Wang Jun, Wang Qingbin, Wang Feilong, Liu Xiaojian, Pan Wenjing. Gold tube pyrolysis study of source rock hydrocarbon generation in Bozhong area, offshore Bohai Bay Basin[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2017, 39(3): 423-430. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201703423
Citation: Wang Jun, Wang Qingbin, Wang Feilong, Liu Xiaojian, Pan Wenjing. Gold tube pyrolysis study of source rock hydrocarbon generation in Bozhong area, offshore Bohai Bay Basin[J]. PETROLEUM GEOLOGY & EXPERIMENT, 2017, 39(3): 423-430. doi: 10.11781/sysydz201703423

Gold tube pyrolysis study of source rock hydrocarbon generation in Bozhong area, offshore Bohai Bay Basin

doi: 10.11781/sysydz201703423
  • Received Date: 2016-10-17
  • Rev Recd Date: 2017-03-13
  • Publish Date: 2017-05-28
  • Sealed gold tube pyrolysis was carried out for 3 source rock samples from the third (E2s3) and first (E3s1) members of Shahejie Formation, and the third (E3d3) member of Dongying Formation in the Shanan Sag, and 2 source rock samples from the E2s3 in the Qinnan Sag in Bozhong area. These samples are lacustrine shale with a high organic matter content and low maturity, and contain type I kerogen. Minerals in the source rock samples are mainly clay minerals and contain a significant amount of calcite, quartz and feldspar. The gold tube pyrolysis experiments focus on liquid hydrocarbon generation. The mean hydrocarbon generation kinetics of E2s3, E3s1 and E3d3 source rock samples range between 219 and 222 kJ/mol, and the kinetics of all samples have a concentrated distribution. Samples from same sag but different intervals, and samples from different sags but same interval have no significant difference, but the samples with a relatively low content of clay minerals and a high content of calcite have a relatively higher mean hydrocarbon activation energy. Carbon isotopes of C14+ liquid products during peak hydrocarbon generation can be 11.3% heavier than extracts from unpyrolyzed samples, and oil-source correlation with extracts from low maturity source rocks must consider this. TOC loss of residual solids can reach up to 48%. It is necessary to restore organic matter abundance and kerogen type when evaluating high maturity source rocks with a high organic abundance and favorable organic type.


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