserve appraisers to improve reserve estimation results.
Yang Jianchao, Fang Chengming
2017, 39(3): 437-437.